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Darren Hayes compliments Adam Lambert again on Twitter!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, April 3, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, April 03, 2010

Darren Hayes complimented Adam on Twitter again for the second time this year. I bet he's a huge fan! Adam should collaborate with Darren. Darren has REALLY amazing songs. Check out his latest album This Delicate Thing We've Made (2 CDS).

Darren Hayes on Adam Lambert

"I do love me some 'music again' by the glambert. Choice song. RT @maple188: No one beats @adamlambert from last year though."


Anonymous said...,28804,1972075_1976159_1976160,00.html

Lets all vote for adam….
Time Magazine

Anonymous said...

hes cute :)

Anonymous said...

This makes me happier than it should :)

Anonymous said...

I like to see CUTE guys digging Adam. It's not only women. They see more women BC they have the time and MOney to go and see Adam. Do you expect teens and students to fly across the country in February to see Adam? they have school to attent and no money for air fair. SO, Adam has a lot of YOUNG fans, you just don't see them. They wait to get their Adam Lambert fix on the internet.

Anonymous said...

Oi! Oi! Adam's got quite an admirer.

Anonymous said...

To Anon @ 12:58pm on April 3: I hear 'ya. I am a 30-somthing fan, and know older fans as well... but it has become wonderfully happily obvious how many younger fans Adam Lambert has. I constantly see on twitter, and other social media sites, talk about fans who have to "go do homework" and such things. And actually, if one thinks back to the first big Canadian visit, there were almost exclusively YOUNGER fans in that audience! Yes, younger fans don't have the money and time and resources and such to make their fandom of Lambert apparent... but you know what, Lambert is going to be doing a show two towns over from me in Massachusetts and I CAN'T SEE HIM EITHER, basically for money reasons - but thank goodness for the Internet, huh?!! I love Lambert's young fans - Lambert's fans in general are an intelligent, thoughtful and kind group, and appreciative of ALL people who see Lambert's talent and specialness... and yes, I like to see CUTE guys diggin' Adam too :)!!

Anonymous said...

go aussie, go darren, go adam, please collaborate you two beautiful men.

Anonymous said...

my dirty mind.... these two together hot : )

Anonymous said...

vote please, time and vh1....let's really get on it peeps!!!

Anonymous said...

adam needs your votes: "adam lambert-the 2010 time 100 polls-time", pls vote many time, just refresh the page (adam's page is 90)

Anonymous said...

Yah, a talented Aussie! Would be so great if ADAM and Darren could work together sometime?

Anonymous said...

Please give more and more of your votes for Adam in Time poll for the most influential people.