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Adam Lambert Rocks the Ryman

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, July 8, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, July 08, 2010

He’s been touring in support of his new album For Your Entertainment, and last night (July 7) Adam Lambert and his rock & roll show hit Nashville, Tennessee.

The “American Idol” alum looked to be in fine form as he took the stage at the historic Ryman auditorium for a high-energy set.

In related news, Lambert’s two singles “If I Had You” and “Whataya Want From Me” are doing well on the Billboard Hot 100 Chart.

Adam’s music is a big hit on both sides of the USA/Canada border, and with his successful tour sales it looks like he’ll be more than a flash in the pan.



Anonymous said...

Ok, enough is enough. You know you have watched too many videos of Adam when you look at the photos and can guess exactly what is the song he is singing in that picture. And you know it is way toooo much when you know what he is the part of the song he is singing at that moment. That's crazy.

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! Me too. I think I'm way too obsessed with this tour even though I'm not attending it....but it seems like I already attended it a few times. It's crazy. Thank god for the internet.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:30
I can't go to any of the concerts either so I have watched most of the performance videos and can also tell which song and which part of the song Adam is singing in these pictures.
It is kind of sad if you think about it...Oh well :)


Anonymous said...

LIVE is totally a different experience, you all. What were getting here is from someone else's view not from your own eyes or your own interpretation of things. Not saying that what we're getting is not great but there's more to it LIVE.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm sure the videos don't give the live performances any justice. I guess I'll just have to be happy with them this time.

Anonymous said...

Celebrity Gossip doesn't name the writer of this review, but...duh.."it looks like he'll be more than a flash in the pan."

Anonymous said...

I agree 'thank GOD for the internet'. Why do you suppose Prince says it is dead? Without the internet I wouldn't be able to follow ADAM or come here for my daily 'fix'!!


Anonymous said...

haha yup. Adam is one of the reasons I LOVE THE INTERNET. :D

Anonymous said...

LOL Yeah, all of those are from Fever lol

Anonymous said...

oh mercy - how are we supposed to look at these pix and keep it clean, :) (switching on major self discipline mode now, lol)

@Anon July 8, 2010 1:30 PM - so funny, so true! I used to think similarly about the Fantasy Springs WLL - I became so familiar with it that when I listened to it, just listened/audio only, I could still conjur up in my mind the images of exactly what he was doing visually at all times during the performance 8^)... and I'd venture to guess that many fans could do the same!

Anonymous said...

oooooooh those lace up pants, one of them pics nearly had my eye those pants.

indeed MGF i too know fantasy springs WLL off by heart and every visual that goes with it, every dance move etc... delicious,oh i even know what fan scream goes that dedication or what...

chezza-sherbet/brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone, Adam is 3x better live. His voice is Phenominal!! My friend and I attended the Concert at the Tennesee Theater and, when Adam came on singing VooDoo we both said, at the same time--OOOOOOOOH MMMYYYYYY GOD!!!! His voice is soo strong and clear and Pitch perfect. He has the Best Voice of any Artist that I have ever heard. If you ever get a chance , You Have Got To See and Hear Adam Live. Plus he is soo Sexy, you just might forget to BREATHE!!!!

Anonymous said...

@ MassGlamFan

Indeed, Anon July 8 1:30PM is certainly not alone, and that is not speculaction but a fact.
Now, at this moment I'm more concerned about my own scary behavior facing those pictures above. Fellow, I've just tried to untie his lace on the 4th pic (oh, dear God!)... Do you think that's because sweet Adam looks so damn inviting on that provocative photo, or do I urgently need to find help?

Anonymous said...

Ffffffever!!! I'm very good at untieing knots, especially in delicate areas! There's no hope for you, Fan4fun. You've passed the point of no return like most, if not all of us!! Wll is my drug of choice! funbun40

Anonymous said...

STOP, STOP, STOP IT RIGHT NOW! You are slaying me with the 5th picture know the one....the lace up pants IN your face, the peek of midriff...good god!

Adam already told us how his outfits are "easy access" - he has to change in/out of them quickly, while he's all sweaty (oh god) so many of the things he wears have velcro openings/closures.

I'd like to find the velcro on those pants: RRRRIIIIIPPPPP!!


