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High Quality Pictures of Adam Lambert at the KISS concert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, May 28, 2010

Posted at : Friday, May 28, 2010

More pictures at source


Anonymous said...

OMG! He's so cute and sexy...Mirror, mirror, tell me, tell me is there a man in the world more beautiful than Adam? I THINK NOT! LOL.
The glam family keeps expanding as Adam's international success gets bigger and bigger.
Kudos to us, fans, and a bunch of xoxo's to Adam!
Take Care,
Portuguese Fan

SlickDealGal said...

What a gorgeous man......I just want to hug him and tell him he's going to be a super rock star in a few years.

Anonymous said...

Anyone hear how his throat thing is doing?

Gorgeous pictures of course, he is so photogenic!

Anonymous said...

This smile melts my heart. He is soooo sexy and soooo sweet at the same time. I find it very intriging shout him. Well , he got tones of others amazing talents and quilities. Oh. And don't get me started on that tangue I have some noughty thuoghts right now and the laiced up pants from yesterday's picture.
Oh my. Here we go again. Lol


Anonymous said...

Great pictures! He always looks so good: the hair, the smile, the clothes...add that to the talent, personality, and sense of humor and Adam Lambert is one dynamic, sexy super rock star.

Anonymous said...

OOHHH - this makes me think of the picture that was posted earlier of "the pants" - YOW!!!

- Adam Fix

Be Gentle said...

Dear Gina - the conversation yesterday fixating on Adam's laced pants still has you all atwitter. I've read your posts before and you've never had so many spelling errors. Calm down, sweetie, none of us wants you to faint.

Adam Fix - Breathe in, 2,3,4, hold it, 2,3,4, breathe out, 2,3,4, relax, 2,3,4. Repeat four times. You'll be fine.

Unlacing pants is not the only thing I'm good at. Anyone else want to learn to tie a knot in a cherry stem using nothing but your tongue?

Call me.

Anonymous said...

Be Gentle - Please change your name. You're killing us slowly. lol :)

Anonymous said...

I could look at him all day! omg, he is so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Love this Kiss Concert Adam was Adorable as Always
sure knows how to STRUT his Stuff in those Pants OMG those Laces again phew its so hard not to imagine what we would love to do once we loosen those tight Laces.
also what a great sight to see Glitter Baby Tommy and Cam swap Instruments and put on a Great show while Monte aah bless him became proud Dad of 2 darling lickle babies..
its all good with Adam and his Glamily
Loving Adam so much my heart is Bursting with Happiness
Glambrit Isle of Wight UK

Anonymous said...

i do look at him all day long thats why my house is looking the pits these they say a clean house is a sign of a wasted life TRUE

Anonymous said...

@8:13am on 5/29 - I'm howling w/ laughter at your comments - so true... and everytime I'm on the computer blogging Adam Lambert and then I realize how much time has passed, after I say my obligatory "Oh SH_T", I then tell myself that AL would advocate us fans getting off the computer and living OUR OWN best lives - and it helps me get back to productivity! Your comments made me squeal :) 'though! I have a great life without Adam Lambert, but I have to say - I'm loving being his fan and the ride! I love his voice and music, but the whole ride has been, is, a blast too!

And to Gina on May 28, 2010 4:01 PM - YES YES YES, it's the combination of the sweet with the sexy... a killer combo for sure. I think I've read where you've written that before and have wanted to comment back at you... YES, the sweet with the sexy - oh man!

Anonymous said...

Never been a celebrity fan. Laughed at my husband who is a die hard Stones Fan. Have accused him of being in love with Mick. Now I know how he feels. Can't get enough music, picts, news about AL. Makes me feel happy, have no idea why. Sure there are plenty of shrinks out there who can tell me.

Anonymous said...

you don't need a shrink Honey, loving Adam is a beautiful EXPERIENCE..ENJOY

Anonymous said...

Young Gods..

Anonymous said...

Everyone of these pics is poster quality - hope there are posters on sale at GN concerts. Dear 3:14, I've spent months trying to figure out why this young, sexy guy has completely flipped my life into something I don't even recognize. Finally decided you can analyze something so much that it's not fun anymore or maybe I don't really want to know the WHYS...just the HIGHS!!

Anonymous said...

@6:07 - yep! :)

Anonymous said...

#6:07 Adam harkens me back to the early Elvis days when my own sexuality was just blooming. It's wonderful being 15 again 52 years later. Don't need no stinkin' shrinks - just needs me some more Adam!!!