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Norman Gentile dressed as Adam Lambert on Wendy Williams' show

Filed Under () by Admin on Thursday, April 15, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, April 15, 2010

Credit: OkieMeterMaid


Anonymous said...

OMG this show looks so terrible.. But well more recognition to Adam..

Anonymous said...

I think Norman has found his performing niche.

Anonymous said...

OMG - what a couple of freaks!! Who the hell is Wendy Williams? Did she used to be a man?? Seriously.

Anonymous said...

with you on that one(10:29),NUTS

Anonymous said...

Wendy Williams has a fun and funny upbeat tv show. Check it out before casting stones please.

Anonymous said...

OMg a real sucky show !!

Adam wouldn't laugh at this

Anonymous said...

Anytime anyone has positive things to say about Adam and how talented and nice he is, that cant be bad. Glad for any positive comments that may bring him more fans. funbunn40