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Official: Adam Lambert names his tour!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, April 15, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, April 15, 2010

Adam Lambert was on Ryan Seacrest this morning for an interview and he announced the name of his summer tour. It will be called.....



Anonymous said...

oh nice its a lovely name Glam Nation Tour-what a nice title.

Anonymous said...

Woo!Hoo! Can't wait for the GlamNation express to roll into town! I'm in LA, so I hope he does more than one show, as it will probably be sold out in a matter of minutes. Can't wait for his dazzling, glittery show!

Anonymous said...

Excellent Coooooooool Tour name..LOVE IT
Glam Nation Tour sounds like the perfect name for our Glam Sex God
dont you just love Adam xxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

i love the name. Too bad I can't go this summer. I have to go overseas.

Anonymous said...

Glam Nation.....Headed by the GLAMBERT himself!

Anonymous said...

Great name choice for Adam's first tour. Glam Nation for a glam guy. There will probably be lasers, glitter and sparkles all over the place including on the stage and in the audience. It should be one spectacular show. Now let's get the dates and venues out so that his adoring fans can make plans to join the Glam Nation express.

Anonymous said...

Wonder what the actual spelling is, Glam Nation, GlamNation or Glamnation or even glamnashun?

Anonymous said...

This is definitely Adam's idea.

MiMi said...

I can't wait to see the entertainer of the decade perform live for 2 hours. Go Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

Well I'll be glammed! It is a PERFECT name!

Anonymous said...

anyone think adam should replace simon on idol?

Anonymous said...

I think Adam should mentor MORE !! he is IT!! Bing a judge is SO boaring!!
LOve the GLAM NATION TURE. He is going to spry Glitter on everyone in North America and will cast his SPELL !!!
This is going to be a Summer we will NEVER forget. It's a YEAR we will never forget.