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More Videos of Adam Lambert Bowling in London!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, March 29, 2010

Posted at : Monday, March 29, 2010


Anonymous said...

aah its so nice to see Adam relaxing and enjoying himself
and looking so damn sexy

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure just how much bowling Adam actually did but it was fun to see him there and relaxed.

Anonymous said...

Oh adam, I always tear my right thumbnail when I go for a bowl too.

Why do you always make the people around you look so ordinary? You brilliant thing you.

Anonymous said...

The blurriest picture of him is better than the sharpest of anyone else.

Anonymous said...

Adam you look great as usual, but were you surprised when they took you bowling? If that was me, I probably would have gone with the ball, and made a complete fool of myself lol. But, you as usual were the star, and so polite and handsome , nobody cared how you bowled.

Anonymous said...

I just hope he had fun.

Anonymous said...

Okay....I have fantasized a lot about Adam, but I must admit I never pictured him in a bowling alley my head spins with ideas of touching his hand when the ball comes back to him.....getting him a drink so he wouldn't be parched....getting out my nail clippers and making that thumb nail all better....hiding in one of the many dark corners of all bowling alleys and gently kissing him and assuring him that the next game will be better.....I think I will ask my husband if we can go bowling tonight!!!!! are adorable. I would love to know what it was the girl showed you on her phone that made you**......miss you BB....please twitter again soon.

Anonymous said...

You women with husbands and boyfriends are so lucky. What to do with all these pent up fantasies of bowling alleys, chipped nails, and dark corners? Go insane!!