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Larry Flick Interview with Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, August 18, 2010

This was recorded on 8/16/2010 from Sirius Radio's Larry Flick.

Part 1

Part 2

Thanks LynnevillePF for uploading the video!


Anonymous said...

Sh*t... what's that famous quote of Michael Corleone's from GodFather III - "just when I thought I was out...they pull me back in..."

So much work to do.

Damn you 24/7... and damn you Adam Lambert


ps. Hey Adam Fix - I'm getting a lot of use out of your Damn You phrase this week... ha ha

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy someone recorded this interview for us! I have always liked the combination of Adam and Larry on air. Thrilled about the confirmation of an acoustic EP! YAY!

Anonymous said...

yay i heard about this interview on Twitter but couldn't find it anywhere. Thanks LynnevillePF for uploading it! And 24/7!

Stephanie said...

A 26 minutes INTERVIEW???!

I only have 10 minute break from work. noooo!!!

I guess I'll watch it after work haha

Anonymous said...

One cannot listen to his interviews and his singing and still say nasty things about him. Just can't!
One of the most interesting interviews...ever..


Anonymous said...

I hope everyone who commented on the previous thread listens, I should say hears what Adam has to say in this interview. He hasn't ever wavered from who he is and what he wants for himself AND his fans.

Anonymous said...

He has genuine good intentions.

Anonymous said...

I kind of waited for the right thread to share this, but anyway...
(sorry for the length of it)

Hopefully, it will be the other way around for Adam.. first (some) disgrace then 'the medals'.. and worldwide recognition!


Anonymous said...

It's an issue of geography really. Nobody cares in Canada, and nobody cared when he went overseas for publicity. Adam Lambert said it himself during an interview when he was in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu; the Canadian fan base is stronger than the American one. His problems are at home.

The bigotry that exists in so many people (in general, not a geographically specific statement) just makes me shake my head. I've been watching some old episodes of Fresh Prince of Bel-air the past few days, and it's made me think of the bigotry of the past. It's barely been 20 years since being a black person who wanted freedom was considered a mental disorder.

In some parts of the world you can be imprisoned and even executed for being openly homosexual, and the sad truth is it is going to get a lot worse before it gets better - but if history has taught us anything, it will eventually get better. Unfortunately also as human history goes, there will just be something new to be bigots about... I look forward to the day the homo sapien evolves past sapien.

Anonymous said...

I wish all Adam's interviews were this good. Adam did well ,as always, and Larry Flick was great and asked relevant questions. Most interviews are redundant and the same topics are discussed but this one was pretty good.


Anonymous said...

What interesting insight into the gay community and their possible attitude towards Adam!! Still think Adam doesn't really "get" his female fans. His intellectual side understands, but really don't think he really knows why he's turning on the women of all ages. He's clearing taking it all in, playing to it and enjoying the heck out of the adoration.

Hope he is very successul in keeping those pedicured toes on the solid ground. He is such a breath of frest air with his unaffected personna. Know it will eventually change but a real treat now to listen to his humility.

Clear that Adam was very comfortable with this interviewer and had things to say. Keep staying in touch with us Adam.

Anonymous said...

Solid Interview!

Anonymous said...

@crmhaske 3:54 PM

I'm afraid the homo 'sapiens' keeps relapsing throughout all history.. on all the aspects of 'its' (historical) life..


Anonymous said...

GLB - Bigotry isn't conducive to the longevity of a global species. The fear of the unknown is an historical survival tactic. A man not from your tribe might try to kill you, or that unknown species of plant might be poisonousness. Technologically speaking we've evolved past the point of needing such defence mechanisms, they are innate, yet archaic, but evolutionarily speaking we still have them. Given enough time to evolve, humans will drop the unnecessary mental mechanisms. The real question isn't whether we will overcome our egocentrism, and bigotry, but whether we will endure long enough as a species for it to come to fruition.

Anonymous said...

crmhaske @ 4:30.....

Seriously? I thought this was just a really cool thread about a really cool singer/entertainer.

Not sure why you feel the need to "school" us.

