Another Picture of Adam Lambert with Model Murray Swanby! (and Perez Hilton thinks they're dating)
Filed Under (news ) by Admin on Thursday, April 11, 2013
Posted at : Thursday, April 11, 2013
VIA murrayswanbyla: #me and #adamlambert #lastnight #out in #weho. #nightlife #bday #swanbycut #tank #tops #lol #singer #americanidol #hollywood #instagay

And according to Perez Hilton's source, Adam is dating Murray Swanby....
VIA Perez Hilton:
Well that was fast!
Not long after hearing the news of Adam Lambert's less-than-glamorous split with Sauli Koskinen, a little birdy is singing sweet whispers of a new romance!
According to our source, Adam is sparking with model Murray Swanby.
Ch-ch-check 'em ouuttt (above)!!!
Said to also be the head VIP host at The Abbey, we're sure the nightlife-loving model gets hit on quite a lot. But it's Adam who's got him hooked!
What do U think?? Does he make a hot rebound or will this cement into something a lil' more serious down the road??
And according to Perez Hilton's source, Adam is dating Murray Swanby....
VIA Perez Hilton:
Well that was fast!
Not long after hearing the news of Adam Lambert's less-than-glamorous split with Sauli Koskinen, a little birdy is singing sweet whispers of a new romance!
According to our source, Adam is sparking with model Murray Swanby.
Ch-ch-check 'em ouuttt (above)!!!
Said to also be the head VIP host at The Abbey, we're sure the nightlife-loving model gets hit on quite a lot. But it's Adam who's got him hooked!
What do U think?? Does he make a hot rebound or will this cement into something a lil' more serious down the road??
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lol let the games begin.
This fandom is just too much fun !!
Is Adam more versatile now. Looks like he likes taller and more masculine guys than before.
New video of Adam's interview:
has anyone ever seen a glamorous break up? what parallel planet is Perez living on?
New tWeet by Adam:
@adamlambert: Go see @HaloCircus next week! (Allison Iraheta & Halo Circus at Whisky A Go Go on April 17, 2013.)
I wish I lived closer I would love to go see Allison.
He's underwear model.
Does anyone actually take Perez Hilton seriously on anything he says? As far as I know Perez is not in Adam's inner circle, so the only thing he knows is the two were at the same club and had their picture taken, which Adam seems to do every time he goes to a club. Get a life, Perez.
Halo Circus....Go, Allison. Knock them dead! Love that little rocker girl.
I think this is just a picture. The guy even stated on his facebook. But hey no complain Adam gets another round of publicity.
Contestant #1.........mercy........what are we in for in the weeks ahead?........JAK
What's next? Adam does Miami. =)
all it can be is a booty call. Adam has betta thangs he can be doin'. he needs to quit lusting
I don't think there's anything going on between these guys but I still wonder how old this dude might be...
is Adam the new suga daddy? he has to spread all his suga out.
Facebook comment from someone who was there:.v
They aren't dating, just took a picture, I was standing right there. Adam was there with friends and took photos with lots of people. Murray was around all night but with other pals too
12 minutes ago · Like
Prissy Perez has to make a living and part of that is to spectulate on the love lives of celebrities. The Dark Side
I guess most of the WeHo bars have strippers. I didn't know before Bootsy Bellows is Arquette's mother's stripper name.
Been wanting to drop this on 24/7 about Perez but it was so OT that I didn't dare... but I am going to now. I saw Perez on "The Talk" a few weeks ago. I guess he has contributed here and there on that show (celeb reporting I guess). Anyway, they gave him a baby present. He adopted a cutie little baby boy, Mario I think the name was... but it was so interesting how Perez spoke of new fatherhood, it was very very endearing... but then I thought, well, hhhmmm, a parent also has to think about the world they are helping to create, shape, evolve etc that they are leaving to their children. I don't know...was really interesting. I follow music closely but not so much overall pop culture and did not have a clue Perez adopted. Again, I was very impressed with how maturely and insightfully he spoke about his new fatherhood... I wish him the best... just don't love his line of work I guess... but that's my problem I suppose, I just won't click on his stories. :)
@April 11, 2013 at 3:38 PM, thanks for that post!
Poor Murray I just googled him and this story is all over his page.
I am sure every picture that Adam takes with a cute guy people will speculate. He is out mingling and no one should jump to any conclusions. Do not like PH he tweeted Sauli about Adam and this guy,very mean!
