More Glam Nation Tour International Dates!
Filed Under (tour news,Worldwide News ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Posted at : Tuesday, September 07, 2010
11.09.10 Stockholm, Sweden, Debaser Medis (Glam Nation Tour)
11.12.10 Munich, Germany, Theaterfabrik (Glam Nation Tour)
11.14.10 Hamburg, Germany, Grunspan (Glam Nation Tour)
11.15.10 Berlin, Germany, Postbahnhof (Glam Nation Tour)
11.16.10 Stuttgart, Germany, Zapata (Glam Nation Tour)
11.19.10 Cologne, Germany, Gloria (Glam Nation Tour)
11.22.10 Vienna, Austria, WuK (Glam Nation Tour)
11.23.10 Zurich, Switzerland, Xtra Club (Glam Nation Tour)
11.26.10 Birmingham, UK, Academy 2 (Glam Nation Tour)
11.27.10 Manchester, UK, Academy 2 (Glam Nation Tour)
11.28.10 Glasgow, UK, ABC (Glam Nation Tour)
11.29.10 London, UK, Shepherds Bush (Glam Nation Tour)
Thanks to matertenebrarum!
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Hey Glambrit IOW - hope one of these UK dates works for you!! MGF
Was going to say the same thing...@GIOW and all of the others who have been very patiently (HA!) waiting....I can hear you screaming Adam's name all the way to Seattle...Now get busy on getting those tickets all you lucky UK people (and the rest of Europe...)!!!! This ought to jump start those radio stations in the UK to play Adam's music...YAY!!!! (I think I hear London calling....)
WOW! Europe Itenerary! Glam Nation is coming to rock your world!!!
Bloody Nora!!!!!! Talk about working ADAM flat out! All these dates just proves what an amazing
gem he is!
You too Chezza!!! Get a babysitter for those little lovlies of yours, grab Hubby and get thee to a GNT!! (Really hope you can :)). MGF.
haha...Fever played for the first time in NZ, what an amazing feeling. i have already celebrated this the other night, live but for those who missed the amazing moment, here is a fan made video...
Look out world, it's time for Glamnation Domination!! So happy for Adam!
and Where Z F are all my Brit Glamberts? COngratulations ladies, it is finally ur time to get Deflowered by the ravishing Mr Adam Mcfucken-Sexy Lambert. Buckle up lucky bitches, I wish I was there to get Re-deflowered.
The people who get to see This tour are very lucky. Adam is the best Entertainer I have ever seen!!
Adam Lambert has conquered the US and Canada with his Glam Nation tour. Now he is set for the international audiences to experience his spectacular musical artistry. He is one talented, edgy, charismatic performer...vocal perfection. So get ready for a glamtastic show!!
UK SHOWS ADDED <33333 omg.
So happy for the European fans.
The European elite countries :)
update to all my Glamsistas....remember I screamed the other night when Fever Debuted on NZ radio? Well, my fuckin neighbors complained to mgt and they sent me a letter today telling me to STFU! Wait on til I scream my lungs out you bitches, probably this Friday???? I am gonna slap the letter on ur face management.
FYI I am on beer #4 now so I might do it tonight if I hit 7 or 8 bottles :)
ZZ - get ready to get another letter for screaming girl, cuz Adam effing Lambert just did WLL FOLLOWED BY 20TH CENTURY BOY apparently at concert tonight in Dallas!!!!!!!
Please god tell me someone there got videos, cuz the posts on twitter feed were insane. One said his Mom was there and passed out. Supposedly he brought her water and was making sure she was okay. I guess it was worse than sardines in there tonight. Can't wait for vids!!
I saw that Anon 9:13, about the water/Mom. I can't even keep my eyes open - need to sleep - RL gonna kick my butt tomorrow if not... but here's concert twitter feed for those interested
and I was thinking the same thing - holy hot hell, somebody better have gotten vids!!!!!!
OMG - Dallas!!! I can only imagine your show was SO worth the wait!! Everything's larger than life in Texas, right? So jealous. :)
- Adam Fix
@anon 9:13
Shades of the Seattle Sodo concert...packed like sardines and people passing out from the heat...hope everyone is okay...including Leila...that was no doubt upsetting for Adam...
I sure hope the UK comes through for Adam on tour with Radio banning his songs...just saying.
Oh my....this man has no idea what is coming for him. With all of the madness in this world, lack of talent and spoiled brat celebrities, he is a god send to us all in every way. I just found out that I have a form of cancer (no worries, i'll be fine) and instead of fretting, went right to this site and saw the fabulous interviews. He lights up our world. Thank you Adam and stay close to your family. You will need them when you reach the stratosphere...coming right up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I noticed 5 concerts in Germany alone. Read that Adam is nominated for the Bravo Otto Award as the best singer of 2010 from Germanys most popular teen magazine. Guess they like him! Yay! Adamluv
I am so happy for Adam's European fans. You are going to have the experience of your lifetime. Question - why are the radio stations in the UK banning Adam's songs - do they give a reason? Are you allowed to request the song to be played? That is so not fair! When he was in the UK, he did some amazing interviews and the DJ's all seemed to really like him. Once he plays there, they will not be able to refuse to play his songs. Have fun at Adam's concert(s) - you should try to go to more than one. One is just not enough - I am not kidding.
oh!!! Unfortunately no dates for Spain, :(
You'll not regret if you come to Spain!
please, please,...
aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i can't f**kin believe this fabulous news can you here me squeal peeps in excitment omg omg omg OMGOOOOOOOOD.
i've been waiting praying hoping that there would be a date near me...Manchester academy oxford road is 30mins by train from my house, this is just the best news ever....\0/ \0/ \0/ \0/
thankyou glamsistas for your excitment... soft arsed husband left me last he can have the kids while i go and party with some of my great girly pals....