As Adam says "it's not that deep"!

Anonymous said...

I don't feel the need to do anything.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes, I feel so heart break when hear what he has to encounter in US or among his own group. Adam comes to Canada, we love you very much here.

Anonymous said...

I will speak for us older women, being 67. Adam brings me back to the glory of Elvis Presley's voice and sexuality. Plus, I still love to dance with my husband of 48 years. The early rhythmn and blues (not what Bieber sings) rock and roll, then just rock. The hair bands of the 70's, Freddie Mercury and all the others. I didn't go music deaf or sex blind just because I became older. Good music is good music just as sexy is sexy and Adam gives us both.

Anonymous said...

crmhaske: You and your "teachable moments" are getting a little annoying. :) Gain some years and then you can explain to us older gals a thing or two.

Anonymous said...

Wisdom isn't about age or experience. Some can have all the time in the world and learn not a thing. If it's annoying, don't read it.

Anonymous said...

crmhaske: Wow. It sure must be wonderful to be educated and informed on so many subjects at your young age. I had to experience life with marriage and children before I began to try to inform anyone else about their opinions. And you do it just for the sake of playing devil's advocate. Bravo.

GlammyLadybug said...

@Anon. 4:37 PM
Hi there!
In my book, "not that deep" doesn't equal "superficial".. and I def won't call Adam like that either..

Well.. less than 3 hours till the sun will rise again over.. this part of the world.. Need to put my (poor lonely) neuron to sleep now.. 'See' you all tomorrow.
Crazy was.. :-)


Anonymous said...

Don't presume you know my life experiences based on my age. Do I threaten you? This is exactly why I openly share my age. If I hadn't, your reaction to me would be completely different. Age discrimination is no less a problem than any other form of discrimination. This form of bigotry is no different than the bigotry people of differing ethnicities, gender, sexual preferences etc. face. You put yourself on the pedestal of wisdom based on the differences in our age only. That is rather egocentric and ignorant don't you think? I do not claim to know everything; I don't know everything. There is a great deal I do not yet know, but there is also a great deal that I do. My age should not be a determining factor for whether or not I am taken seriously.

Mozart started composing at the age of five. At the age of 15 Judit Polgar earned the title of chess grandmaster. Carl Friedrich Gauss made groundbreaking mathematical discoveries as a teen. As early as the age of 6 John von Neumann stood out as a child prodigy. Let us also not forget Picasso and Kripke whose brilliance was discovered when they were teenagers.

Anonymous said...

Yes, dear crmhaske, at the tender age of 6 months, my son played on the linoleum.

You are so full of yourself.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

That's quite talented of you to discern that from an online conversation alone. At least I've chosen to argue rationally instead of throwing insults. I hope you don't teach your kids to judge quickly and to throw insults when in doubt.

And for the record, to refute what I know you will say next - saying someone's act of doing something is one thing, saying someone is, is another. I have made no judges of character - it's naive to think you can do that over the Internet.

I'm sure you can be a wonderful person face-to-face.

Anonymous said...

OK, all you guys above, why don't you follow Adam's advice and just be kind to one another, regardless of opinions, age, sex, etc. This is a great blog where everyone can express themselves, say what they think but also respect everyone else. Great night to all.

Anonymous said...

I hope I will never be to old to listen to what people of all ages,education and intelligence has to offer. I tuck away what makes sense to me and discard what doesn't. I'm one of the older ones and some of the best, informative conversations I have are with my very smart 20 something grandaughter. We agree to disagree on some things, but always respectfully really listen and we learn from each other. I have a few friends that belong to Mensa [I definitely don't, lol]and sometimes strangers felt intimidated until they came to know them and realized they were't trying to impress with their knowledge, it's just who they were, trying to share a thought. Hope everyone feels free to express thoughts or feelings, whether all agree or not. I'll keep listening to all of you. I may learn something or not, but I'll always be open to all thoughts and people and try my best to understand the differences. Peace, y'all. Keep spreading the Lambert Love! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Great interview, as usual for Adam. He is so articulate and intelligent in his answers. He knows exactly what he wants as far as the foundation for his tour and what he wants to give the audience who absolutely love him. It was interesting to hear his comments about the songs he wrote, the ideas behind them and what he has learned about himself in the process. People do want a lot from Adam and he knows that they want to be entertained and he certainly is doing that. I agree with a previous comment about bringing me back to the days of Elvis with the voice and the sexuality.

