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Adam Lambert Signing for fans at the military base today

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Anonymous said...

This must be in Seattle??? He is in Washington State for his last show in the Continental U.S. so just a pretty good guess. But what base. I have often thought that Adam would be a popular person to do a USO show for our troops. He is so positive and upbeat, and our military is in great need to be entertained. Maybe after he finishes in November.

Anonymous said...

He was at Fort Lewis for a CD signing from noon to 2pm for miliary personnel only.

DC Canadian

Anonymous said...

He is a sweet heart! and i'm sure this meant alot to him. So sweet!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm very surprised that Adam was in a military base... He is so much against war and he said that there should be no more guns... but... I understand that he has fan everywhere and that you can find people with good hearts in the army too... or in jail... or working as a papparazzo ! And Adam is certainly not judgemental ! And he is not in politics either... but... this army thing just made me feel a bit uncomfortable. I guess they need more of Adam's love than anyone else... maybe they will feel it so deeply it will make them drop their guns...

Anonymous said...

Anon at 5:55
You do understand that you can be totally against war and support the troops, right? I'm sure Adam feels this way. I’m a liberal to the core but I do see service personnel as our most valuable national treasure. Men and women who serve their country are there to take orders, sacrifice and die if they have to protect us and we as civilians are charged to elect leadership to ensure their cause is just.

Anonymous said...

In the New World Order there has to be those who do the fighting for the Elite, be it Liberal or whatever.

Anonymous said...

To Anon at 6:05.
No. I don't understand that. This is why I was so surprised and why I was asking.
Anyway... Let's talk about our sweetheart...I love Adam. He is a great artist. He has a fabulous voice and a big heart. He brings light in the life of so many people, from 1 day to 110 years old and maybe older... this is fantastic. He is a gift to the world. I hope he will have a great Glam Overseas Tour and that he will come back richer from all those new experiences he will have the chance to live (wish the same to everyone who will participate to the Tour).

Anonymous said...

I thought this was really cool! Adam is out there with all walks of life.! what better force is there than the people that defend our country! Love you adam!

Anonymous said...

Are these troops permanently in the US or are they heading to the Persian Gulf or Afganistan. That would be a whole different issue.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see Adam there today, using the position he finds himself in for positive purposes... Especially on this day when DADT couldn't get enough votes to simply go up for debate.

Anonymous said...

Those signs that say "Support our Troops" are soooo stupid. Are you saying that there are people who don't support our troops. That's crazy. Our nation fell way short when our VietNam vets returned home, and I wonder now how well our recent vets are being treated. Anyway, back on subject, I'm so thrilled that Adam visited this base. He is really such a good guy. Of course his visit coincides with the GOP killing the DADT dumbass policy. Wonder how many Medal of Honor recipients were gay. Guess we agree with Iran on some things. Gays are not welcome.

Anonymous said...

Anony 7:01. You've been listening to FOX too long. Give CNN a listen every now and then. I am an old liberal. Do I support our troops? Of course I do. To say an anti-gun, anti-war, anti violent person doesn't support the people trying to protect our country is totally incorrect. We feel there's a better more civilized way to handle disputes, but some of our politicans and money mongers, who make billions off war, love it. The men and women who servce are heros in every sense of the word and should be treated as heros.

Anonymous said...

I also thought it was a little strange, at first, that Adam was at a military base, given the stance he's taken on some subjects - but we have heard from personnel, right here on this site, that Adam has a huge following in the military...and anon 7:07 took the words right out of my looked like a very diverse bunch of people and it always makes me feel good when Adam gets to mingle with, as well as feel loved and appreciated by, a diverse group. Makes him realize his message is getting out there, and he's touching so many people's lives.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

I just watched my son, Jason Foster board a plane with 250 other soldiers and head for another year in Afghanistan. None of you can know how a mother feels about this until you do it yourself. My son and every other person in the military VOLUNTERED to serve their country, to put their lives on the line and perhaps to die so we here at home can live free. We must never forget that we were attacked by muslim terrorists and that 3,000 people died on 911? That is more than died at Pearl Harbor. Our military fights on their lands so that they do not have to fight on our soil. Sorry if that is disturbing to any of you, but I'm still reeling from watching his plane take off. I do not know of any military family that is for war. In fact, I don't know anyone that wants us to be at war. Enough said...

Jason posted here a few times that he told me about. While he was home I did not post but did occasionally check in on Adam's American tour. I'm glad he is doing so well.

Jason took with him many cds of Adam that he burned for the guys and gals in his unit. He told me so many times how much everyone loves Adam. I showed him the youtube video of Adam at Miramar singing the Star Spangled Banner when he was still on Idol and it brought tears to Jason's eyes. I know he burned some copies of that too.

Posters on this site, please keep all of our troops in your hearts, minds and prayers that they come home safely and uninjured. Thank you.

Love and Light

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:26pm Ditto ! That is what i think too ! I totally support our troops but it does not mean I support any meaningless war. I am proud of all straight ang gay service men and women who served to protect us. Without them, there isn't any minute that i seat here with freedom and peace. I am an immigrant from a war country and i know how to appreciate freedom and appreciate those who serve their country. Please America, DONT BE IGNORANT. Go to the 3rd world country and live there as the citizen there, don't live as American and you know what i mean. No matter ADAM is supporting any politic campaign or not , he is thoughtful and he will be everywhere to support all people no matter if they are straight and gay lesbian.

Glitz and Sparkles said...

@Love and Light

Well stated.....brings tears to my eyes.
glittery hugs to you...

Anonymous said...

To Jason's mom. Jason told us about his impending leave. He is very brave. I truly feel for you. I have a nephew in active duty who has been to Afghanistan once and will be returning. My heartfelt prayers go out to Jason and all the brave souls fighting for our country. I have 2 teenage sons, ages 17 and 18. One recently had to sign up for the draft. It scared me to death to even think about my son going off to war. We anxiously await posts from him.
Hugs and prayer,

Anonymous said...

To Jason's mom. You brought tears to my eyes. We all love our children fiercely. Your post was eloquent and I promise to keep Jason and the troops in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks for reminding all of us. Jason seems to be very special indeed.


Anonymous said...

@Love and Light - will be sending good vibes and positive energy Jason's way... and now we are invested too:) so please give us updates every now and then if you can find the time.

Anonymous said...

daydreaminmylif - please know that my arms are around you in a big hug. 17 and 18 year olds are so very young to be taking on the responsibility of fighting for our freedom. My son has decided on a military career and that frightens me as well. I just hope with the average age of our troops being 20 years, 3 months that our CIC will allow them to fight this war without their hands tied behind their backs as they have been the past 6 months.

To the rest of you who commented: I thank you for your kind words as they are so appreciated.

MGF (who I helped name) I just hope that I never bore you all with news from Jason. I will try my very best to keep it Adam related as it sould be on this site.

Love and Light

Anonymous said...

Love and Light, how proud you must be of your son. Yes, he posted here several times and I responded to his posts. Many of us sent him "love and respect" comments for the difficult job he has chosen. I do agree with those who stated that you can be against the war yet respect and honor those women and men that put their lives on the line everyday. Our treatment of the returning Vietnam vets was reprehensible and I hope we never live to see that again! Adamluv