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Glam Nation Tour in Costa Mesa, CA

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, July 29, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, July 29, 2010



Band Interlude and Sure Fire Winners

Band/Dancer Intro




Dancer Interlude and Sleepwalker



Voodoo Down the Rabbit Hole Ring of Fire

All video courtesy of suz526!


Anonymous said...

Well, goodmorning 24/7! Gosh you guys are just something else!:) so on time!... thanks!:)

Ok, I'm going to enjoy last night's show now! It looks like another really good batch of videos because they're Suz526!... thanks Suz!:)

glitzylady said... started out with Fever, had to take a little break, to slow the racing heart.....or was it just too much coffee???!!! (I'm in Seattle, after all..) Anyway, I also thank Suz526 , its like we are RIGHT THERE seeing all the "glammy parts''as someone put it recently.....although I originally read it as "glammy PANTS" which also works for me.....Okay, going back in.....

Anonymous said...

Good morning everyone! *starts watching the show*

Anonymous said...

Wooooow! last night's WLL was extra SEXY Hooooooot!!! just sayin!:) "Action speaks LOUDER than words" :)

As always Adam out did himself again last night! You're amazingly awesome! ADAM:)

Anonymous said...

Why, oh why, oh why do I check this site when I don't really have time to enjoy and I'm rushing... fanboys and fangirls, when will we ever ever learn???!!

Watched "Fever" only so far - OMG, the vantage point, the vid quality... I can't even... well timed set of vids for me too because hubby and I have no kids in the house tonight... cancelling dinner plans immediately :).

Will try to resist vids until later, the pull is so strong 'though, don't know if I can...

and is it wrong that I am so attracted to how AL puts his hand on Terrence's head sometimes at the beginning of "Fever", like here at :43secs in this vid?? I don't know if I'm supposed to find that so frickin' hot or not but I do??!!


Anonymous said...

Where do I begin about the awesomeness that is Adam F...... Lambert? I was there again last nite and if I thought Tuesdays show was da bomb this one was out in space somewhere in its epicness! I was in the pit up by the barricade front row! That statement really says it all because to see Adam 4 feet in front of you is indescribable. He is luminous, fierce,delectable,scorching hot and every other adjective that describes beauty! There arent enuf words in the Eng. language to describe him! And his singing aint bad either! Ha Ha! You could tell by his movements and facial expressions when he descended the staircase that he was in a wild and happy place! And every song was performed at a much higher level of excitement than the nite before and the audience responded with enthusiasm and love. I heard from friends much farther back that for both nites 8500 people were on their feet his entire performance. When he sang Soaked Tuesday nite, you could have heard a pin drop. I have never heard such silence at a concert. Of course we all screamed and yelled during the middle where he just stops and looks into the audience but the second he started singing, silence again. Talk about commanding an audience! I thought I couldnt love Adam anymore than I did but was I wrong! As I said after Tuesdays show, forget all the reasons we all have not to do things and GO SEE AND HEAR ADAM! and get as close as you can. It's worth every cent. Dont mean to offend anyone but unless your husband/boyfriend/significant other is a fan or at least goes with an open mind, leave him at home. Tues. there were 2 couples close to me and both the women were smiling so I assumed they were enjoying Adam. One of the men had his arms folded with a scowl on his face and the other looked like he was in the dentists chair. Met so many hard core Adam fans and it is like a big family. Came home with email addresses, cell numbers and plans for future meet ups! Met 2 women from Australia, 1 from Japan, 2 from Washington, 1 from Arizona and so on. All there with one single goal - to see and hear our ROCK GOD! Several ppl. saw Monte with his daughter walking around the fair with Tommy. Just hanging out like regular folk. I did get to see up close by the buses Longieu and his cute fiancee. He was so sweet and lets fans take pictures of them. Saw Brooke and Sutan get off the buses too and both cute as can be! Allison rocked again last nite and fell in love with her girl drummer and girl guitar player! All dressed as rocker chicks - so darling. In my next life I want to be one of them or Orianthi! She again killed it! The audience was much more in to her last nite and she delivered. Going to get her album today as I am now a hugh fan! Going to see Aerosmith tonite so that should be interesting to see the difference! Both nites you saw ppl. of all ages, and the security guy between us and the stage said he'd never seem a show with such a wide difference in ages. That's the magic of Adam Lambert! More later if I can remember anything worth reporting! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

OMG Adamluv - I haven't even read your comments yet - I just popped back in to post a comment saying "didn't Adamluv see BOTH of these concert?" and wonder if you're still alive :)!!!!

Gonna scroll up and read your comments now!!

Anonymous said...

