Adam Lambert Voted the Sexiest Man in Music!
Filed Under (news ) by Admin on Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Posted at : Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Polls show Adam Lambert and Britney Spears take first place
The results are in! Thousands of individuals voted in a recent poll that highlights the top ten sexiest men and top 10 sexiest women in music.
According to Billboard magazine, Britney Spears is ranked No. 1 for the women and Adam Lambert barely scrapes by to snatch the first place on the men’s side.
In the female category, Spears received a huge 27% of votes for the sexiest female. Spears received more than twice as many votes as Beyonce, who came in at No. 2. gave the list in full.
Sexiest Men in Music
1. Adam Lambert 20% of the vote
2. Nick Jonas 19% of the vote
3. Chris Brown 15% ofthe vote
4. Justin Timberlake 13% of the vote
5. Enrique Eglesias 6% of the vote
6. Bruce Springsteen 5% of the vote
7. Jon Bon Jovi 4% of the vote
8. Usher 3% of the vote
9. Maxwell 1.9% of the vote
10. Drake 1.8% of the vote
Sexiest Women in Music
1. Britney Spears 27% of the vote
2. Beyonce 13% of the vote
3. Miley Cyrus 9% of the vote
4. Rihanna 8% of the vote
5. Lady Gaga 7% of the vote
6. Carrie Underwood 6% of the vote
7. Shakira 4.1% of the vote
8. Nicole Scherzinger 4% of the vote
9. Taylor Swift 3.5% of the vote
10. Katy Perry 2.5% of the vote
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yay! Go Adam! You rock!
Come to Hong Kong someday plz!
Oh my fucking god. What is wrong with this lame list? They have all these ugly people like Usher and Drake and Chris Brown on the list but no Kris Fucking Allen? FUCK YOU BILLBOARD. You fuckers. You gave Adam the #1 spot because he kisses your asses!
Adam is such a kiss asser. He kisses Rolling Stone's, now Billboard! Billboard, YOU SUCK FOR MAKING THIS LIST!!
KRIS ALLEN RULES FOREVER! Kris doesn't need these magazines to validate his sexiness. He is so hot and sexy and makes me want strangle myself.
Kris Allen = Legend (staying for decades)
Adam Lambert = Fad (goes away in two years)
I'm so proud of myself for voting. Hehe.
This proves that if the fandom bands together for something, it actually works!
Hey Kris Fan-Christy
You are a trouble maker, you idiot,
this is not the site for you, so... fuck off!
So kute they both... God bless..
Go sweet Adam, Go! The world is all yours, baby!
ADAM 我爱你!!!!!!!!!!
Christy, Billboard didn't MAKE this list. The people voted for it.
That being said, GTFO of this site!~! Are there no Kris Allen fansites?
what? Is this chinese?
Please help us up, HK fan!
That picture is so wonder he won.
yey!!! BUT this is kinda old news lol .. tjhis is from february.. iknow..i was also really excited when i found out
Hi Stefanie,
Big Mom asked us to ignore this Kris Allen's idiot fan, but I have to let her know:
Lady Idiot Kris fan Christy
1. You fucking lady is giving Kris Allens's good fans a bad name. He is such a good guy, also talented his own way and wouldn't enjoy idiots like you on his fans list.
2. YOU will be very well dead in less than two years if I get you. Be aware of me! Once again, fuck off!
"yey!!! BUT this is kinda old news lol .. tjhis is from february.. iknow..i was also really excited when i found out"
No. This is a new list. The source's date is today...
So Adam won again!
kris allen is boring ok but not sexy; hes an ox year born 1985 it sayd boring and not sexy; adam lambert was born sexy his birthyear sys so 1982 born.. plus down to earth guy.adam lambert was born very sexy; aquarian- 1982 born also born famous-loyal and a world friendly birthmonth zodiac sign (aquarius)
Kris came in #43 (I think) on AfterElton list of sexiest men ... ADAM #5 (should have been #1)
Go check it out Kris Fan Christy ... it's a real 'eye opener'!! LOL
I also thought this was old - from February 15th exactly (my B-day so I remember it was a great B-day present - my fellow Aquarius Adam won this special title:p). I don't think they made another poll but that doesn't change the fact that it's great isn't it?
