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Adam Lambert out in LA

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, April 9, 2010

Posted at : Friday, April 09, 2010

These pictures were taken in LA before Adam left for Vancouver.


Anonymous said...

These pictures are actually from Hollywood, taken April 5th before he left for Vancouver.

Anonymous said...

Did not know Adam was a runner. He makes it sound like her never works out! Maybe he just started?

Anonymous said...

Can someone tell me where Adam lives in? Which part of LA? Beverly Hills?

Anonymous said...

First time seeing Adam's jogging pictures. It's strange.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OMG he already drives a mustang???

Anonymous said...

How much does his face look like Elvis in the first shot...anyone else see that?

Anonymous said...

i so adore this man..but i hope his hair grows so that its longer on idol..its too short and high.

Anonymous said...

oooh, poor guy. he did say he put on a little weight during that promo tour. he's still the beautiful man on earth in my opinion:) but if he really wants to kick off some fat then I wish him the will power he always says he lacks in interviews.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:03

I recall him being really tough on himself in interviews. Esp on the one posted here from the tour wear the two guys strip down to their boxers and Adam was like "you are built like me you need to do this or that";( He looks great!! Running is such a pain,tho. He might be happier weight training and you really can eat sooo much more. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Yes, he does look like Elvis esp. in the first picture. Poor guy: "Paparazzi, leave Adam/Elvis, our prince, alone!" --Wishing he could have some privacy, instead of being stalked everywhere he goes and everything he does. I don't like when others nit-pick about his hair. I like that he is individual enough and expressive enough to wear his hair as he likes: short or long even (although long is my favorite, I think...) but I like all the ways in which he wears his hair. It doesn't really matter as long as he still possesses the gorgeous voice and face, lips, eyes, (glambulge ;) ... I LOVE HIS HAIR EVERY WAY HE HAS IT. HE IS ALWAYS A BEAUTY, UNCONDITIONALLY! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but it just seems like these pictures are an invasion of privacy.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 2:06, but that's the cost of celebrity. Adam did put on weight, and yes, he does look like Elvis--only better looking :-)

Anonymous said...

adam said on one interview,he is not good in working out (maybe he meant GYM)but he watched his diet. when you are travelling it is impossible to maintain your diet and adam did put on a bit. jogging is the best way to loose weight that's way he is doing it. i just hope the paparazi leave him alone at least when he wants to do something for himself.

Anonymous said...

omg i was actually thinking about what adam looks like when jogging the other day. so that means this is all my fault! sorry guys! but hmm... lets observe. First time ive seen adam in white socks...and socks that look like my dads...interesting...they make him look like he has old man legs...

Anonymous said...

Yes, an invasion of privacy. However, doesn't it just make him more real and down to Earth. It proves that he hasn't let celebrity go to his head. He could probably have an entourage doing all the things he is doing in these pics, but to see him pumping his own gas just makes him that much more adorable. Wouldn't anyone on here just pee on themselves if you pulled up to the gas pump and saw Adam? That would be embarrassing;/

Oh, and to the person who said Adam was running away from them, it was only because he was running toward me! (LOL! Fantasyland)


Anonymous said...

He sure does look like Elvis in those jogging pictures. Adam is in no way fat! Even jogging he looks sexy, and I like to see the pics,but I hope he will be able to maintain some privacy. I am sure he will.

Anonymous said...

It's always amazing that people have to mention weight, like he doesn't know. He is WAY ahead ya'll - mentioned it on Twitter on his way back to USA. ".....a few grams heavier". So DUH!! And the Mustang, given to him from American Idol. Sexy car, sexy man .... brrrrrrrrmm!!

Anonymous said...

I do deplore the invasion of privacy, but I do love the fact that the paps realise he has enough celebrity to warrant their time!
And Adam always says he realises it's the cost of being famous.

BTW, I think the socks and sneakers make him look like he has little boy legs.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ok, so I HATE that Adam can't have enough privacy to jog, get some gas and coffee. Poor guy even has to jog with a hood on! At least he is still doing these things himself which keeps him so down to earth. Yes, I would die if he pulled up at the same gas station as me, but as he said, he really loves it when people remain normal and real around him. We forget to do that around celebrities.

As we ALL know, even though we don't necessarily see any weight put on, we all know when those pants are just a little more snug and good for him for jumping on the exercise so quickly. He obviously cares about himself which is part of why we all love him so much. Adam you look great! Love the longer hairstyle! I would love to see that same hairstyle in the Time For Miracles video!!!