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E! True Hollywood Story: Adam Lambert!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, July 30, 2010

Posted at : Friday, July 30, 2010

Adam's version of E! True Hollywood Story will start filming tonight in San Diego! This is an American documentary series that deals with famous Hollywood celebrities, movies, TV shows and well-known public figures. Adam really has hit the big time with this! The reason is because only "relevant" and "important" has been featured in these shows. Some renown celebrities that have been featured in this show are Jack Nicholson, Keanu Reeves, Britney Spears, Will Smith, Oprah Winfrey etc. So this is such a huge honor for Adam!

Credit for picture: etharei


Anonymous said...

SWEET!!! i was wondering when they would do one of him. . .if this is true:)

Anonymous said...

Adam has become an intrigal part of many peoples lives, and he will be an International Superstar. Super intelligent, good looks, charisma, amazing voice, stage presence, and he is soo Lovable.

Anonymous said...

They must have been filming him when he did the Ryan Seacrest interview a couple days ago, because Ryan mentioned the big group of people he had with, and the E! camera crew. Awesome. :)

Anonymous said...

What an honor! It will be such a great program. Keep us updated 24/7. Thanks !

Sandy said...

oh my gosh! This is so sweet!

Anonymous said...

Being treated like a rock star, just how it should be.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know when it's supposed to air?

Anonymous said...

If it's «sweet», it's probably my Adam, right?....Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

So exciting!!! Adam must feel as if he is in a a truly mad world with all this wonderous insanity going on around him. He has handled everything with such honesty, transparency and integrity. We all know he's talented beyond belief, but there's also a strong core to him that will hopefully keep him sane and humble. This is only the beginning. It's just so much fun to be on this ride.

Anonymous said...

I am sure Vegas and TX and Fl ready for Adam!
How come San Diego was not ready for Adam?!

Anonymous said...

I think they air it in a few months. They're just filming it.

Anonymous said...

That is extra AWESOME and FANTASTIC!!! Adam is in a company of renowned celebrities!... the big hitters in Hollywood! To think Adam just started his rise to stardom... that's a major honor and validation!!! Adam must just be tickled silly!... or on cloud 9 with this one!:))

Yaaaaaay! soooooooo happy for you Adam!

Anonymous said...

This is so epic.......

Carlos said...

AWESOME NEWS!! Everyone watches those specials

Anonymous said...


You beat Yah! How much more if it's Adam Lambert!

donnaw said...

WOW!! This is fantastic news for Adam.....and his fans!!

Anonymous said...

I forget, who won A I last year? They want Adam, not just because he has a super voice, super looks, and super personality, but he can actually speak coherently with humor and intelligence.

Anonymous said...

Let's all watch it to give it a very big viewership rating #s.

Anonymous said...

Simon wanted Adam to win because Adam is star. Now close the show, American Idol! Simon left because star was born. They will never find anybody like Adam.

Anonymous said...

Yes, LET'S! For sure 24/7 will give us the heads up when it will be aired! or better yet Adam will tweet... hahah

Anonymous said...

Finally Adam's getting the positive attention he deserves! No one can deny his talent. I think he's proven to the "nervous nellies" that he's a true professional that made one very public error in judgement [AMA awards], owned up to it, explained it and it's old news. His success and growing fan base worldwide should remove any doubt that he's here to stay and he was greatly misjudged and underestimated. Can't wait to see the E finished product! He soooo deserves this recognition! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Well people, it seems that Longineau is leaving the band after US tour... as I suspected. It will be official next week. :(


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He's getting back w his old band, it seems.. Will see the press release..

Anonymous said...

I am estatic over this E! News documentary! Adam has worked so hard for recognition like this...he totally deserves it! He will give a great interview - per usual. Smart, funny, articulate, open...what's not to love.

However, sad news about Longineau! :( I wonder who he will be replaced with? I hope/am sure it will be another interesting character. I wish Longineau much success and want to thank him for contributing to Adam's success, as well.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

wow! so fast! can't wait to see it.

Anonymous said...

AWESOME can't wait!

Linda said...

Talk about exciting! Can't wait to see the film about him, but would prefer to see him IN a film. With his looks, charm, talent, acting ease,confidence and ability to enunciate clearly while speaking and singing would make him a perfect person for a big screen movie.

Anonymous said...

This is so impressive!!!! It will give Adam more exposure. As excited as we are, let's hope it's all good stuff and done tastefully.

Anonymous said...

Why don't we start a campaign to get Adam to host SNL - like the Betty White Facebook campaign? He would get to act and sing!!!! Would be awesome!!!!

Anonymous said...

So proud of our BABY BOY!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think I read someplace....can't remember where

that SNL was interested...but they wanted to

gay it Adam wasn't interested at that was probably after AMA Awards

I think he should go on as musical guest not

host because they would just do gay bits..

Anonymous said...

I love Adam's band....just as it is...please

don't go Longineau


Anonymous said...

Agree with you linda, would love to see Adam in a film. He has so many different looks and such an expressive face, he could play a wide range of characters, not only musicals. Trueblood producers, are you listening? I also would love to see him on SNL, but without the gay focus. He's so much more and has such great comedic timing. I'll miss LP. He's always so gracious at the concerts, mingling with fans, but the GNT is centered around Adam and think he would want to have more solo exposure to showcase his talents. He may also not want to be away from his fiancee,going on the world tour. The glamily seems so close and perfect. I'll miss him and the glamily will too. I wish him success and hapiness. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Adam on 'E' is just as it should be. Afterall Adam was on the COVER of RS right out of the gate!
And yes, a musical guest (who does one key piece in a skit) would be great for SNL. Look how great he was on "Best Week Ever"

Anonymous said...

I would love to see Adam in a movie as perhaps a police officer, who happens to be gay, and who develops an attraction to someone he has to arrest..he could show off his major masculine side and still be true to who is he is..I'm thinking that because Adam is such a proud gay man, that he would not really want to play a straight man in a movie, as people may not see it as believable...

julieb said...

OMG!!!!!!!! THS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those things are epic!!!!! Just like Adam!!!!!! They really do them only if you are relevant!!
I am so excited, I'd watch it a hundred times.