To Kris Allen fan - Yeah, as was said before, the fans themselves voted for this. Unlike you supposed Kris Allen fan, we spend our every second supporting Adam instead of dissing other artists.
P. L. A.
I think they did a new one from the magazine...
Yes! The recognition he deserves!!
Adam IS #1, no contest.......
Go ahead Christy, Strangle yourself for our sakes, please. Choke hard and hold for 5 minutes. Bubye now.
Oh leave this poor Christy alone. She has... slightly cute but very boring Kris Allen, and we have... Adam Lambert. Don't kick her when she is so obviously down! lol!
Big MaMa here:
You people going to get me hurt. You know Big PaPa loves Adam and wont take no bashin of Adam. Big Papa is hanging on my sholder and yelling at me what to say real loud. His eyes are all bulged out and his face is real dark purple and those neck veins are a poppin again It aint a pretty site at all (his breath aint too sweet either).
Big Papa says ifin this sh#t from Cristy don't stop he's gonna get real mad. (I guess he's only upset now) He says all you here are eggin her on by talkin back to her. He says he'd be glad to help her choke herself. Now hes screeming IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE. I gotta go get him a cold rag and calm him a bit. Don;t want him to stroke out on me.
IGNORE cristy, please
Big MaMa
"KRIS ALLEN RULES FOREVER! Kris doesn't need these magazines to validate his sexiness. He is so hot and sexy and makes me want strangle myself."
ok peeps.. whatever.. this is Adam's blog so please stop promoting Kris in here!!!
Adam is the SEXIEST man on this planet!! N everyone knows that! so no need to argue..
n as for big papa.. I can imagine it would be ugly if he gets really mad!! Adam fans.. please IGNORE little Christy if u dun wanna see Big papa turn into The Incredible Hulk!! n if he does turn into that green creature... guess we hv to rrrruuuuunnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
big mama, ha ha ha piss funny :D x
this just confirms what all us glam fans already know....that adam lambert is indeed the sexiest man, not just in music...but in the whole world.
chezza-sherbet brit fan :D xx
Kris Allen fan Christy finally had a nervous breakdown and just can't face the reality of Adam's superior success. Adam's undeniable talent is validated by HEADLINING his own sold out tour, internationally, devoted fans,support of other celebrities, all a bitter pill to swallow, when Kris hasn't reached the same pinnacle of stardom. So sad for you, Christy. Think you should get some professional help when your bitter disappointment drives you to strangle yourself,and you lapse into uncontrollable rage,you are seriously deluded and afflicted. I suggest you don't torture yourself further by seeing the Adam love on this site and how exceptionally magnificent he is in every way. Take your pain and angst to Kris' sight, oh no, that will depress you more. Try the Beiber instead. Think that may be a better fit. Sorry Big Mama. Hide this from Big Papa so he won't implode! Give him a jug of "White Lightning" and all will be well! funbunn40
Yes, guys. Why spend this preasiuos time on F. Ing kris's fan. Use time wisly snd vote for Adam on vh1
a agree with you all, BTW
Big MaMa here:
Anon 3:03 I seen Big PaPa get so mad one time some years back that he made Incredible Hulk look like Justin Bieber - little, tiny, puny.
funbun - Big Papa don't like white lightnin. He likes what he calls Panther Piss. Never tried it myself so cant say whats better.
That cold rag made him calm a bit, but his cheek is still twitching. I got my eye on him real close.
Thanks for the worrying.
Big MaMa
LOL this thread is hilarious and so much fun xD
Cristy- you don't need to strangle yourself- any of us would oblige ya'! Silly twit!!
To Ada,
glad to see another HongKonger on here.
And to Fan4fun, Terrible to admit this, my Chinese is non existant, the kids learn it though. As you can see from above message, not the easiest language to pick up.
HK fan
kris looks like kermit the frog
To Kris fan Christie:
Does your mother know you are on this site and the type of language you use. I think your mother needs to put a lock on your computer or you need to grow up!!!
Adam will always be #1 on this site and all our hearts.