Thanks for the delicious visual treats.
- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

@ Adam Fix

Hell fellow, both of us are talking about the SAME picture, the very «the lace up pants IN our face, the peek of midriff...good God» one!!! You said the 5th because you counted the first one on the top of the thread... I was so fascinated that forgot it and refer to the 4th.
Anyway, the wise words of our nurse Funbonn40 above fit our problematic behavior: she said THERE IS NO HOPE FOR US! WE'VE PASSED THE POINT OF NO RETURN....

Anonymous said...

OMG! All of us ladies and/or gentlemen are in need of some serious rehab! But since there is no such thing, we will just have to wallow in our collective giddy frustration. It is immensely comforting that I am not the only one that can shut my eyes while my FS WLL cd is playing and get hot and bothered by the pictures in my head. Either I'm not a freak or I'm in the company of some pretty intelligent, horny and fantastically mesmerized rabid Adam freaks. I'm supposed to be studying for a test tomorrow, it's midnight and I'm on here. I am seriously going to keep my 16 & 7 yr. olds out of school on 9/15 & 16 to see Adam in Atl. I am simply going to tell the school that this trip ranks right up there with doc appts. and attending funerals. Since we're moving to HI in Oct, I really don't care what they think since this is our last shot and I've bought the tics already. Now, has anyone else gone off the deep end like that? Let's compare. How bad am I?


Anonymous said...

Justpeachy - you're so BAD that you're good! Moving to HI? Maybe you can meet Glitz & Sparkles.

So, had to go take a breather after picture #5, but am back to torture myself further.

Adam is SO sparkly in these pictures! Loves. I wonder if that's extra sparkle, or if the camera just captured it perfectly? Hmmm, must ponder. Deep in thought about Adam's sparkle application techniques.

- Adam Fix

glitzylady said...

THAT picture seems to get the award for the night's best "Adam Moment"...Gotta agree with everyone.....Couldn't comment earlier, had to do a little "socialize with the family time-sit on the deck and watch the sun set time" but now back to "me and Adam" time.....

Nice to see @justpeachy here again, and have to agree with the "in the company of some pretty intelligent", etc., etc., Adam freaks,...Ditto with the WLL FS video "close-the-eyes- and-visualize" thing...Was in the audience but was so stunned had to watch it on YouTube afterwards (many times....) just to remember it....couldn't take it all in at first....Saved to my "favorites" for instant access when I need a little boost!!! Will never get tired of that one, ever....

No "rehab" for me, perfectly happy wallowing.....And what do you mean by the "off the deep end"???? You're just as normal as the rest of us....

Anonymous said...

@ justpeachy, What a great mom and you are expanding your 16& 17yr. olds horizons, teaching them music appreciation and humanities. They'll love you forever for this!! I went off the deep end the first time I saw him sing Bohemian Rhapsody on the Idol audition. So happy I'm not alone! We are all terminally in love with the Lambert! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

my brain is close to malfunction as i'm trying to process that little bit of jucy info "easy access velcro clothes".... far too exciting for a friday morning :D

chezza-sherbet/ brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

Adam covered in glitter, oh my!

Anonymous said...

Yay justpeachy - you are seeing a GNT concert!! Psyched for you!

@chezza-sherbet/ brit fan :D xx - you're a riot!


glitz and sparkles said...

hey justpeachy.......
We must campaign for an ADAM concert here in HI...we can do that!! Looking forward to another addicted ADAM follower here...need the local connection.
I am still figuring out how and when I can get to the mainland or even Aust/NZ for a LIVE performance.

glitzylady said...

@glitz and sparkles

You know the invite is still open for the Seattle area shows.....I may be in possession of extra tickets for Puyallup (got a little carried away....) not front row but not bad...... and I know HA has some good rates (get their emails.....) so if you are so inclined.....although I'm guessing Australia/NZ might be even better...???!!! Hope it happens one way or the other...because LIVE is definitely worth it...

glitz and sparkles said...

glitzylady... I am so excited. I will check the date and see if it might work. Will definitely let you know.

Anonymous said...

dana said...

this is directed to Glambert4life who said they couldn't go to the live show...there are some real advantages to youtube...

like you get a great unobstructed view of the concert. i thankfully and gratefully have been to three gn shows and wound up behind towering peeps (a father and teen son) and said to myself i would have to check youtube to see what went on when adam went below my sight line...uh oh, that came out wrong.

glitzylady said...


Have had that happen myself, tall people in front of short little me obstructing my view of Adam on stage which resulted in... that other thing.....Hurray for youtube!!!