Adam Lambert Talks 'Bullying' on Twitter
Filed Under (twitter ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Posted at : Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Late last night, a fan asked Adam what he did when he was bullied by homophobic bigots etc.

Adam then retweeted a nasty and disgusting tweet by someone who called Adam an homophobic slur.

And then he says he just ignores them.

Source: Adam's Twitter
Adam then retweeted a nasty and disgusting tweet by someone who called Adam an homophobic slur.
And then he says he just ignores them.
Source: Adam's Twitter
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That person has also been saying random shit to random people, I think he/she is only doing it to piss people off and then laugh at how they respond, just my thoughts
Oh, my god, that actually makes me sick to my stomach...whether that person is doing it in a random or targeted fashion, it really doesn't matter. Just hate filled. What is the matter with people in our world today? I cry for Adam and all the others who are bullied and hurt by others. It's easy to say ignore it, but the hurt and damage is already done and ignored or not, the pain is felt.
We must all be aware of our words and actions and we MUST teach the children of love, acceptance and empathy.
*hurting deeply inside for all those who are the targets of intolerance, predjudice and bullying*
Got to be honest, I sense sadness in his twitter. I bet this is not the only one he encounter on his twitter. Even in this fan blogsite, I sense unfriendly comments towards him lately too. I hope I am wrong. Adam stay strong, ignore all BS. Love you.
@ JakeL
Remember what sweet Adam said in his «It Gets Better» video? «We can't let these people win... they don't deserve to win.»
If you go into that person's twitter, you will see even worse than what Adam retweeted. I guess it's easy to regurgitate ugliness when you are a faceless entity. You have to wonder about the sanity of the perpetrator. First, if they actually feel what they are saying, they are sick. Secondly, if they don't, but simply want to get attention and rile people up, that too is sick. I noticed that this person is following Joel Osteen. Wonder what he or she is tweeting to him? Osteen just announced in an interview yesterday that the Bible says homosexuality is a sin and he follows scripture. Did Osteen trigger this series of hateful tweets to Adam?
That person is really bugging me. How can anyone be so hateful?
Why does twitter allow this sick,twisted person the availability to post hatred on their site.
There should be a way to ban this hater.. Adam isn't the only one he/she/it sent disturbing ,violent messages..
This thing is SICK!!!! Rise above it ADAM.
we love you.
Anon 10:39 Thank you, I could not have said it any better.
Adam, those people are ignorant, mean, uncaring individuals. You have learned a valuable lesson. You have also taught us fans so much in educating us by telling your story of the pain and suffering you have had to endure. I hope these people learn tolerance and acceptance sometime in their lifetime and sooner rather than later.
I don't understand how some people can be sooo CRUEL and be happy about it?‼... so HEARTLESS. :(( This particular person must be sooo unhappy about him/herself and him/her life to be this hateful. *pitty* :(
I know Adam has dealt a lot of these kinds hateful & cruel stuff & it's easy to say to just ignore it but Adam is human just like us who has feelings. He feels it but he tries his best NOT to DWELL on it cuz he knows that he has a lot of people who loves & supports him and at the end of the day that's all that really matters. Stay strong, be proud of who you are Sweetie and don't worry, be happy... ok? :)
I honestly think this could be handled as threats and harassment by the police and through the legal system. I went to @hellstoned twitter and the the other things she has sent to Adam are even worse. I can't imagine looking at my twitter feed and seeing the things that were sent. Beyone awful. I think a few arrests for threats and harassment might deter some from this type of online hate. This a not a "first amendment issue". This is cleary written with hatefilled intent. These are the kinds of people who go over the edge. We have all heard those news stories. I wonder if there is a legal response to these hate-filled people. Anyone out there who is an attorney who can think about this? In schools policies and procedures are being put into place with consequences for bullying. There must be something in our society that can put a stop to this type of hate on the internet and twitter.
adam lambert be strong ur beautifule u have a beautiful voice-u have an assests voice that nobody cant take away from you what is this haters sayign this tuff they do that to elton john?ricky martin freddie emrcury. wow that hater has to be disspappeared in this earth..
love adma lambert-hes handsome sexy and good. like al gay singers in europe and usa harers go away u cant win.its all about music we all love adam lambert all over the world.
Well some people have IQ's in the single digits ...What can I say... Looking at pic and twitter name...I would say that probably applies here.
Is there a way for us to bombard the administrators of Twitter to get control of their site? They are able to control names that trend. They should be able to stop tweets that are hateful and offensive from being sent or at the very least notify the people that the site cannot be use for threats and bullying. It would be a socially responsible action on Twitters part.
How do we bombard Twitter with a NOH8! message??? And by that I mean - Twitter Adminstrators. Us Adam fans are a resourceful and powerful group. Our action would be a great birthday present for Adam. I just don't know how to begin. Maybe someone can get it started and find out the Twitter address to tweet to.
Does anyone know how that is done?
This must be a really sad person.. I can't understand why people spend time on writing messanges to someone they don't even like! People can do so much positive!! Look at Adam he is just amazing and some people can't stand it. This guy or girl is just jealous I'm sure...Adam don't pay attention this is the only way!!! love u
anon 11:10 Try this link & to everyone else who wants to report of any mis-use.
