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Allison Iraheta and Orianthi to join Adam Lambert on his tour!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, April 16, 2010

Posted at : Friday, April 16, 2010

According to Adam himself, these two lovely ladies will open his tour this summer!

"The Glam Nation Tour dates will be announced soon! For those who didn't know, my opening acts are Orianthi and Allison Iraheta!!!"


Anonymous said...

The girls will probably altrnate days/shows. Althuogh both have a full album. Usually, an open act is just few songs to warm up the crowd, Cus I don't think I can sit thruogh too much Allison. Her voice irritates me.LOL
I hope the ticket will say who is the oppening act.
Crossing my fingers for Orianti. LOve her.

Anonymous said...

they're both great! great choices for opening acts! too bad I can't go cuz I'm from western europe:(

lois from Iowa said...

So glad Adam is giving Allison a chance to get her music out there, what a great guy

cc said...

From ___ Though official voting for inclusion on the TIME 100 list has now closed, with Mir-Hossein Mousavi having won the honor, users can continue to vote for their favorites until the list is revealed on Thursday.

Still vote for Adam....lets keep him #5

Mimi said...

I think it's great that Adam is having Allison open for him. She deserves a break and they have great chemistry. Maybe they will do a number together. I don't know much about the other girl.

Anonymous said...

What kind of break does she need ? If she had star power or something she would sell her cd , but not everyone that think they can sing can actually be a star. I never thuoght she had good voice. I am kind of diissapointed that she will open for Adam tea.

Anonymous said...

Why wouldn't Adam help his "little sister" out?
Whatta guy. You gotta love him for his loyalty to his friends.

Anonymous said...

I love Allison, I love Orianthi, I love Adam. It's a trifecta!

Anonymous said...

i don't mind allison but i think orianthi is a good guitarist not much of a singer especially in a live show.

Anonymous said...

I don't know who the hell Orianthi is, but Allison became my american idol, n Adam is a great artist. I love AdIson, Adam' n Allison's couple, they r so perfect together, I hope they do a number together, they're chemistry is awsome, on n off stage :)
GO AllieKaaaaaaaaaaaaT!!!!!!!Adam ,luv u, your voice is awsome, but Allie ROCKZZZZZZZZZ

Anonymous said...

orianthi was michael jackson's guitarist at This Is It movie. she was also adam's guitarist when he recorded SLEEPWALKER.

Anonymous said...

Orianthi is the guitarist that would have been playing for Michael Jackson on his "This Is It" tour. She can PLAY a guitar, and has a popular song out. Yeah for Allison. Adam is a loyal friend. Adam you are putting together a tour to die for. So excited.

Anonymous said...

Great choices!! Thank you Adam!!!


Anonymous said...

Sounds good to me!

Anonymous said...

Terrific choices. Allison has a great rock voice,Orianthi is as good as slash and of course Adam is beyond talented. This is going to be an epic tour...Adam is soooooo smart!

Anonymous said...

I agree! Adam is a great "big brother" to Allison and will look out for her,give her direction and confidence.Think she's only 17. Hope fans will be kind and give her a chance.Orianthi is as good as Slash,but think she has an average voice.It'll be a fantastic concert!!!!! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I wish I felt like you guys. But I don't. I don't think Allison would be a great additon to the show. I was so excited for his tour and to tell the truth, I am a little disapointed too.
You know, you are going some poeple who will like it and some who don't . I wasn't a fan of her on AI and not now.
Just for Adam, I hope most ppl are happy with his choice for oppening.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I love Allison and she has amazing chops especially for her age. Great choice Adam!

Anonymous said...

Adam has dropped to #6 - this won't do!!!!

Please continue to vote on Time poll. #1 is locked in, but #2 and below are still moving until results on Thursday. Adam dropped to #6 - please help bring him back up to the #4 or 5 position.

2 or 3 windows open, voting and refreshing in succession:,28804,1972075_1972078_1972237,00.html

Anonymous said...

I enjoy Allison. I do think she and Adam should cook up another duet but with a different song. That duet was full of energy and both of them worked well together and it was playful. I liked seeing that side of Adam.

Anonymous said...

I need dates!!! I have four weeks of vacation and I'm ready to hit the road!

Anonymous said...

I feel the same as 7:58. I'm a little disappointed and hoping most are happy about it.
I'm tired of the whole idol thing and wasn't very impressed with Allison. I don't like the song, "According to You". I didn't like the whole Kradison thing and I dislike the whole Oriadison thing I'm hearing about.

Anonymous said...

I hope only one opens each show. Two would be a bit much.

Catharine Sloper said...

It has taken me a while b/c I like Adam so much that I haven't focused my attention elsewhere, but I really really enjoy Allison. I think Adam feels the same way otherwise he wouldn't choose her to open his act. Have the people who criticize Allison really listened to her most recent album. I enjoy it very much, particularly songs like "Don't Waste the Pretty" and "D is for Dangerous". She celebrates girl power and standing up for who you are and being strong no matter what. Her voice is strong and husky and goes well beyond that Crystal girl who is on AI right now. I find her strong and amazing for a 17 year old.

Anonymous said...

As much as I'm not thrilled about it, the two young girls will draw in fans that might not be hooked by Adam yet. It was probably a good move.

Anonymous said...

It looks like a win, win, win situation for all three performers.

Anonymous said...

I like Allison's voice and her looks, but Adam needs to give her some tips on performing. On the tour last year she did a lot of jumping around on stage, but she didn't look at the audience much. She was kind of in her own little world. She needs to make eye contact and bring us into her performance.

Anonymous said...

Yes I agreed, Allison needs some stage training. But I love her Album, it is awesome. Allison take advantage of Adam Tour. Take your Album and mention it to people on the Tour so they can buy your Album. This way you are not just helping Adam you are helping your self to.