SUZ526 videos are incredible! The best ones ever!All are up so close and so good that can't get to the concert or are so far back you can't see all of the best parts! haha After I saw him in Charlotte I had to check the videos to make sure I didn't miss anything,as I was having an out of body experience while there. There still isn't anything like seeing him live. The air is electric. He's the gift that keeps on giving.Still not over it and can't wait until the next one! Hope Adamluv has recovered! Was worried about her having a potential overdose with fainting complications! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

OMFG Adamluv - more minutia, more details, please!

I had just decided (and posted about on various threads) that I simply had to do away with the idea of going that extra mile to get close up tix to a GNT, you're killing me!

Aerosmith tonight - WTH Adamluv - go on with your bad self. And yes, post comparison - would be very interested!

So thrilled for you (and just a tad jealous, but only in the best possible way :)).


ps. The effing vid quality on "WLL" is sick...could frickin' do without "button-cuff-hand-fan" ;), but that's me just being spoiled and picky, lol...Suz526 is a gift to us all)

glitzylady said...


Thanks for your description....takes me back to last week all over again....Loved your suggestion about leaving the true non-Adam fans home....too bad for them and makes room for the rest of us.....My hubby is a big fan so will be allowed to go to the next one and sit up front with scowling with arms crossed from him I'm sure....and I have to mention that someone sent me a link to a review re this concert and it was one of those that you want to scream "What the h*** is wrong with you man, were you even there, do you get a giant kick out of being the biggest cynical, snotty, and oblivious quote/unquote "music reviewer" on the planet, at least in the LA area???" Sorry, just thought he was an idiot, to put it politely.... Just had to get that out because I thought about replying to his review but they said you have to keep it sort of respectful and just thought that might be too saying it here....We all know Adam's show is fabulous so "poop" on the reviewer....Maybe he was the one that you described as looking like he was in the dentist's chair (something I am very familiar with as I work for one....) He seemed totally clueless....even though he said he was a fan on Idol....Now, back to my happy place, to continue to watch the vids...

glitzylady said...

Just wanted to say, the review to which I refer is in the Orange County Register.....It wasn't all bad of course, but, seemed like he spent more time talking about the things he didn't like (or get...) than doing an actual review of the show....More of an opinion piece than a review...Of course he is entitled to his opinion and all....I'll be nice now...Guess I'm one of those "rabid fans" as he so sweetly described us....

Anonymous said...

(cue elevator music)

Adamluv: welcome to heaven. We've been waiting for you. It's where all Adam fans go after seeing Adam live and suffering Death by Adam. Don't be afraid. It's a happy place. We all live in our little bubble, smile and gush at great length about the target of all our fantasies and admiration: Adam. Why? Because we can't help ourselves, and it would be unhealthy to try to keep it bottled up inside. He has taken over our lives and our brains, and we like it that way. Enjoy your stay!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

And...I must concur. When I saw Adam in Seattle, there was a family (I guess) in front of me. A husband, wife and young teen (?) daughter. The wife was going beserk, the daughter was so short she could barely see (poor thing) - and the dad was standing there with his arms crossed, looking if there was NOTHING going on in the room!!! I wanted to slap him. I wanted to yell in his face "look at the stage, give Adam your full undivided attention - or LEAVE - 'cause you're totally distracting me, don't seem like you're interested, and are detracting from the out-of-body-religious-experience I am having right now!!!". Ugh. So annoying. I think he was just along to act as body guard to the daughter, or something. And no - that wasn't me that kneed him in the back of the legs a couple times to get my frustration out. I would NEVER do that...especially at an Adam concert which is a happy, loving environment. (smirk)

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I was there last night too!! And completely AGREE with your perfect description of last night's performance, Adamluv!!! I was a few rows back from you but got to see him, sexy moves, glitter and all! My daughter and I got totally glammed up and glittered up and brought glow sticks and glow bracelets too. It was EPIC - a night I will forever remember and am now looking into tickets for the Hawaii performance. :-) I just got back from 2 weeks in Europe and, after that amazing Adam show, I told my daughter that this was better than Europe! Ha!

Have to agree with everyone that says seeing him perform and sing in
person is unbelievable. Get tickets - no matter the cost - it's absolutely worth it!

God, what a night! I'm still smiling and pumped up! LUV HIM!

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady - Just FYI, I hear you on that review actually... was, unnecessary about it, the tone or something, don't quite know how to articulate it... and I guess it's also that - I don't mind a critical review if it's coming from a place of being, um, INFORMED... and a lot of the critical statements that get made in the more critical reviews - seem to be genuinely missing the mark - not just because I'm a fan, but truly missing the mark - and I always think to myself - well, I would have felt you reviewer-person if you criticized this that and this...but what are you talking about when you criticize that, this and that...

not very well said, sorry, but anyway, didn't want you to feel you were all alone out there on that branch about the review you're referencing.

There was a good one at LA Times online 'though - don't have link but very easy to find - read that - it'll make you feel much better :)!!!

glitzylady said...