Thank you @11:15!!!!!
Everyone! Jump off this site and go complain about tweets like these. Respectfully request that Twitter be responsible and manage their site, eliminating hate, harrassment and bullying.
We can say we feel bad for Adam and others who are bullied and harrassed all we want, but taking action can make a difference. Sitting by and doing nothing makes us bystanders and that is as bad the bullies.
The only thing that is perfect in this world is, LOVE.
I don't get all the bullying on the internet? it is really sad. Why can't people find other ways to let out their frustrations. myspace, twitter, and facebook are getting a little out of hand. These are places where verbal abuse is taking place and it should be illegal. People meeting people on Facebook and then someone is missing or getting killed. When is the insanity going to stop?
This is what these people want!!Adam is right we gotta ignore them. Otherwise they get even bigger and meaner...
We can't fight for him he just wants to make music and and live in peace
Adam Lambert should delete half of the people on his twitter account, I would only have close friends and people whom I trust. Alot of people want to follow him, so they can send negative messages his way. I would put a stop to it!
Ugly attention whore is ugly.
Thank you for posting the address for support on Twitter. I just wrote a comment regarding this. And, I named Hellstoned, and I'm sure there are other hateful, ignorant, jealous idiots out there. If we all do this, Twitter will get our attention, and perhaps take these hateful tweets out. Adam doesn't deserve this at all, and neither do others. As Adam fans, we can do something about it. Go to the address above (11:15 a.m.), and write Twitter! Thanks!
I thought bullying was for kids. It seems adults are bullying as well! Words are just words, but it can escalate to much more. When is the government going to get off their asses and step in? Verbal abuse leads to physical abuse. You can't have one without the other. People need to avoid the green-eyed monster.
There is bullying in school, on the job, on the phone, on the internet, on television, in the media. No wonder everyone is so caught up in all of it, because there is just no escape from it. It is all around us and taken hold of the mind. You gotta watch who you befriend these days.
What Adam tweeted is just a snippet of the hate he likely receives. People aren't very nice. That's why I prefer the company of dogs...and Adam fans.
I don't have twitter, but I hear there are crazies on it! People with nothing better to do but wreck havoc on other peoples lives.
Avoid Twitter and Facebook like a plague.
I avoid Facebook, but did Twitter because of Adam. Just want to know what he's up to. People can be so hateful and stupid. Adam is about love - how can anyone not love that man, his talent, his personality? He deserves better because he is better in so many ways. Love you, Adam...and so do millions of people in the U.S. and throughout the world. Love overcomes hate.
If this makes me cry I wonder how it makes him feel and of course so many others who are gay as well.
Yes having the Force Field up would be a good way to start but man these words are meant to hurt and taunt.
Lizard Eyes
people making any threats or using disturbing language on twitter should be prosecuted. Adam should take legal action. If that don't stop it, I don't know what will?
I have neither Twitter nor Facebook account as I am simply not interested in them.
All I spend my time for is visiting this 24/7 blog and listening/watchting Adam's music as much as possible!
We fans love you Adam sooo very much, we are 1000 percent behind you!
I sense some sadness in Adam's tweet....
I feel really bad for him that he had to endure bullying all his life just because he is gay. So sad a world we live in.
I hope homophobic would just stop, once and for all!
I guess alot of the rants on twitter are from jealous individuals that don't have nothing better to do. Adam probably knows this and should delete those type of individuals.
Bullying knows no age, sexuality, or gender. Bullying is what leads to murder. We live in a society where the citizens have violent tendancies. There's no such thing as going out alone anymore or walking down a dark street. Alot of abductions occur in broad daylight. No one should become a victim of senseless violence.
Verbal abuse leads to physical abuse. If people are verbally abusive, they have tendancies to commit crime. Jealousy also leads to violent acts of crime.
If I were famous, I would tighten my security. Adam needs some security when he is out. I know he has people he loves around him, but sometimes that isn't enough. There are so many nut jobs in society and it is better to be safe than sorry!
He can't avoid all, its better off twitter, stay away from harm but he still can communicate with us through fan sites.
Fansites would be a great place for Adam to keep the fans informed. I think Twitter it goes a little personal. It allows people into your personal space. Facebook is even more personal, so that should be an absolute NO NO!!!!
that rude tweet to Adam was NOT sent by a girl. I can just about bet on that one. Some jealous boyfriend letting off steam.
i dislike when people tweet this random hate to both other people as well as celebrities but what is more fustrating is how many people keep retweeting with there opinions. seriously stop retweeting the hate and start retweeting the love. i would love it if just once a celebrity or anyone would retweet the nice things that are said instead of the bad. i mean how hard is it to retweet a comment that was sent with nothing but respect and love not any harder then retweeting the hate.
After reading more posts I realize crying is no use and I agree Action is what is needed.
I will send a message to twitter.
