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Vote For "If I Had You" on VH1!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, June 21, 2010

Posted at : Monday, June 21, 2010

Remember to vote for the "If I Had You" music video on VH1's website HERE.

It debuted last week at #20. So let's bring it up to the top 10 for the second week!


Anonymous said...

also vote on sirius, they just listed IIHY!!!! you can add WWFM at the bottom also you can only vote once a day so it's easy

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if vote totals and percentages listed on the mobile site reflect ALL votes? As of now Adam is leading Gaga with 34o/o to her 32o/o. But a bunch of Eninem fans are voting right now and may overtake them both soon.

Anonymous said...

You can go to VH1 on your mobile device too and just vote for Adam. You do not have to fill in all the blanks...and it tells you whos ahead and how many votes they have so far. FYI to all the voting fans out there. I go there on my break at work to get a few votes in.

Anonymous said...

No it just tallies mobile votes. However it gives you an idea who's getting votes.

Anonymous said...

I was voting on my iPhone and had the same question. Thanks.
Yes, vote anytime u can. And on Sirius too. It's sateliye and reaches more ppl.