Yea, deep down Perez and Adam just think differently. Some Glamberts hate Perez like he was Adam's biggest enemy. He has his source's, but I don't think anyone else takes his blogs so seriously as some nutcase Glamberts, who have no sense of humor.
Murray is cute , needs a tad guyliner but deff not Adam's type.
some of the things PH has posted about Adam were not funny and haters are still bringing it up.
Adam is publicity magnet right now. Check this out:
@karin4000: ADAM LAMBERT on the Front Page of the South Florida Sun Sentinel!
Old picture of Adam but it got posted by People mag. recently:,,20689765_21305503,00.html
well if its true Adam has gone from twinks to a more masculine looking guy. Must say they are both very handsome. Good luck Adam and don't move him into your house too fast.LOL
Perez has wanted Adam for an age..
but it aint gonna happen.
Perass is stupid. He is worse than trolls. He is tweeting everybody that Adam is dating Murray. Adam should sue him one day. I feel sorry for the kid he adopted.
bad perez-adam will sue prez stupid biote-
I question any adoption agency who would approve Perez.
I have worked with foster child placement and they never place a child with someone who is needy for love. it is seen as a selfish unrealistic desire to create someone obligated to love them. I don't know Perez, but I hope they examined his motive in doing this. It is fashionable in celebrity circles at present, so is it a whim?
A child is not like a puppy you can take to the shelter to drop off, if it doesn't work out. hopefully Perez is not as shallow as he appears to be.
just watched this poor guy on AI singing "Feelin' Good" and remembered that Adam sang this on Idol as I youtubed it..and just gotta say that Adam Lambert is so superior in talent, looks, personality, et. al..that it just boggles my mind..he is simply a miracle...
Perez is his own biggest enemy.
And a puppy or dog or any living creature is not to be discarded either @6:05. Very shallow comment.
Too bad, the only way to stop this merry go round that has begun is for Adam to refuse to pose for a photo with anyone! Oh, maybe women over 70 would be okay! ^o^
I wouldn't believe anything Perez said if he swore on his mothers life.He has posted too many things about Adam over the last few years, that were not true.
taking a dog to a shelter and dropping it off is much better than some of the cruel things I have been reading about lately.
the 30s are definitely looking good on Adam!!embrace the sexiness and the cute guys
does a guy have to sign a confidentiality agreement to date Adam? no kiss n tell.
It looks like this may hit the fan.
what good rationale would Perez have to tweet that picture to Sauli. Perez is despicable, seriously I feel bad for his child to be subjected to his 'work'. you have to be mean spirited to do the things he does
@ 6:13 pm. I assure you I was not advocating discarding an animal of any sort. I adopted Sonny and Cher 2 years ago from a shelter and they are much loved family members. However they had been discarded before I found them. I don't consider myself shallow and I think you are reaching a bit to imply that I am.
Every time Adam has gone to a club, there are always people wanting to have his pic taken with them. This pic means nothing. It hasn't mattered whether Sauli was with him or not. He has been going out every night lately, might have something to do with Sauli not home to cook for him any more. Plus he usually stayed home a lot more with Sauli. He has said he is very domestic now. Thats hard to do by yourself. Adam said in an interview lately, regarding Sauli he doesn't know what the future holds. For now I think we will see him a lot in bars.
Another publication with the story:
Why is everybody getting so emotional about Adam and his love life. Its normal he wants to go out and meet and lets be honest now he is famous he will have plenty of picks. Let him enjoy himself and enough with the hysteria from his so called fans. Believe me you will be seeing and hearing about his dating different guys for a while. Don't think he would be interested in getting into another longterm relationship for a long time.
it is becoming the big bang theory.
I wanna pay those pecs a visit.
watch Murray and Adam start talking to each other about this and really hook up now. he hee
The poll question here needed another choice - something like Perez is a huge slimebag and I wouldn't believe him if he said the sky was blue.
PH is scum and delights in creating trouble for anyone, seemingly especially Adam. Probably just jealousy, but what he does is, as other have said, despicable. Can't stand him and certainly won't give his website hits, especially when it's about Adam. Yuck.
Why poor Murray?
He should be so lucky!
@JAK .... 3:20PM
You are so funny!! :-D
So much for Perez saying he was turning over a new leaf. He is a bad as the trolls who were tweeting Adam, Sauli and their families.
