Tampa Bay Rays add Adam Lambert to concert series
Filed Under (article,news ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Posted at : Wednesday, March 31, 2010
That's right: American Idol's controversial "Glambert" was one of three acts added to the Rays Summer Concert Series on Wednesday.
Lambert, with Michael Jackson's guitar whiz Orianthi, will bust out the guyliner Sept. 18 after the Rays take on the Los Angeles Angels. The caterwauling rocker stirred up controversy post-Idol after indulging in some same-sex shenanigans on a televised awards show. Rest assured, he'll be much more family-friendly at this gig.
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Family friendly? That person who wrote that article needs to be fired for being such a homophobic jerk and bigot.
in any case, i'm glad Adam is fully book this year!
Isn't he supposed to be on his concert tour this summer? Guess he'll be making a stop for this occasion. Anyone who has followed Adam's career knows that he is 'appropriate' to the audience he is performing for. OF COURSE, he will be 'family friendly' for this performance. Once again, it is the media going for the shock value. 'Tis sad ...
Just read the article source from Tampa Bay.com. TRASHIER?!! That's terrible!!! His management should cancel his appearance just based on how they wrote it up! Just awful.
let's all vote for adam vh1 top 20 countdown, fill boxes 1 & 2!!
come on guys lighten up! maybe it was a good idea they wrote it since some people/parents might have bitched about him being at such an event. if someone isn't interested in Adam all they know about him is the controversy. that's how it is here in Poland too. people only know he wears glambulge and kisses dudes. these kind of people need to be informed that Adam is normal.
Wow!! Right for the jugular!!! What a shame!!! I thought this kind of response to Adam had softened by now, since he has worked so hard to redeem himself to whomever he might need to.
What really makes it obvious that this "reporter?" does not like Adam is the word "caterwauling" - There are people who don't like Adam's singing but this is just plain mean spirited!!! Another opportunity for Adam to prove himself, I guess.
Forgot to mention a really positive note to this article. Orianthi is opening for Adam!!! She is really a great performer and guitar player!. She will draw a lot of people on her own. This means, between the 2 of them, they should draw a large crowd! Think positve all!!!
I am in tampabay area and sooo happy Adam is coming. Love the rays. They are always draw huge crowd and Adam will fill up the place. I am sooo excited!!
I will get to see him twice this summer. I am sooo happy.
Remember to put your blinds on for Adam. Only love and light.
Let's not waist our energy on the negative. There is just too much of it out there. Use your energy to boost Adams carreer Buy his music and share it with your friends and family. One person at a time.
Just sent an email to the author of the article stating my reaction to his snarky comments. Couldn't let that one go. Not nice. It IS good that Adam has this gig tho. Hopefully someday soon those types of comments will be a thing of the past, once more people are familiar with his music and great performances. Go Adam!
the person who wrote the above article is a moron, what a way of writing about adam. i don't get it why so many journalists still trying to sensationalized AMA performance, it was history guys!
to anon 2:59 i could have sent the same email to this person but no email address.
To anon 3:19
Just click on "Source" at the end of the article. It will take you to the full article and gives the email of the author. I never have done that before but that was just too much. I was "nice" but let him know what I thought about his choice of words, lack of respect, probable lack of knowledge, and potential for backlash regarding Adam's upcoming performance. Just SO tired of hearing the same old ......stuff! I know we have to focus on the positives (and there are so many regarding Adam) but as a fan I feel I need to stand up for him once in awhile! Have seen two of his fantastic live performances and will be attending one in Vancouver soon. Does it get any better than that???
I agree with you, above. I am in the tampa bay area too. I will send this Moron an email and WILL call him tomorrow. Enogh is enough.
But if you scroll way down to the article, it did say that if you want to see Adam Lambert or Train, YOU HAVE TO BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW!!!!
So this piece of Ass is jelouse. Keep supporting Adam and PLease spread the word to your frieds and family that love the ray to make sure to go to this game. SEPTEMBER 18. Got our 5 tickets, we are all going. My husband is excited too.
The author of this article is "Sean Daly, Times Pop Music Critic." As far as I am concerned, he must never have listened to Adam. He is only credible when critiquing laughing hyenas.
