Eber Lambert tweets in response to the protesters from last night
Filed Under (Eber Lambert,twitter ) by Admin on Friday, July 16, 2010
Posted at : Friday, July 16, 2010

Adam's dad, Eber, had this to say about yesterday's protests against Adam's concert.
"No, God hates figs. And most seafood as I recall."

Sasha Mallory also tweeted about it.
"So sad so see children holding signs that say God hates f*gs... makes me wonder what God their parents worship... #whereisthelove? welp there goes any chance for any gay clubs in this area... its all about LoVE!!! i think my heart grew 10 times bigger for those outside... thank you... this show is gonna rock."
"i think ill sleep now... the Westboro Baptist folks told me God hates sleep.. so i tried to stay up as long as i could..."
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I'm glad they all have a sense of humor about it.
Regardless of the emails showing a strong face, these kinds of vile disgusting opinions have to hurt! If you're gay like Adam and Sasha it must on some level depress and sadden you. And to read these comments addressed to your beloved son or daughter must just break you heart! It depresses, saddens and breaks my heart and makes me more committed to responding when I hear homophobic comments. Adamluv
me too (to anon. 1:47)
Off topic, but I'm posting this here because we all seem to need cheering up after this situation...
I posted this the other day after zz posted a similar one of fans happily screaming for Adam.....but I was late to the party and I don't think anyone saw my post or the video...which will make your heart happy again,and probably make you laugh too. It does for me anyway.
with AdamLOVE to everybody!
God bless supportive family & friends!
oops, my "me too" was to Stephanie at 1:47, non just anon at 1:47...
What a nice & good looking family! first time I've seen that!... ok I'm slow!:) Trying to keep up with you all!
Ok, already! I have enough said about those "lost souls"... let's move on and back to the show and all Adam Lambert! Thank you.:)
They're planing to picket the show in Wichita, KS, unless they did that yesterday... They also paln to picket Justin Beiber "to remind all of those in attendance that america's destruction is imminent!"
They're going to picket Adams show in Wichita, KS (unless that is what they did yesterday). They also plan to picket Justing Beiber "to remind all of those in attendance that america's destruction is imminent!"
sorry for the double post... I thought it didnt go up
I think he means that everyone has their own taste. Why wouldn't God like fish and figs..?
Sasha is gay? Didn't know that. Where have I been but on a serious note I'm glad that they don't seem to be taking this too seriously and can still have a laugh about it.
Thanks Sweetie for the video and just think that was a year ago. I'm praying that she got her voice back by now.
Religious zealots and extremists do such damage to this glorious world of ours. True Christians point out the good and beauty here. These people would be much better if they went to the Gulf Coast and helped to clean up the oil on the beaches, but sadly that is not their mindset.
Adam and Sasha have seen this bigotry before and will again, I'm sure. So sad. So wrong. Sasha said her heart grew ten times bigger - she's got it right.
Love and Light
You can't possibly take those people seriously!!! Just read what's on their signs/placards they all don't make any sense what so ever!...lol In my own opinion they just like pests... annoying, irritants and s... disturbers. Ohhh I am so done talking about them!:(
They're going to picket Justin Bieber too?
What are they going to picket Bieber for? Being short and having no talent?
Very interesting....
I've read that white people are easier to brainwash, so Justin Bieber is worth a try.
at 3:07 Thanks for making me laugh about Bieber.We don't know but may be he is gay. I loved the comment from Eber, that God doesn't like figs or fish. We all need to laugh and love
Fred Phelps is the leader of the Westboro Baptist Church. (not really affiliated with other Baptist) He is never seen with the groups of women and children in his family that picket - and yes they all are related. If you go on any of the sites that veterans post about Westboro you will see why he sends out the women and children. They really are very angry at the Westboro Baptist. If you want to feel vindicated by your feeling towards this horrible group just google Fred Phelps.
Adam's father was probably referring to certain sea foods that was considered unclean by the Jewish faith in ancient times- and maybe figs was a play on words. I guess he has more practice dealing with anti-semantic homophobes than the rest of us. It still really hurts my feelings that someone would be so mean to someone as fantastic as Adam and Sasha.
god hates bigots
@Anonymous July 16, 2010 2:11 PM -
Re your comment "I think he means that everyone has their own taste..."
Food for thought (no pun intended, lol)...and even if that wasn't Eber's meaning, it's STILL thought provoking, thanks.
Adam is Love - Sasha is love - LOVE TRUMPS HATE ALWAYS. I feel sorry for people with this much Hate and Darkness of the Soul. Their lives must be miserable. I wonder if they ever enjoy anything?
