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Adam Lambert Interview with MIX 94.1 Las Vegas (7-29)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, July 30, 2010

Posted at : Friday, July 30, 2010


Anonymous said...

Oh, Adam is so much FUN! Adam is like a MAGNET to our eyes and ears! Now I'm really, really wishing I'm in Vegas tomorrow. I Looooove Vegas! Mandalay Bay and Bellagio are my 2 fav hotels/casino!... mind you there many very nice hotels/casinos to choose from!!!

Fingers crossed Adam!... hope you'll have sand on your stage at Mandalay Bay!:))

Shirley said...

Another great interview to add to my collection.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting, but what an inane interview. Adam needs to be admired for his infinite patience. Can't believe they asked him about Madonna--again. And the drag queen--again. He is so kind and nice despite the idiotic questions like are you getting it. Would they ask that of other single celebrities? You could hear a flatness in his voice that sounded like boredom or fatique, probably a little of both. He know this comes with the territory.

Anonymous said...

Aw, his comment at 1:09 "I hope I have fun with it".

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous Sexy Sexy Sexy Beautiful Adam
He takes my breath away

Anonymous said...

Any, whenever, wherever Adam's interview, whoever being the interviewer, is so good to my vocabulary. They ask ABCD? And he, my Diamond Tonic Boy, promptly answers: EFGHIJKLMNOPQ....They ask: RS? And he, my honey licking baby, my amazing grace just answers TUVWXYZ...+...12345678910!!! I love sweet Adam's «hello»quency, his no empty rooms in english language...errrrr.... I guess I'm starting to believe I love sweet Adam!

Anonymous said...

Geez, even his hair line is sexy

Anonymous said...

That was very cleverly put, I have to applaud you for your sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

How about this! How many time they will ask Adam about AMA. Oh, almost forgot."Adam, are you gay!" Does anybody know how many times Adam had to answer on this question?!

Anonymous said...

I agree - I find American dj's ask the most lame, redundant questions. They are very shallow and the dj's themselves are so self centered. Do some research people, and come up with some new questions!

I loved when Adam was touring Canada/Europe/Singapore/Australia, etc, because the interviews were so much more...I don't think "intellectual" would be the right word, but close - compared to the drivel we get! They were more fun, more about Adam and less about the dj trying to be funny or sly.

Don't get me started, as this is my pet peeve.

Having said all that, however, I would never turn down the chance to hear Adam's funny and charming responses - as in this interview - even if the questions are inane.

Vegas is the perfect venue for Adam. They get, and love, anything over the top. He'll have a blast at this performance!

fan4fun - great post! Made me LOL! I don't believe you, anymore, that you're "not good at" English. You are so witty! :)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought these interviewers sucked. Can't they do some research beyond watching an old Oprah rerun and asking the same Madonna questions from 7 months ago?
I would have loved his reaction to questions about the recent Costa Mesa sound check recording where he replaced 'whole lotta love' lyrics with 'I need to get laid'. Now that would have been interesting!

Anonymous said...

Difference of opinion here since I enjoyed the interview! They sounded like Adam fans and I think we forget that we have heard the same questions and answers a million times but most ppl. out there in "TV Land" havent! They are hearing this for the first time and he is so articulate and charming that I like to believe this will draw in new fans! Adamluv