Anonymous said...

One of the best interviews I have heard with Adam. He is so honest and charming in his answers. His discussion about his sexuality and the gay community was very interesting and so open. Adam knows who he is and has no reluctance to talk about his feelings. This is an intelligent young man and I am so impressed with his confidence and self-awareness. Most young artists in the music industry can't string two sentences together and here is an interview that is absolutely wonderful. His positive attitude is so refreshing in this "mad world" of negativity and intolerance.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic long interview that seemed like a conversation between good friends that understood the diversity within the gay community. I think Adam in time with his honest take on it will give the older more conservative gays a new perspective. Adam is a great catalyst with a knack of bringing people together with just simple common sense, living his good life and not trying to change anyone. People are intimidated by what they don't understand. The more familiar you are with Adam, the less over the top he seems. Whoever had the courage to eat the first lobster was really brave! It had to be really intimidating to eat a creature that looked like a huge waterbug! It sure was a mouthwatering treat after getting used to and aquiring the taste! Adam is much cuter than a lobster, of course, but savored and hoped to be tasted by us haha in much the same way. Scroll away, people. Got carried away with my nonsense. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Love you GlammyLadyBug. You don't know me but thanks a million. We're on the same page you and I.

Anonymous said...

Love how Larry Flick laughs so easily and so much. Must make
Adam feel relaxed and comfortable. Adam sure can form a

Anonymous said...

Good morning! I see LOVE!!
Thank you. Nice way to start a day.

I don't know you... you don't know me..
I love to be loved .. for the right reasons..
In this cyberworld, I love Adam, his close Glamily and his intelligent, funny and loving fans. If you are anyone of the above I def love you too!


Anonymous said...

Now, girls, play nice. :)

This is not what Adam talks about when he speaks of love and tolerance.

If you can't play nice then you will have to get out of the sandbox!

Let's keep it upbeat, positive and love filled. Just an idea. :)

Anonymous said...

Great, refreshing interview. Adam was so relaxed, laughed easily and was articulate and thoughtful - as always. Anon 8:33 PM, you said it well.

MGF - so glad you are finding my "Damn you, Adam Lambert" phrase so versitle and handy! It does seem to work in so many situations, doesn't it? And you know I say it with all the love for Adam in the world. :) Use it freely!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

lol funnbunn40 you carried me away with you and that analogy of savoring Adam as one would lobster, but it never was a taste I had to acquire. It was love at first taste, and for some reason, I now have this sensation of a warm, wet, buttery dipped & succulent sweet taste still left in my mouth, especially in light of recent events on and slightly off stage in RI, as well as with this most delightful and charming interview.

Anonymous said...

Hey Adam, you don't get why women are so turned on to you? Well, you are flesh and blood, MALE, and your emotional, intellectual, sexual energy is ASTOUNDING!!!! never mind the beauty of your entire being. Male, female, straight, gay, bi,
I don't think there is anyone who could ignore your life energy! You are a gorgeous male creature but mostly, you are attractive to women because you ARE ON FIRE!!!! in every way that women love. NOT asleep! Totally AWAKE!

Anonymous said...

GLb, Right back at you, babe! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Agree with Anon 10:52. Women love Adam so because of his emotional intelligence, his honesty, his fearlessness, his creativity. Here's what I think. Maybe Adam's soul journey isn't about catering to the gay community but rather to teach the straight male community. I play Adam's album and explain to my husband exactly what "gets me" about Adam and he listens, carefully. I play videos of his preformance and his eyes widen (as I grin) I don't think he's seen that level of pure artistry and sexuality in a male EVER! but I he says "Adam is an artist of the highest degree".
Someone on this blog said that her husband left a note to her about something saying "Adam would like that".
Who knows the level of what he has to teach but it is 2010 and men and women are having a hell of a time AND there has never been anyone like him. Has there! Hmmmmmm..............