Oh shit what if i can't get tickets ( no sign of them yet as i've already checked ) no no NO, i can't think like that........SO EXCITED PEOPLE :D..
chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx
aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhh :D :D :D
sorry i can't help it......
chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx
Nothing in France ? :(
The whole world loves Adam! The poor boy NEEDS a break in his schedule somewhere!
@glitzylady - "A" Mom, not his Mom, :).
@Chezza - re Hubby, okay - so FREE child care, that works too :) yourself a container of glitter, grab those girlfriends and go go go!!! Good Luck w/ the tix, it can be stressful getting them, but hope it works out!!
Off to the showers for RL - haven't poked around the internet yet - but I know vids are up on MJ's.
i've already got my password for pre sale tickets...but it's telling me no tickets are available...WTF!!! so i phoned the ticket office and there are no pre sale tickets!!!! what's going on go on general sale friday morning.... no fair, i'm worried now...
chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx
and Finland!!! Why not in the tour-list?
hey peeps...if you ever needed more proof of how much of a sweetheart Adam is...
here is a link to last night in Dallas... a fan fainted and he stopped the encore ( WLL, btw )to see if she was ok... this man is an ANGEL!!!
chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx
Thanks, glad it wasn't his mom...was just going with the info earlier on the thread...that's how rumors get started!!!! Hope the other "mom" is feeling okay...
Wishing you good luck getting tickets...woo hoo!!! Don't give up...we've all been there...craziness!!!
I looked up the ticket info for the UK shows and the ticket-seller website shows tickets going on sale on Thursday, Sept 9th at 9:00a.m., so you might give that a look...guessing that is the pre-sale date and may already have figured this out but I don't want you to miss out!!!!!! The ticket info and link is on Adam Lambert Official...and i suppose on the new fan club as well...Just be sure you are on there right at the designated can be REALLY stressful, shaking hands, racing heart, and possibly a little profanity, so rest up!!! And if it says "No tickets are available at this time..." just keep trying...don't give up...speaking from much experience here!!!! And if by any chance you get aced out on the pre-sale, go to the general sale...they only sell so many tickets at the pre-sale....and again woo-hooo! and good luck...
So happy for all you super European fans of Adam.jJust dont give up when it comes to tickets. I would also recommend going to the venue the nite of concert since there are uusually people with extra tickets. At least that has been my experience! Adamluv
AMA awards are on the 21st Nov. Adam does have 2 days inbetween Germany and Vienna...Has he been asked to perform?? Someone in the know PLEASE let us know!!!
Also, When are we going to see and hear Adam perform CLYG????
@glitzy lady...thankyou for your ticket advice...
i waited a few hours and tried the pre-sale ticket password again...and then it popped up tickets for sale, my heart was beating harder than longineu on the drums....
soo excited now, i can't believe my luck....
chezza-sherbert/brit fan :D xx
@chezza-sherbert/brit fan
EXCELLANT!!!!! So excited that you got tickets!!!! Now you know what we US fans have been experiencing all big heart palpitation after's a wonder we're still alive!!!!!...Next, you get to live through the concert....and its nothing like watching him on You Tube....UNF!!! (I learned that new phrase and I'm going to use it!!! LOL!!!)
So, for those who are trying to get tickets through the pre-sales and general sales (and sometimes venue sales...) never stop trying...even if it says "No Tickets available..." because it might just be that the website is so busy you can't get through at that moment, but keep trying...and is it worth it!!!!!!! And there are always other ways getting tickets if you really want to go....So never give up! Congrats!!!!
@ Chezza-sherbet Brit fan, Sooo glad u got tickets!!! You will never recover from this sexiest man ever to grace this earth! These videos are wonderful, but seeing him live is an out of body experience! Hope GIOW,UK will get to see him too! funbunn40
Yay Chezza-sherbet, so glad you got tickets! I got mine but ended up selling those after I got MUCH better tix on the secondary market but for a lot more money, but WELL worth it! Something to consider for all of you die hard fans! Just make sure it's from a reputable site. I was in the 5th row with Adam's mom and family 2 rows ahead of me.
Anon 2:35, don't give up, I am quite sure I remember something in Paris. Adam has been dying to go there, so I am sure he will be there...probably just not firmed up yet! By the way, I LOVE France!!! Went once, but had the time of my life!
HOORAY Chezza! Practice fainting, now. Go stand in front of a mirror and hold your breath for 5 straight minutes. OK, now you're ready to see Adam live - enjoy!
- Adam Fix
And to add to Adam Fix's suggestion....memorize what the rest of the band looks like now, because your eyes will be glued on Adam the entire time...assuming you haven't fainted in the process....As much as I love the rest of them, I am embarrassed to say I have no recollection whatsoever of what they wore, or almost even if they were there.....Pretty sure they were because they were in the videos that I watched afterwards....
Congratulations fans in England, Germany,...
What about SPAIN??????????????
We also love Adam!!!
I wanna have that feeling when buying the tickets for the concert (my heart hard) and then live a concert of ADAM LAMBERT, uau!!
OMG I'm afraid that people in Barcelona are gonna lose that great experience.
Catching up tonight... loved this thred! The thrill of securing Adam Lambert GNT tix - like nothing else :)... I wish I could wave a magic wand and give everyone who wants to (and even those who don't) the opportunity to see Adam Lambert LIVE!
Glitzylady - YES, exactly! Were there other ppl on stage with him? I honestly don't remember. Even in these video clips, I only have eyes for Adam! :-D
- Adam Fix
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