Thanks MGF, I needed a shoulder to sulk on, and I also greatly appreciated the heads up to the LA Times review....Now, that one makes a lot more sense.....Thank you....I feel much better now........

Anonymous said...

hi's been a while, 16 days to be exact. my poor laptop has tripped off the glitz and is away for repair :(
it's like going cold turkey from my addiction, something i wouldn't recommend damn it... i've hijacked the computer at parents house for a quick fix...boy i needed that. i'm happy again after 2 amazing WLL and even a lick... wow..
just an observation, that adams blue and black "spray on pants" are not quite as tight as they used to be...poor baby has lost weight, i wonder if that could be put right....the tighter the better :D

i need my laptop back, i'm suffering major adam withdrawal....

chezza-sherbet/brit fan :D xx

Anonymous said...

Can someone plz tell me if Longineu is leaving the band..I recall a few months back Lisa was quitting but that proved to be just another rumor... Finally, MGF someone agrees with me, I think the little touches and smirks AL gives Terrence is just as sexy if not sexier, then the kisses and licks he gives Tommy.


Anonymous said...

Tommy is beautiful

i really hope that he and Adam are a real couple coz they really look good together

Anonymous said...

So ladies (and gents) here's my thoughts....

1. He says he's a "briefs" kinda guy but I've looked and never seen "panty lines". So whatya think...briefs or goin' commando? I'm thinkin it's commando..oooh just a little chill up my spine as I typed that.

2. Those of you that like him touching one of the recent "Fever" videos (I think it was Costa Mesa night #1 or Warfield 2) where he ran his hand up Taylor from his thigh to his shoulder. No that was flippin' hot. Personally, I'm all for Adams equal opportunity caressing, groping, whatever you want to call it, it's completely HOT.

3. I went to Warfield #1 and then Thunder Valley (5th row) and I feel the post-Adam depression. In fact, I emailed a guy on Craiglist selling 8th row seats to San Diego because I was willing to hop on a plane (for some big $$) and fly down tomorrow, buy the ticket, see the show, then go to the airport and sleep until the first flight out tomorrow BUT...he never got back to me. So I'm stuck here in Northern Cali, unable to fulfill another Adam concert fantasy.

How the hell do we get over this? Everyone who knows me thinks I'm out of my bloody mind. I try to explain that he's just so damn intoxicating that you never feel the same after.

Help! Great videos, by the way.

Anonymous said...

My favorite part on this version of WLL? Around 7:15-7:20, where he throws his head back, closes his eyes and runs his hand over his neck.


- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Hey chezza-sherbet/brit fan - welcome back, you POOR thing!! GIOW/UK went for 10 days without checking 24/7 and it was nearly the death of her, so I can't even imagine what condition YOU are in!!

I am going on vacation for a week, very soon, and am going to climb the walls. There will be no wi-fi, so no point in dragging the laptop along. Will at least be able to read comments on my blackberry...maybe steal my sister's iPhone a couple times to watch videos, but I'm already in a cold sweat, thinking about it.

Wasn't HK Fan also going to be on vacation for quite awhile? Poor thing. Ha, ha!

- Adam Fix

glitzylady said...

@ Adam Fix 10:40 pm

I will be out of circulation for the WEEKEND... and that's too long....Hope you survive....I will probably be seen wringing my hands and pacing around in circles...Will be staying at my friends beach house on an island...and will be staring into space instead of enjoying the view....Sad, sad, sad....what my life has come to....will no doubt snap out of some point...maybe..

Anonymous said...

glitzylady - that is SAD!! But, hey, I've hardly looked at this gorgeous blue sky/sun/sparkly blue water we've been so fortunate to have the last few days, 'cause I'm either looking at 24/7 on my blackberry or my laptop. So I guess that makes me pretty pathetic.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

To Adam Fix,
yep, I was, well remembered. Just got back this morning from the UK, just trying to catch up on 11 days news, whilst jetlagged after a 12 hour flight...

So 2 things to report, 1 good, 1 bad..

so bad, spent 10 days in the UK listening to a fair bit of radio whilst driving around, didn't hear Adams songs once or even his name mentioned...GIOW/UK you have your work cut out trying to spread the word.

Good news, on the flights after sending my eyes funny after watching too many films, decided to try the music channels, and on the CD collection found the FYE cd, with all 18 tracks, was very happy to see it.

Now need to go and watch some videos.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

Hi there gang - been a crazy 16 hours or so with a child getting injured, all okay... but anyway, I'm going away on vaca too... have wifi, hubby bringing laptop I think... but probably won't be commenting...will be lurking and reading 'though, for sure :). Have fun everyone!

Anonymous said...

Hey MGF - hope your kid's ok!!! :(
Have a good vacation - we'll miss you.

- Adam Fix