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Adam Lambert shares Linda Perry songwriting tip

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, July 9, 2010

Posted at : Friday, July 09, 2010

Adam Lambert is once again doing his best to stay humble, and thanking some of the people who have gotten him to where he is today.

In a new post on the "American Idol" singer's Twitter account, he gives an appropriate shout-out to popular songwriter Linda Perry -- who worked with him on "A Loaded Smile", one of his many collaborations on "For Your Entertainment":

"Songwriting Tip: If you like what you wrote then thats all that matters. Dont try to write songs to fit radio, get radio to fit you."

Adam has certainly taken this advice to heart in a number of ways. Although "Whataya Want From Me" and "If I Had You" have received a good bit of airplay over the past six months, the songs are not conformed to meet any sort of radio standard. People enjoy listening to them, and through that they are able to find success.

In addition to working with Adam, Perry is the head of 4 Non Blondes, and she has also worked with such artists as Christina Aguilera, Gwen Stefani, and James Blunt.



glitz and sparkles said...

Wazzzup with radio anyway? Until Adam took over my world I really didn't care much about radio stations and how they work....politics?? I do call from time to time requesting Adam with luke warm responses. Well, today's a little more demanding with my BD request. How can that be denied???
here goes........

Shirley said...

The radio plays catchy music all the time. They don't give the other genre a chance. And for some reason, they play a lot of hip hop and rap (which I loathe with all my heart).

That's why I tended to avoid the radio through the past years. But recently, I like some of the music they're playing. (Like Gaga...etc).
But they haven't been playing much Adam, to my disappointment.

glitzylady said...

Pretty sure radio is based on popularity and "known" artists, and songs they KNOW their listeners in a certain demographic want to listen to, even if they are the same 10 songs played over and over again....Maybe they think everyone has a short attention span???!!!....I swear, every time I turn on our local Top 40 station, its the exact SAME song I heard the LAST time I tuned in....As Shirley, above, said, I really do like a lot of the music, but not all, and it would be nice if they played more songs before starting over with the same ones again.....But then, what do I know.....Sort of a "catch 22"situation: if you aren't "known" you won't get played, but how do you become "known" if you aren't being heard.....Just takes time and patience and a lot of requesting, I guess....I am so "tuned in" to Adam that I forget that many people still have no idea who he is (amazing but true!!!) and am frequently reminded of that, when I, ahem, bring him up in a conversation and get that blank stare...Hoping in the next year he gets more (positive) opportunities for mainstream visibility and I really do think that's when we'll be hearing him a lot more on the radio.....and when he releases that "one epic song" that really knocks 'em dead....I know it's coming....

And Glitz and Sparkles, am I reading correctly that its your Birthday??? If so, have a happy one!!!! Aloha!!

glitzylady said...

And I really do like the quote " .....get radio to fit you". Its just a matter of time.....

Anonymous said...

I don't know it all depends on what's happening, what's goin on...sometimes radio is boring but sometimes it's great when they have great tunes to listen have to ask yourself if you like radio and if so then what would you want to listen to...and how would you want it played..I love turning on the radio if the jams are great...

glitz and sparkles said...

glitzylady (sista)

Mahalo (thank you).
Yeah, radio was just on for news purposes and commuting traffic reports. Not impressed with the current music, but now I get so happy when Adam is played.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me, I just got here myself ... IS TODAY GLITZ AND SPARKLES BIRTHTDAY??????????????
If so HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Glamfellow!

glitz and sparkles said...

thanks soooooooo much glamily...feel such a connection to you all.

OK, I just called into one of our radio stations and got thru on the first guard..forgot which station I had called..what's wrong with me?? Normally I can't even get thru. OK she (DJ) promised to play IIHY for me....happy day...this makes my day.
I'm losing it big time .. feeling like a kid.

Anonymous said...

I NEVER hear Adam on the radio and it is honestly really depressing. They used to play WWFM all the time and now I never hear it, and have never heard If I Had You on the radio except for once on Open House Party. I request it every weekend and they never play it.
It makes me mad because as glitzylady said it's the SAME songs every time you turn on the radio.
One time I swiched stations and they were playing the same song on BOTH of them at the same time.


glitz and sparkles said...

Another radio related item: Q104 Cleveland is broadcasting an interview today with Allison I believe about the tour..anyway found the station on the internet and am listening now...think the DJ said 5 pm (trying to figure what that equates to here)...just curious.

Anonymous said...

they would play it if the beats were a little more if he comes out with an underground bootie remix..I am pretty sure they would play it..

Anonymous said...

Alejandro is not current..

Anonymous said...

Or blame the famous Swedish producers if Adam Lamberts singles aren't current xD "good taste" comes from Sweden..

Anonymous said...

Hey glitz and sparkles @ July 9, 2010 1:18 PM - OMG, Happy Birthday! And what a nice birthday surprise for you, getting through to the radio station! Cool. I have another birthday treat for you, well, sort of :), I heard IIHY on Boston's Kiss 108 this afternoon on their "new music" segment!! So Psyched! They've played it before and all, but not a ton, so good news. Hope you are having a good day!

and also, to glitzylady @July 9, 2010 11:23 AM who said...
And I really do like the quote " .....get radio to fit you". Its just a matter of time.....
yeah, love it too... because in the end, AL will be able to be content that he made the music HE wanted to make, and if he continues to get good radio play, it will be all the more satisfying to him that he played by his own rules.

MassGlamFan (who is in such a good mood after hearing IIHY on the radio - sounded so great pumping out of my car radio too - and actually, sounded very radio-friendly and Top 40-ish!)

glitz and sparkles said...

hey..........Adam is on Q104-Cleveland NOW...
He said he was on Lake Erie - that was that clip posted by Sasha.

LISTEN NOW!!! another great gift today!!

Anonymous said...

Suggestions...find your local top 40/ adult contemp stations and text IIHY to them twice a day. Keep the radio on in your office and listen for the song be sure to text thank them if they play it esp if GN is going to be in your town/area. Get a list of the radio stations in your region add this to your text list. You can do this on your lunch hour, while your getting your hair done or whenever. Establish a twitter account (or 3) and follow your local top 40 station tweet for them to play Adam's single, see who is following the station and then follow them maybe some will also follow you see your @adamlambert tweets and so on. If you are at a GN concert date waiting in line text the single to the local radio, meet friends around you, ask them to do the same.

Anonymous said...

went to movies tonite to see toy story 3 in conroe, texas and adam's iihy was playing in the music before the show. me and my daughters 10 and 12 years old started singing with it. pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

@ Anomymous 5:20PM
That's what I call a MASTER PLAN!

Anonymous said...

Happy glittery birthday, glitz and sparkles! Enjoy!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

@ glitz and sparkles, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Glitz &, Sparkles, we all love you and your comments too!! Hope you had a great glittery day with plenty of Adam in it! I was really off on the water video. Lake Erie is pretty cold. If Adam jumped in, there would be a lot of fried fish in that lake. He could heat up Lake Superior! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Linda Perry is awesome! Love her music!

Anonymous said...

you know, Britney Spears once said that she loved listening to the radio so she wanted to make music that she would want to hear on the radio...and if I'm remember Adam said that he likes to stay out all he wanted to make music that like he hears in the clubs when he's out or either music about that life that happens after hours....

Anonymous said...

Adam has think, well, is this something I would want to this something I would want to listen to..what do I want people to feel when they are listening to my music...

Glitz and Sparkles said...

thank you for the BD greetings...sorry I get lost and forget where and what I posted. Need to write notes to myself so I can follow up later. Still a novice at this.