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Another Sweden Interview!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, April 1, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, April 01, 2010


Anonymous said...

Is it me or is the interviewer...a bit tired??


Anonymous said...

No, it's not you, Kati! Adam's always so gracious, despite the "tired" interview and the same old questions, again and again. You'd think that people in the industry would have some different questions up their sleeves, but they always revert to the same ones - Gaga, AMAs, etc. So little about the actual album! And he has so much to say about each track too - when he's asked. I think he'll have to learn to provide answers to questions he's not asked. Adam the politician?

Anonymous said...

Actually, I thought this interview was a wee bit different. The interviewer seemed to know the answers and was just doing his thing. But I didn't know Adam was the "only" openly gay artist to be signed by a record company in the U.S. I'm going to age myself, but please....I remember Johnny Mathis. He didn't make a grand announcement, but it was apparent from the beginning. In the age of Internet, it's different I guess.

Anonymous said...

Adam is the only one who stated he is gay in the very begining of his career.
And was sighned after everyone new he is gay.look at Ricky Martin. Lots of ppl new , but he never said he is.
This is a f@Ed up world. Adam is teaching everybody a thing or two about real life. I love him and along on his wild ride.

Anonymous said...

Adam was articulate and interesting as usual. The interviewer was not good, and obviously has the questions written for him, he had never heard of adam and couldn't care less. He did sound tired,but Adam was up beat as usual. Love that guy, he must be getting tired too.

Anonymous said...

The interviewer appeared to be solely asking a question and not engaging in any conversation once he got the answer, just moved on to the next question. It could have been a time-factor issue where he was only allotted a specific time. Possible??