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Adam Lambert spills about Ke$ha, dating and being a gay icon

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, April 15, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, April 15, 2010

Jesse recently caught up with Adam Lambert in BC before his sold-out concert and the popstar revealed how he feels about being an out gay icon in the music industry and the pressure that comes with being a role model. Lambert also gushes about his kiss with Ke$ha, and how American Idol has effected his career. Check out the interview below:



Anonymous said...

oh no these videos are not loadng????

Anonymous said...

check this out AdamLambert Obsess'n The Return of the King:

Anonymous said...

Adam - I will thrust myself at you, if that's what you're looking for! ;)

Anonymous said...

i cant hear the videos!? someone help!!!

Anonymous said...

i had that problem then my finally loaded:)