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Adam Lambert Quote of the Day!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, March 17, 2010

“I never thought of myself as sexy. I’m just having fun, and I guess people find it sexy.”

-Adam Lambert says on the Japanese talk show Sukkiri


Anonymous said...

Adam you are the Sexiest Man Ever to walk this planet!!!
we are having so much Fun watching you
keep doing what your doing cause we can't get enuff
love you to pieces

Anonymous said...

Mr Sexy Eyes
they ooooze Sex

Anonymous said...

Oh, Adam You're killin' me.

If not you, then WHOOOOOOOOO ??
Love you BB xoxoxxoxoxo


Anonymous said...

Oh there is nothing more attractive than a man who does not realize how truly hot he is. It is even more of a turn on than the cocky attitude type. Love you Adam and you keep us married girls faithful by tuning in and getting our jollies watching you. Thank you Adam.

Anonymous said...

Gee, Adam, you mean your gorgeous eyes, perfectly straight nose, beautiful face, luscious lips, freckles (although you try to hide them), suckable neck and shoulders, thick hair to run ones fingers through, thin lean torso, looooong lean legs, the glambulge, and as we discovered at MG, the glambutt, NOT TO MENTION YOUR VOICE AND THE SEXY MOVES ON STAGE....... you did not know are sexy. K.............I need a cold shower now.

Anonymous said...

Really, Adam, you are such a tease. And THAT itself is sexy!!!

Anonymous said...

If you don't think you're sexy, I sure as Hell want to know what your idea of sexy is. Women love foreplay. You have kept us wanting more since the beginning. You say you have never been with a woman. Honey, you have no idea how many women have been with you! If only in their dreams.......


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I thought the Sleepwalker look on Leno was perfect, edgy, and different without being bizarre. Hope he doesn't get carried away.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:55 - your description of 'Sexy Adam' is perfect!

Anonymous said...

ANON 7:55 I need a cold shower after reading your post. THUD >--->-o

Anonymous said...

I remember Adam saying "sexy is sexy" whether it be a man or a woman.

Anonymous said...

sexy should be his first name is all over that man!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, you liar. I read the RS interview.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a beautiful chameleon. He can adapt to any situation depending on the people he is there to impress. And he does leave an impression! There is no way to remain unaffected by his life force. People that allow their imagination to be free really "get" him. I have really come to some conclusions about some people that have been in my life for many years and realized that I never really knew what they were about. Sometimes I realized that I really didn't like them as much as I thought I did because of their attitude toward this beautiful otherworldly man. He evokes people to show their true colors while he is showing his. I have personally witnessed the fact that he can distinguish humanity from hate, can change hate into humanity, and can enhance a present sense of humanity for those willing to open their hearts and minds to leave their own comfort zones. He challenges people to look in the mirror with new eyes and ask themselves "Why?". Sometimes they ask themselves "Why not?". When they realize the answers they have always supported, because that is all they have ever known, do not hold water, they begin to question how real those answers were in the first place.

Sexiness can be overt or subtle, demanding or imploring, brazen or surrendering, displayed or mysterious, aggressive or timid. The key is knowing when to be either of those things given certain circumstances. To be intuitive enough to know what someone wants and needs before they know it themselves is a sexy gift. Adam's voice has a base frequency that evokes such visceral emotions in people, it re-electrifies every cell in their bodies. I don't necessarily believe in reincarnation, but if it exists, Adam certainly has a very old soul. Maybe it's just that he has developed the ability to reach down deeper in himself than a lot of people. Whatever it is, he has touched me without "touching" me. A lot of people in my life have "touched" me without touching me. THAT is what I call sexy.


Anonymous said...

all you have to do is look in the mirror!, i just adore you , even the weird stuff, i never thought i would but, as stated you have that ability to make people see other things , and honey i am one of those women that has had you many many times !!!! lol lol even my 72 yr old mother thinks your hot ! so cut it out you sexy man!!!! love ya always