Have to agree with anon3:28 that shellfish is considered unclean in the Orthodox Jewish religion because they are bottom feeders and scavengers.Think also that figs were a play on words. It has to hurt Eber to have anyone disparage his son, but he is a strong, classy man that raised his sons well. I think he condsiders the source and considers them unfit and unworthy to give them much attention. At least the WBC are equal opportunity nut jobs. Justin Bieber, a straight, white kid? What's next, kittens, puppies and grandmas? Oh, the insanity! So sorry that Sasha and rest of the glamily had to see this abomination. Have to get my Adam fix and fill my heart with joy and glitter! funbunn40
Hey funbunn40! I see your comments every day on this site. I always love to read them. You are so intelligent and interesting. I can tell you are as big an Adam fan as I am. I am one of the older Adam fans and love reading people's opinions and comments on this site. It's so great to have a place to go where everyone LOVES Adam!!
@Linda 7:59 - YOU have good taste yourself if you like funbunn40's comments! Intelligent and interesting, well put, yes indeed.
@funbunn40 (and 3:28) yes, I feel you've got something there...my hubby, who is Jewish, says you're right on the money in his humble opinion... and I think you're hitting the mark too w/ the play on the words and considering the source business. Thanks for getting our mental juices flowing tonight.
jesus cursed the fig tree for not producing fruits when he need them so then the fig tree went KAPUT.
Yes, heart and mental juices flowing but has anyone noticed how freakin' gorgeous Adam's brother is as well? Oh my, parents created two super smart, talented, gorgeous beyond belief, great guys! They must be so very proud! and they all look so close and loving of one another! What a lucky family! We adore you Lamberts! Thanks for creating Adam! We love him so very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No shortage of brains, looks and talent in that
Lambert family! Very evolved people.
So much love is extended to Adam and his beautiful family---who can see anything else??? Dear Adam, you are so loved by so many all over the world. Love has a way of multiplying and overcoming all else. lOVE, lORRAINE #440
Yes - on behalf of our whole little Glamily here, thank you for your humrous, insightful and always heart felt comments, funbunn40! I believe many people enjoy reading them.
And same goes to many of the "regulars". Adamluv, it's been great to see your name popping up more often - thanks for your comments as well.
And fan4fun...I've been a little "out of the loop" lately. Yes - I was wondering where you were a while back. Hope you get your keyboard fixed soon!
- Adam Fix
And by the way - hats off to Eber for fighting ignorance with intellegence and humor. What more can you do? To try and "fight" people like them will get you nowhwere, as they have been brainwashed their entire lives. They will never listen to your point of view...will rabidly defend their beliefs to the bitter end. Let them crawl back under the rock they came out from under.
It takes more strength and will to turn the other cheek - Adam and family (and Sasha, et all), can you feel our swelling support for you??
- Adam Fix
and God apparently hates cigarettes as well. maybe He has asthma.
Anon:3;07, your comments on Justin B. were funny. I saw him in May at WangoTango (where I went for Adam) and I can understand liking him if you're 12. But why would that WBC group be protesting at his concert? Serious question, not kidding. And Anon;8;45, sorry but dont understand your comment. Please explain! Adamluv
Sasha and Adam are not the only ones being targeted here. Cam is also gay and I believe I heard somewhere, so is Terrence, but I may be mistaken. Anyway, these nasty people are against just about anything you can think of, so I can see them picketing Justin Beiber. He sings pop music with black people, so they're probably against them too!!!!!!!!!!!! I think Eber has the right idea; humor is the only way to deal with this scum, because what they say is just a sick joke!!!!!!!!!!
@ Adamluv, I don't really know why the wbc would target Justin Bieber to picket, but he has a huge fan base with a lot of impressionable teens that in their megolomania might think they could influence. My only other thought is targeting him for any minorities or people that don't suit their standards that are a part of his tour. funbunn40
@ Linda, Thanks for the nice compliment. Glad you're with this wonderful Glamily! I love this site! Thankyou MGF and Adam fix again for your thoughtful kind words. You and the Glamily get my motor [and mouth ]running with your thought provoking comments and brilliant humour which I can't resist! You all are so much fun and I love hearing about your kids, life, feelings, etc. Most of all you have kind compassionate hearts which is also a trait of Adam's that we admire, along with his many other attributes! As for being older, Linda , I told my kids,[5 grown,2 grand and 1 3yr old greatgrandaaughter] that I would rather rock with Adam than be in a rocking chair! They're so glad that I have so much fun and they love Adam too! Mentally, I'm about 20! lol funbunn40
as suggested by one of Adam fans, i listened to Adam on youtube singing The prayer with Noa Dori
pass it on to the world, don't worry or waste your time writing or getting upset about the haters,the good outshines..listen to Lady Gaga's
comments on what happened at Adams concert, she is right, don't feed the fire with more hate,act like they are not even there, be a better person, i'm sure thats what Adam would want..pass it on...peace and love...Sunny D
This makes me feel ill. If you are truly a Christian then Jesus is your model for living. Read your Bible haters, Jesus never expressed hatred for another person. Jesus was love incarnate. These people are just like other religious extremists, they only bring "darkness" into the world. Sing on sweet Adam! We love you just the way you are!
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