Anonymous said...

Thank you GLB for that beautiful insighful thought! IMO ... it strips away all the unnecessary miscommunication that sometimes rears its ugly head on some of these threads. I feel that deep down we all love ADAM .... who he is .... what he represents .... and his PHENOMENAL talent & persona. Not everyone is sexually attracted to ADAM because of how GORGEOUS he is outwardly. I am now speaking for myself. I am attracted to ADAM for his Brilliance .. Charisma .. Talent .. and sometimes ADAM speaks like an 'old soul' who has been here for more than his young 28 years. To me his interviews are just as entertaining as his musicality such as the one here. I LOVE YOU ADAM & have 'spiritually' adopted you as one of my beloved grandchildren all of whom I am so PROUD!!


glitzylady said...

I just have to add to Anon at 11:00 pm's comments about how her husband listens to what "anon" has to say and truly listens...and loves his artistry...My husband is also a true Adam fan...he absolutely adores him as a "person" and appreciates his great talent as well...he also has that silly s**t-eating grin on his face that I have when we listen to Adam' s interviews and performances and was rocking out along with me at Fantasy Springs...He gets madder than hell when people say ridiculous things about Adam..And I think he also "gets" what the ladies, including me , see in Adam as a very attractive (on so many levels) sexy man and doesn't seem to mind too much that I am a little bit "in love" (on a purely spiritual level of course...) with Adam... as it does have certain benefits for hubby as well...And the bottom line, Adam, as to why we find you wildly attractive even though most likely none of us has a chance in hell, is that phrase that you yourself have said many times: "Sexy is Sexy", a phrase that doesn't need to be defined or qualified, it is just true when it comes to you....Oh yes, and you are "ON FIRE" as anon at 10:52 pm said....Keep that flame going, and don't let anyone tell you to put it out...if they don't like it , they can just go somewhere where it is "cooler".....

khaiezshronne said...

anyone knows that he's homosexual...

but those who know, shouldn't be offended...

he's just what he is...

Glitz and sparkles said...

I agree with your comments...yeah, I feel that spiritual connection and attraction.
NOW THIS IS AN INTERVIEW!! Connection is evident here.

Anonymous said...

A great interview! So honest,sweet and his ability to connect with people priceless. I find THAT sexy and Adam is bringing Sexy back for those reasons. He is humbled by the ladies love for him. Let's me honest here; who supports the music industry more than women of all ages? How many men do you see at most concerts period? Who? Women? Why? Because we are not afraid to show our feelings. First on the dance floor? Ladies? Men of any sexuality are not "comfortable" with public display of affection or dancing. Folks in general no matter what there preferances are more the same then they realize. The one thing all of us have is common is wanting to be accepted, be loved,spiritual,and our love for music. My advise to Adam is not to over analize it. Keep it going and enjoy what you are doing because for so many of us it is working and we are feeling your connection everyday.

Anonymous said...

Adam is definitely plugged into that spiritual outlet in the universe and we are directly connected to his electrical current. His outward attractiveness and sexual magnetism to both sexes is fun to play with and banter about, but in reality there is a deeper, more human connection that I think attracts us. His zest for life and positive energy affects us all in a joyful way that takes us away from the sometime stresses and mundaneness of everyday life. He lifts us up and brings back emotions and feelings that we may not have visited in awhile. He brings people together to share the joy that his talent brings and the appreciation of the human spirit. There's a lot more to him than the average person realizes. He wiil make a huge difference in the world. He has a good soul. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Ah, how I love a GOOD interview/interviewer where Adam gets to be himself more, answer more fully, and talk about things that are truly important to him.


Funbunn40, you'e always so articulate!

And anon at 10:52, you hit it dead on babe. Reminds me of that deeply moving scene in Thelma and Louise where Thelma talks about being AWAKE that gave me goose bumps. (actually gives me goose bumps just to think about it again now....)


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