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Adam Lambert on the cover of Frontiers In LA Magazine!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, June 01, 2010

SOURCE: Frontiers Facebook

Here's the full scans:

Credit for scans: francegf


Anonymous said...

Does anyone know where I can get the magazine? I tried to search for it on Amazon and no results.

Anonymous said...

If you're unfamiliar with computers as I am, you can click on the article which will enlarge it enough to read it.I'm probably in the minority, but if ther's just one person out there like me, you can read this positive article. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

wow- that is one of my favorite covers ever- so sexy! great interview too Can't wait to see Adam in VA- only 29 days to go:)

Anonymous said...

OMG - can't wait to see the youtube videos of this New Orleans sexy voodoo imagery, etc. Adam talks about for the tour!

And I love his answer about Ryan or Simon! You're so funny Adam.


Anonymous said...

OMG that cover is beatiful!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THE COVER! but why so much makeup!!??

Anonymous said...

11:06 -- Because that is what GLAM is and we love it!

Anonymous said...

@Katie - are you new?

It's all good - familiarize yourself...

Anonymous said...

The Power and Command of the Americas!

Anonymous said...

Finland is going to have Mr. Gay competition. Most handsome will win. Can't wait! :D

Anonymous said...

OMFG - that cover shot just sent a shudder of exstasy through my whole body! That is the hottest I've ever seen Adam look - whew!!!!!!!!!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

12:07 No im not new and i love adam<3 :) but he looks REALLY REALLY feminine..BUT i love the cover

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He is gorgeous and he can't help it. This photo made me sweat all over. I need to sit down. Too much hottness and sexiness coming my way. I hope I can handle it! Can't help but thinking of the laicy pants.
I am imagining Adam wearing them for this photo shoot.
Wonder who took this one
BTW. This is a free magazing in LA. So unless you live there or knows someone that does. Tough luck. I would die to have this copy in my hand. Lol

Anonymous said...

could this man be anymore gorgeous, with each new picture he gets more stunning. WOW!!!!!

brit fan :)x

Anonymous said...

Great article ... just like ADAM ... honest & forthright! Loved his answer about Ryan & Simon ... and Don't forget to PRINT that!! (LOL) LOVE YA! ADAM!!

Anonymous said...

LOVE THE COVER he's smokin' hot :) <3


Anonymous said...

The eyes! The lips! The nose!!!! (And those precious freckles on his arms) Personally, I think this cover is even better than RS! (no sacrilege intended, LOL)

Anonymous said...

at first i didnt like da cover but as i keep looking at him!!!!! Im Beginning to love it!!

Anonymous said...

OMG u havta read the last part of the article :) its hilarious <3

Anonymous said...

He is GORGEOUS!!!!!
IT"S ART PPL!!! How many singers you know can look so HOT in SOOOO many different ways? C'mon.




melissa toronto said...

When I saw this yesterday on another site, I almost drop to the floor. Hot Hot Hot!!! This look remind me of the photo shoot he pose for Robert Sebree (one of my favorite) with the 3 piece suit. Love how he answer the last question HaHa...Great interview.

melissa toronto said...

I just found out the photographer is Lee Cherry, Adam's long time friend. He is amazing!!

Anonymous said...

It looks like the clothes he wore at his Fantasy Springs concert on 2/28. That, to me, was the best concert footage ever. I wish, wish, wish VH1 or MTV would put together a concert documentary of say, his first year so the world can have a synopsis of our GlamGod like we do. Not everyone in the world checks on him daily like we do. I know, hard to believe, but true. They should get just as hooked as we are, then no one would have time to do anything bad. That world peace thing - solved. Just sayin;)


Anonymous said...

go to to buy this mag and also the Japan RS.

Anonymous said...

Now I can't get VoooooooDooooooooVooooDoooo OOOH
out of my head !!
love it !

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for his concert, starting it with voodoo and the theme being mystical and witchy and then ending up happy and light, like iihy. It's going to be otherworldly.

Anonymous said...

hahahaha!! i love dat interview of Adam!! specially the last part.. i wouldn't peak ryan nor simon.. i would rather peak adam!! haha

Anonymous said...

wow.. that is one HOTT mag cover!!!

Love the interview... n yes im voodooed by Adam's sexy EYES!!!

Anonymous said...

o my god where did the cover picture come from?
o so gorgeous. great interview too.

Anonymous said...

YUM!!!! this has just made my morning ;-)

Anonymous said...

One of the very best pictures of ADAM ever!
This is totally awesome! Soooooooo ADAM!

Anonymous said...

"Make sure you print it out" That is so Adam Lambert. great sense of humor. You should live in UK