This Murray dude is a babe and therefore suits Adam admirably but there'll probably be heaps of guys who want to be with Adam or at least want to have their photo taken with Adam so we could see a procession of babes (guys!) with Adam for some time to come.
I'm moving to West Hollywood so I can get my picture taken with Adam too!
8:33 poor meaning I am sure he wasn't expecting all this from one picture and I read he is in a relationship.
From those who were there:
"Via Comment by Michael Wallot on FB: They aren't dating, just took a picture, I was standing right there. Adam was there with friends and took photos with lots of people. Murray was around all night but with other pals too
From Andrew Christian's Post/Pic on FB: Hot couple alert? Andrew Christian model Murray Swanby & Adam Lambert. People are talking!"
Someone hoped the other day that Adam would start dating with "a tall, strikingly handsome and rich guy". I don't know how wealthy this guy is, but 2 of 3 is quite good, lol!
I don't care if this dating is true or not (Sauli deserves someone more mature and stable bf, not club kid) but it's still quite rude that Perez sends Sauli this tweet and story.
Andrew Christian should live up to his last name.
He saw picture of Adam as a celeb. with his model Murray and made it public as a promotion of his designer company. If Murray gave those pictures to Andrew and Perez. He is as much guilty to create this rumor.
Adam should call his attorney to sue Andrew and Perez for sending tweets out to everybody.
Some people are now wondering if Perez will be informing in the future Sauli about all the guys "this dude is dating", LOL!
9:30 PM Sorry, hun, but it's not a Sauli fansite.
And Adam is looking ridicuosly hot!
did Adam and Sauli meet in a club?
9:48 PM
Sorry, hun, I forgot. I'll stay out of here.
Yes they did, but Sauli said he is more a private-party-guy nowadays. But of course he will attend bars and clubs too now that he is single. So why is Perez teasing him with someone who is past?
Perez is scum.
So this Swanby has a boyfriend? Not very nice for him to read this kind of BS :(
The first post the best: Let the games begin!!!!! Adam is leaning into this guy. Maybe that's why the rumours start. No biggie just a pic. Does Perez usually tweet people about their ex-partners doings? Not nice. If he did that with Chris and Rihanna?
I don't think it's a big deal that he tweeted his article? to Adam and Sauli (I have not seen that tweet). I don't take neither of them take it seriously and I don't even kwow if Sauli checks his twitter line. He uses it so randomly. Anyway they are not any more together so both can date whoever they want. I would like to see Sauli's next boyfriend for some reason :)
Yep,this is a interesting
Love is not a game, there is no winners... I hope Adam has matured as he has said.
Oh it has started already:( IMO Adam should focus on his music...oh well..he does what he likes, but all publicity is not necessarily good if he wants people recognize him by his talent.
Adam takes tons of photos with fans when he is out. It is not a reflection of his entire day. And it's not Adam's fault if creeps like Perez try to turn it into something it's not. The only solution is to refuse all pics which will definitely get him bad publicity.
Just wait for the day people start making negative or untrue comments about Perez's kid. Karma is a bitch, Perez.
It´s not about taking pics all the time or not at all. Either way is not okay for his career reputation. But...he should think twice what pics to take...and maybe he does. That cute pic from South Africa with the little fan girl was a terrific one...a bit boring to see him in pics with this guy and that guy, because that´s all we see nowadays. Maybe he should move on from that too.And this is just my opinion which I think I´m allowed to have and express.
Adam knows exactly what tabloids will write about him when he takes pictures with male fans. If that´s the kind of publicity he wants, then so be it. Right or wrong? He has an answer to that. He can`t get frustrated if his social life is the reason why he`s in the tabloids, when the reason should be his magnificent singing talent.
Sauli was starting to look like a plastic doll with Adam but now he is starting to look Sauli again.
And if Adam starts refusing to take photos with gay guys what kind of backlash is he going to get? He can't win the battle. Enough of us fans have seen him places to know everybody wants a pic with him. The last place that should be judging fan pics and reading things into them is one of Adam's fan sites!
12:07 doesn't understand how tabloids work.
1:53 pm
Did somebody say he shouldn´t take gay fan pics?? I don´t think so, but there should be variety. There is so much more to him than just his sexual orientation! Why does it always have to come to that?? He is a talented performer and a singer for crying out loud.
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