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Kelly Rowland wants to write for Adam Lambert!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, July 29, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, July 29, 2010

Kelly was interviewed by The Daily Telegraph where she said she hopes to write with Adam Lambert. She mentioned that they are planning a writing session together. She also said that they often keep in contact with each other. She also complimented on Adam, saying "he is the most genuine and talented singer she's ever seen in the music industry".


Anonymous said...

Very cool.

Anonymous said...

This is just one of the many endorsements he has gotten from industry insiders. There are many more to come as he continues to become more mainstream with every spin on the radio.


Shirley said...

I love Kelly. She's so outspoken about Adam.

I actually think Kelly is better than Beyonce in terms of singing. Too bad she isn't as popular around the world.

Anonymous said...

Go Adam and Kelly. There is no dpoubt about our boy, everyone he meets is touched by his talent and beautiful soul.

Anonymous said...

Nice compliment from Kelly. Adam is the whole package, not a diva,can REALLY sing, drop dead beautiful and can charm the pants off you. He's steadily gaining momentum not only from his talent, but just by being his genuine wonderful self. To meet him is to love him!! Hope to one day have that privilege. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

This is so OSM (that's my 6-year old son's "best guess spelling" for how to spell the word "awesome" - he's using text-speak and doesn't even realize it). So great!!! We want MORE celebrities speaking out about Adam's talent and charm! Thank you, Kelly. You rock, girl.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Kelly is awesome and since leaving DC she has focused more on dance than R&B. And Adam can sing anything. I hope their partnership is productive.

Anonymous said...

I like Kelly but SHE WISHES she could work with Adam. Her career is firmly on the way down (apart from a few Euro dance hits, but meh...) whereas our boy is on the rise to meteoric stardom. Woo hoo!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have more voice and charisma to day than Adam,he has a voice that can handle every song.He has got it all,he is the best!!

Love and peace from Norway

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:50 Norway

NO one! because ADAM LAMBERT is on a LEAGUE of his own!

Anonymous said...

So sweet of her to say; and I am sure Adam make everyone he meets melt like candy when he meets them. She smitten just like the rest of us. It is so nice to see the mutual respect for one another though.

Anonymous said...

Alright - I have to confess that when I left my earlier comment, I hadn't listend to this interview. But now that I have, I just have this observation: when Adam does an interview, he has something to SAY. He holds your attention. He's commanding, yet sweet and charming...and SMART. He has a point of view. This was very nice of Kelly to say about Adam, I'm just contrasting him to other people in the spotlight and noticing (as if I didn't already) how much presence he has when he's being interviewed.

- Adam Fix