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Adam Lambert Messing Around in Sound Check

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, June 13, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, June 13, 2010

Here is a fun clip of Adam messing around during sound check, singing other people's songs.

Here are more sound checks

Acoustic Aftermath

Ring of Fire

Sure Fire Winners



Anonymous said...

adam' you are the greatest.

Anonymous said...

Wow is there any song that he can't sing???? He makes it his own!

Anonymous said...

Sounds way better than Madonna singing live.

Anonymous said...

I am amazed at how much he uses his voice at these checks. I've seen literally hundreds of them (used to be in radio back in the day) and most singers don't get this involved. Of course, having been doing this as long as he has, I'm sure he knows exactly how much his voice can take and still be perfect for show time.

Anonymous said...

I love everything he does! So entertaining yet real!

Anonymous said...

The ONLY singer I have seen perform a soundcheck THIS fully,is Paul McCartney, who is known as THE ultimate showman and perfectionist. This bodes quite well for Adam, indeed! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow. I only wish he would sing "Ray of Light" in one of his concerts. That's the only Madonna album that transcends, really. And he sounds amazing. Seeing him in both NYC and Costa Mesa... can't WAIT!!

Anonymous said...

Again, 24/7 - you give us treat after treat - Thanks!! Nobody, nobody, nobody - sings like that!! That voice and energy and vibe is beyond description.

Anonymous said...

WOW! I feel as though I should say something PROFOUND but words escape me. What a FANTASTIC TALENTED SUPERSTAR ADAM IS!! Thank you for taking us behind the scenes & letting us eavesdrop at this soundcheck! WOW!!