Have any of you heard Adam sing "the prayer". It's on you tube. Every time I hear it, it almost makes me cry. The fact that they asked for Adam makes me think that this is a big opportunity for him. I am a great fan, and don't laugh I am a 72 year old lady. I have his album and I play it every day. We will see him being asked to sing at a lot of functions in the coming years. Yes he will have to keep it family oriented a lot of kids do come to these functions and old kids, like me. I was actually disapointed in the AMA performance, It wasn't the right time or place to mess up.
Totally insensitive, don't understand the mentality,I'm Canadian and when I watch American TV and see all their crap,Adam is a pussy cat,
Lov Adam to pieces and hate that he has to endure so much flack for being himself.I hope his management are looking out for his best interest.
Got on the site just to post my opinion of this aweful article. Thought I'd share cause I'm kinda proud of it as my disgust put me on a roll.
"Adam Lambert has more class and talent in his pinky toe than the idiots that are constantly putting him down for being man enough to accept who he is and everybody else be damned. Yes, I said man enough. A "man" isn't afraid of who he is or of anyone trying to make it their business. The so-called journalist who wrote this article is unprofessional and an embarrassment to the media. Caterwauling and shrieking? Open your ears to beauty. What's "trashy" is the way Adam's own country is treating him, when there's a firestorm of love and acceptance everywhere else he goes. Get over the AMA's and get a life. He hurt no one. If he threatens your fragile manhood with his lifestyle, then you are very insecure. To all you gay-bashers on this site and elsewhere, try evolving and stop dragging your knuckles. Stop calling so much attention to your own ignorance. How can anyone with functional ears and discriminating eyes not see how wonderful and beautiful a person he is? Don't hate, spread joy!"
If you have not yet read the entire article, do so. It will turn your stomach like the "news of the world" article does. I don't understand why people find it acceptable to be so rude and hateful. If ya'll agree with me on the above, get on the site and let the love outweigh the hate for Adam's sake and the sake of others.
To 24/7, I, for one, am thankful for your putting the negative stuff on here as well. It gets me out of the "bubble of love" we've created for outselves here. Stuff like this reminds us that there is still a lot of work to be done. Not trying to be an activist or anything, just still can't believe what I read elsewhere sometimes. It hurts my heart that there are still people who are so consumed with hate and their own insecurity that they have to tear down others to build themselves up. What a shame! I would have pity for them if I weren't so sad and angry. What losers!
To justpeachy, I too appreciate hearing the negative things here sometimes too, as disheartening as it can be. We who love Adam for who he is and his ability to "turn the other cheek", among other things, sometimes need to get out of our comfort zones and speak up for him. I can usually just ignore most of the garbage that I read, published by those who are using his name or image to sell papers or whatever, but for some reason this one really got to me. So absolutely ignorant and nasty. That's why I sent the writer of the article an email (at 3:44) stating my reasons for objecting to his snarky remarks directed at Adam. Who knows if he'll actually READ it, once he sees the subject, but at least I've had my say. As a wise person once said "If you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem". The guy probably couldn't care less what I think, but at least I feel a little better! Adam Lambert gives us so much of himself and I'm happy to try to give just a little tiny bit back.
Don't worry about this guy. He is a twerp who probably only makes $30k a year to writes a dumb column! He thinks he's a hot shot by putting down successful and talented Adam. But he doesn't realize that his insecurity is coming thru in that piece (of trash). It's well known in psychology that people who trash others are insecure and doubt their own validity.
That is why Adam never has to put down other people. He is secure in the fact that he matters, he is talented and he is so incredibly valid!
You are so right 6:18! Just checked the site and love and joy is overwhelmingly in Adam's favor. There may be a little hope left in the world for humankind after all;)
After reading Sean Daly's article I felt compelled to send him an email to tell him what a narrow-minded bigot he was and question how he got the title of music critic. Also said a few other things, as the man is undoubtedly a jerk.
On the positive side, sounds like a great gig for Adam and having Orianthi open for him is incredible. Way to go Adam!!
I called the paper and they said they have had no phone calls but mine. Ya'll call them and complain. I also told them to read the comments to see what a firestorm Daly has started. Yes, a great gig, but forshadowed by this negativity.
I just checked the 'source article' tampabay.com to review the comments and ... all the comments have been taken down. Also, where it says 'click here to leave a comment' - it won't let you. Interesting .....
