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Adam Lambert talks religion!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, April 4, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, April 04, 2010

Adam just had a really friendly religion talk with some of his fans! Even though Adam himself is not religious, he wishes everyone who are celebrating Easter or Passover a grand day!

"Thanks for the wishes, but I don't celebrate Easter friends. I'm not Christian. :) I haven't celebrated Passover in over ten years either. I'm Jew ISH by blood not by practice. I'm not religious. More spiritual. Now u know. I DO believe in a higher power. But just b/c I don't celebrate it: I'd like to wish those who do a beautiful Easter or Passover. Hope your day is grand!! Woops. I just opened A very sensitive can of worms. Haha Our diversity is what makes us beautiful. Happy Spring. :)"

Then Adam jokes that Halloween is a 'gayish' holiday when a fan asked whether there is a 'gayish' holiday.


Anonymous said...

I love you ADAM LAMBERT you say it just the way it is! A higher power is my belief, from somewhere in the universe. You sure tackle some
tough subjects and I admire your total honesty,
it is so refreshing! Your always such an inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Happy Everyday!, Adam ♥

Anonymous said...

Happiness is Adam Lambert!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam, one thing I can certainly say about you. You have massive huevos!!! And I'm not just talking about the glambulge. Good for you to address ALL issues with honesty. Totally in your camp. You are such a joy.

Anonymous said...

How many times does Adam have to address the Jewish/Christianity issue???? He has talked about this so many times in interviews, stating that he has received crosses and other icons of the Christian faith, but these mean nothing to him with his Jewish backgound. "HAppy Easter" means nothing to Adam. DUH ???? Who are you people who are sending him these greetings? If you are true fans, you should know better, and he should not have to waste his time to respond, IMO. Elizabeth from Canada

Anonymous said...

Adam went through this same explanation at Christmas. I guess some people just live under a rock. Hope it does not piss him off....

Anonymous said...

love adam lambert very much; hes such a unique human being. hes handsome. hes mix breed father side european;scandenavian-norway-uk? and jewesh mom. very unique beauty love you adma lambert.

Anonymous said...

vote on

Adam has the highest average as of right now...not the most votes but the highest average...come on Adam fans....VOTE

Anonymous said...

yeah people vote on TIME for Adam! And if that's not enough than you can vote the other people as the least influencial and that makes them go down in the chart too. I don't mean to be mean but I really didn't know who some of those people on the top of the chart were! Maybe I'm just ignorant but anyway VOTE FOR ADAM ON TIME POLL!

Anonymous said...

Yes. Plz keep voting. I wish it was easier thuogh. I am proud of how smart Adam is. It feels good to idlize someone that on top of his Amazing talent and good looks, is ao smart too.
It is so sexy !!!!

Anonymous said...

say what you want to say adam, i know religion is a very sensitive subject but you have your own opinion and we respect it. we don't need to be religious to be a better person. everybody have their own believes and you are one of the most honest person to express who you are and your principles.

Anonymous said...

I admire his honesty! I felt a little sad when he said he wasn't christian, but everyone has different beliefs. You are an amazing artist Adam, rock on!

Anonymous said...

Im happy he uses his energy on creativity and music. Love you alot, Adam. You are such an inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Like many people it appears that Adam was raised Jewish(or Christian or whatever) and then decided his own way as an adult.I've found that the more interesting question is what religion will you raise your children in?

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:38--please give me a break. You're sad because he's not Christian!!! Hey, there are plenty of other Christian singers out there for you to follow. Remember Danny Gokey, and how about Kris? Your closed mind is not flattering. What Adam represents are honesty, caring, generousity, loving, giving, sharing. He is not jealous, not vengeful nor hateful. He loves life, his friends, his fans, his music. He represents the values most of us respect and admire. So here's to more non-Christian Adam's!!!

Anonymous said...

Please let's not bash anyone. If someone is sad because Adam said he's not a Christian, just let it. It's caring for Adam why the sadness not for anything else.
I, myself, feel the same way but I don't say because I love and accept Adam. So, I just include him in my prayer everyday.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I am Jewish and I respect Adam as a PERSON not what he believes in.
He is an amazing man that can talk about EVERYTHING with respect. We should all follow on his foot steps. For only being 28 , he is so smart and so articulate and respectfull of ALL!
This is so refreshing coming from an entertainer.
Love Adam. He is one in a million!!!

Anonymous said...

Love Adam's honesty. Some people are just not religious but are very spiritual--Adam and I share this outlook! Also I think Adam was once again surprised by the lack of diversity when a few fans took issue of his response to his Easter greeting. If Adam ever decides to seek an organized religious home I hope he find a nurturing environment that welcomes and accepts him AND any future partner? kids? for who he is.

Anonymous said...

The recent post with the 2010 Time information needs to be posted again, keeping it fresh in our minds, and it was very simple just clicking from here right to Adam...He needs our votes people!!!!!! lets get him to # 4 today!