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A Sweet Message From An Adam Fan

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, October 17, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, October 17, 2010


Anonymous said...

What a bright young man !!! If his parents have a problem with him being gay id be happy to adopt him !! Rema

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful, heartfelt message .. and SO TRUE! People need to stop hating on Adam just because he's gay! What a crock of sh**! This was a brave message from a young man who has yet to 'come out' to his parents and Adam is inspiring him. Good luck to Trevor and continued strength and courage to Adam, who faces hate each and every day. As Adam recently said (which resonated with me), he deals with 'bullying' constantly even now when he's considered successful. How very, very sad.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderfully courageous young man. Be strong and remember the message - It gets better. Your loving heart will get you far in this world. I also would be proud to be your parent. :)

glitzylady said...

How sweet and poignant....and I hope Adam inspires and gives him the strength to tell his parents someday when he is ready...and I agree with everything he said...I can't believe all the hate that is out there...It must be so difficult for this young man to read the terrible things that are sometimes directed at Adam because they undoubtedly pierce his soul deeply as well...but it is so wonderful that he has Adam to look up to and admire..and be an example of how to be proud of who he is...

Anonymous said...

Ahhh! that was so sweet! Unfortunately Dude we can not make everybody see what we see in Adam. It's sad but it's reality and it sucks sometimes. So we just have to stick to what we believe and keep the faith!

Anonymous said...

Hermoso y dulce mensaje de este maravilloso joven
y espero que tengas una feliz y Ăștil vida y que
tu mensaje llegue hasta ADAN.

Anonymous said...

It breaks my heart that this beautiful young man fears his own parents judgement of him, My friend just told me of her experience with her daughter coming out to she and her husband and how loving and supportive they were to her. I don't get humans sometimes. Parents need to stand up and support their precious kids. THAT is what will make them feel strong and good inside. Bless you Trevor, let us know how it goes with your parents.

Anonymous said...

Please continue to be strong Trevor and believe in yourself. There are many people in this world who will not judge you and will support you. You sound very intelligent and I know you have a lot to offer. Adam is a wonderful example for all of us. Continue to think in the positive like Adam and know that many, many people care about you. Let us know how things work out with your parents. We are all praying for you and love you.


Anonymous said...

OK, it is 6:00am and I'm having my coffee before I start my hour drive to work and I thought let's just take a quick peek. Now Im crying that was so beautiful. If only others would feel that way. God bless you Adam keep spreading the love.
I love you to.

luc said...

Wait....there are Adam haters?????

L8yFingers607 said...

Trevor, you're my hero! Adam is an amazing performer and human being. Don't be disheartened, for every hater there are a hundred supporters. I pray that Adam feels the love we have for him.

Best of luck coming out to your parents. If they're anything at all like myself or Adam's mom, they probably already know and are just waiting for confirmation from you. I wish you the same unconditional love and support.

Anonymous said...

I love this guy!!!!

Cheril said...

What a beautiful, heartfelt message. This young man already has compassion and kindness in his heart. Two very admirable qualities. I hope that he stays strong and finds his way. I bring up the bullying situation in my daily conversations and it is so important to spread the word of acceptance. Everyone needs to do what they can. Trevor stay strong. Just by standing up and making your video you are creating love - I hope you can feel it.

Anonymous said...

Media people: This guy's video should be posted right next to Adam's just released video for the "It Gets Better" anti-bullying campaign. Both very powerful messages from REAL people!

Anonymous said...

Can someone tweet this to Adam please? Thanks

DC Canadian

Princessshakeitup said...

Well, that just did my heart good, thank you Trevor! You are beautiful and expressed very simply what so many of us feel. Love is stronger and should be louder than hate so thanks for making a BEAUTIFUL NOISE!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Trevor. You are a special young man.

The Dark Side said...

Trevor, don't know what part of the Country you live in, which, of course, makes a difference. No one can speak for your parents, but hopefully, they will not be that surprised when you talk to them. Thankfully, there is someone like Adam to help you with your own identity. If college is in your plans, you will find friendship and acceptance there. Keep you head high, and your heart open. To quote Adam and others, "It gets better."

Anonymous said...

I know in my heart that Adams openness and his ability to just be himself has to give strength and courage to kids out there who feel different. All my best wishes go out to this beautiful young man. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady and Adamluv: As always, well said.
I concur!

Anonymous said...

Adam is a gift!