To justpeachy and others! I echo your sentiment about wanting the good and the bad. One of the things that attracted me to Adam is that he and I appear to share the same progressive values—I didn’t even watch last season of Idol but when I heard about Adam’s situation I looked him up on youtube and was floored. Many of these negative “critiques” of Adam’s ability are not based on his vocal talent or musical style— but are rooted in discrimination and homophobia. And although Adam wants to sell records he has never backed off on his personal feelings about his sexuality and equality. It’s his thing. It’s my thing. Here’s the email of that smartass sdaly@sptimes.com.
Just got off the phone with Mr. Wilson, ("everybody's boss") at St. Pete Times. He was very nice and said he was going to read back over the article. He has disabled comments on the article due to people getting on there and using inflamatory words and telling bad jokes. He said he doesn't pay Mr. Daly to agree with anyone as a music ctitic and he is entitled to his opinion. I pointed out that it has definitely insited people to make rude comments and he was very definitely slanted in a homophobic direction. His adjectives he used were just plain rude. He said he felt it was unfortunate that people used the article as a platform to bash, that he thought Adam was a good singer and that he was rooting for him on Idol. So, it's just Daly that needs a heart transplant, not the paper in general. I guess some people will just never "get" it.
Good for you, justpeachy!!! Great follow thru! And great that you pointed out that Daly's comments were in no way a music critique but, as you said, rude and homophobic. Good job! Way to defend Adam!
Wow justpeachy, way to go. Glad Adam has you on his side. I read this article this morning but had to get ready for work, I figured I would do something about it when I got home, but you did better than what I would have done. As you can see I'm not very good with putting my feelings on paper. Thank you for your fortitude and follow through on this article.
Ditto thanks justpeachy. Just to follow up on a couple of previous posts of mine (including March 31, at 3:44pm) I was quite surprised to just discover that although the comments section for the article above was taken down by the paper (not 100% sure how I feel about that, although very glad the really ugly stuff is no longer there) Mr Daly has posted some of the email he received in response to his article and was happy to see my email to him was included. There are three or four and mine is currently the one at the bottom, the rather long one. Guessing perhaps some of you may also see your email there. We all said what we had to say in our own way, some maybe a little more to the point, if you you get my drift! If any of you are interested in reading these, all in defense of Adam , go to the Source above, then go to Blogs, then click on Pop Life. It is the 2nd item on the page. Can't miss it, directly under a picture of Adam kissing Tommy (are we surprised he used THIS picture?) Who knows if this will have any lasting impact on the man (Mr. Daly), but it doesn't hurt to try. After the great reception in other parts of the world for Adam, its time we as a country start to show him the respect for his talent that he deserves.
Thank you everyone for what you've said. And thanks to Anon 12:21 for the Blog info. Just went there and unfortunately discovered that there are people commenting on the blogs. Once again, hate has found a place to breathe and I think that's why Mr. Daly blogged his emails about his article. He knew that the same ignorant asses would be there to prove to the world that the bigots are alive and well and talking trash. He even titled it "Hate mail". What he doesn't get is that we don't really hate HIM (as we know he is unenlightened), we just don't like what he stands for. What's really funny is that we will have the last laugh when the entire world falls in love with our Beautiful Chameleon. Somebody even had the nerve to say none of us fans would even know who Adam Lambert is in a year's time. Truthfully, I can't remember a time NOT knowing who he is. Since our posts were taken down off the original article, I think it only fair to tip the scale back toward love and joy by reposting our thoughts on the blog comments. See you there! ;)
To justpeachy
(From above at 12:21am) just read your post and went to the blog. Yep, they're back,crawled out of their little dark caves again, not surprised of course. Really great commentary by you in the blog, so well stated. Those haters will undoubtedly continue to say what they will, but its important for those who love Adam for who he is to keep standing up for him. Most of the time it makes sense to just ignore the idiots, but in this case the original article seemed to be about announcing the concert after the game but really became a vehicle for Adam-bashing in the guise of humor. In the context of a gossip rag, I could expect that, but not in the case of a newspaper article reporting a news item. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and all, but so many people ( and some of the blog commenters) are just so cynical and nasty. Must be pretty sad to go through life with that kind of attitude. If only more of us humans had Adam's positive outlook on life. Thanks again. Moving forward in Peace and Light.
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