Big MaMa & Big PaPa
Yes mam, yes sir... alright! You got it! No more answers to fucking bitch Krisfan Christy!
Please Big MoMa, get Big PaPa some fresh water and fresh air, will you?Aally and tell him I'm really sorry.
please do not kill me by laughing, let me alive a little more to watch sweet Adam. LOL
kris could never make a sexy list...he looks like Kermit the frog!!!!
HK fan,
thanks for trying. Maybe your chinese fellow was giving us an alert: «Big Papa will drive out of his mind today, Tell Big MaMa to keep two eyes on him», HA HA
we aren't wasting our precious time, just having some fun because we are so happy that our sweet Adam is doing so perfectly!
We are not wasting our precious time here, just having some fun because we are so glad that our sweet Adam is doing everything so perfectly...
This headline: Adam Lambert Voted the Sexiest Man in Music!
um, well, duuhh
MassGlamFan (yes, old poll)
Christy, Christy, poor've finally lost your mind.
It must be from the loss of oxygen from trying to choke yourself.
Can i help??? please??? I'd love to help put you out of your misery.
I'm sure it all started when you blindly fell in love with Popeye....
Its not too late.....we can give you a 12 step program on how to "see the light"....think about it sweetie, you're going no-where with that LOSER Kris Allen!!! Grow up and find out what a "real" man is like!!!!
Adam Lambert is ELECTRIC!! When you watch Adam sing, you feel him deep inside, all the way to your toes. It's like taking a triple dose of Viagra. (if they made it for women) Nick Jonas is a child and boring. Kris Allen is a nice guy, like a good friend. Adam can make you soo inspired that you just might go molest your husband! Yea, Adam is by far the sexiest Man on stage!
It's a good thing Adam is busy with tour right now. You know how he hates Kris bashing and any other performers for that matter. Let's not end up with another twitter from Adam reminding some to "KNOCK IT OFF". Love, Light and Joy, Bebe!!
We're just having a little fun....lighten up, its hot and its summer!!
if i can join this site i will even learn how to spell! lovethelambert
love the lambert
Come and join us. We don't bite - only lick.
Maggie Longfellow
@ 8:50 & 9:05pm Glad to have you join the fun!Crocs, cliffs and Christy seems like a perfect fit! lol No joke or spelling police to worry about, just as you said, "Loving the Lambert!" Btw, hope Big Papa has passed out by now, giving Big Mama some peace and quiet. Wonder if he makes his own "Panther Piss". Just wondering... funbunn40
Anon 10:02
Maggie, just how long is that fellow?
Oscar Wilde
HA HA HA HA HA!!! Loved this whole sting!! Too F'n funny!
Adam, I am going to pull your hair when I see you live. I will find a way. Just a gentle little pull, so your neck arches back. Just for a second. MmmmmmK? Those long chunks, hanging down to your jaw just need a quick little tug. From me.
xxoo - Adam Fix
Our new member has a point- we are like the only blog where people actually spell correctly and don't use all those chat abbreviations and slang words. As an English teacher I really respect that- we are an intelligient bunch:)
This Billboard poll was awesome but i still get sour thinkin about the Time Poll and all the time I lost voting on it and they didn't even mention Adam in the end although he got so many votes:(
Maggie Longfellow, loved your comment to Lovethelambert!
Lovethelambert, welcome on board! Bring on your crocodiles to bite who doesn't love sweet Adam as well as WE DO!!!
To Christy
Please, for your sake and everyone elses, get the therapy you so desperately need
Kris and Adam are great friends. Kris is cute but Adam is the sexiest man on earth!!!
Kris would not appreciate all this nastiness towards Adam or vice verca.
Get a life girl!!!!!
@Christy: Kris certainly does NOT NEED nor DESERVE a fan such as you!! All you're doing is spreading DISHARMONY between his & ADAM's fans & SCARING OFF any Kris Allen 'potential' fans! GO AWAY!!
Hi Everyone, and welcome all newcomers,
hey love the lambert welcome ...but you have nicked my saying ...loving the lambert or love that lambert!!lol just sayin !!
Glambrit Isle of Wight
Love that Lambert!!!!!
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