Lizard Eyes
When I saw this last night, I went to that nasty, sick person's twitter page, and yes, Adam is only one of the several who is and was a target of the tweets..And I immediately put a "block" on that acct. so that I would never have to see any of that on my feed. And I reported it as Spam. I'm sure Adam has blocked it as well. Easy enough to do, but no doubt he is the recipient of similar vile hate comments. I enjoy Twitter because it is usually the the most immediate source of anything new about Adam (I'm sure thats where much of what we see here comes from) and it is fun. I get the occasional follower who I don't really want and just block them (usually with avatars of naked or scantily clad hello! at least send me the ones with the scantily clad men..just kidding of course..). But I think Adam was just using that tweet to illustrate what he does when he gets something like that. Blocks it, ignores it, and goes on...I would suspect he has reported a few things to authorities, at least threats of violence. Sad. I'm sure there are lists of potentially dangerous people out there that his security people are well aware of, including over the top fans. Unfortunately comes with being a celebrity, but perhaps in Adam's case it is worse. Even on the Idol tour, he had the most security of anyone.
To his question "I just gotta ignore it, right?" I'd say he should not ignore it. It takes a lot of determination to fight back, but sometimes it's better to do it yourself.
RE: Bullying. Michael Slezak quote "Hating Adam Lambert is like hating sunshine"
I'm hoping @hellstoned's legs grow together.
Ooooh, that is SOOOOO sweet. it makes me cry with love. What a perfectly true thing to say. Adam is sunshine.
when people put their hate into print and words it sometimes translates into actions. i would suggest this to twitter and to anyone else who will listen . to ignore this person and his/her rants may be ignoring the first step to her/his carrying out their threats in a real and physical way. i am very concerned and will voice my concern to twitter and the possible consequences of leaving hellstoned account intact. we all need to be active in this , spread the word, we will not stand for this kind of insanity.
I live in Arizona, the state where Gabby was shot recently by an insane/violent person. Adam wants to try to have "normal life" time now -- but the harsh reality is that he really needs to increase his security when he is out for his own protection.
It will also help to further protect friends and family he goes out with as well -- whom he truly loves and cares about. Twitter can be blocked and people with soo much hate do not need an audience. But twitter adminstrators should take action and prohibit access.
Adam, just want you to be surrounded by people who have your best interests at heart AND YOUR BACK at all times. Beef up that security BB!
When a past U.S. vice presidential candidate who possibly will be a presidential candidate in 2012 defends her childs use of the word "faggot" on their facebook page and attacks the "liberal media" for commenting on it, we should not be surprised by these kinds of rants. For those non American Adam fans here, I'm referring to Sarah Palin and her child, Willow. Just saying . . . . . .
Ignore her/him/IT!!!
Obvious IT needs attention.
Pathetic ignorant person!
I LOVE ADAM LAMBERT!!!!!!!!!!!! can't say it enough!
I just reported this as harassment to Twitter. This person should be banned from the site forever. It's easy, just follow this link:
I think hellstoned is a gay male who is ashamed of it or being bullied himself.
I agree there should be steps taken to stop this name calling - I also felt this way about the paps. Their words are a form of assault. There should be a law to enforce and charges laid.
Also agree that Adam needs to beef up security on those casual outings with friends or family.
Adamluv....Good point!
I thought Adam's response was fitting. The more that is said, or done about this behavior, it just lends credence to it.
There's so much beauty in this world, and yet so few stop to notice. It's sad really....
@glizylady I have to comment on your comments here and lots of other threads. I love them, I don't know how you do it but you express yourself time and time again exactly what I am thinking. I'm new to twitter and went on that sicko hellstone site and was literally shocked. I do fear for Adam's safety at times when I read things like that. I also went to twitter as others have done here and made a formal complaint. This sicko is dangerous
Hellstoneds twitter is suspended. That was fast. But he can easily open a new acount.
@hellstoned has just had her/his account suspended, so the complaints worked. Wonder how long it'll take for them to set up a new one.... Maybe TPTB will be watching for stuff from the same person, or will they not be able to tell?
HK fan
@brownie 2:51 PM
Thank you, that is so kind of you..
And to the news that @hellstoned 's twitter acct. has been suspended..good riddance, although as has been said, someone who is determined will find another way, but I'm glad to know that has been taken care of for now!
The account has been suspended!? Well done Glamberts!
Glad they suspended the bastard but unfortunately Twitter cannot keep him or her from signing on again under another name. Some of his or her messages sounded very dangerous. In NYC we have very tough Hate Crime Laws on the books and some of the comments would definately come under that. Too bad Twitter cannot find out who this person is a report them to the police.
I'm sure this person is not the only homophobe on the Twitter. So this is not over yet. I'm not a fan of the lynching mentality the Glamberts seem to have, where one gets all the blame.
Adam you are so brave to put up with low life people who are so evil. I think you are correct to ignore these sickos who just feed off attention. I wish you would consider a little more security when you are out and about. Your worldwide fame might warrant this especially in today's internet culture (where psychos abound). We love you and appreciate the shining example that is your life. You are idolized by so many not only for your outstanding talents, but your pure heart. Keep the faith darling - we all have your back. nancdruuu2
Hatred and anger are powerless when met with kindness. Thats where he shines, one kind human being. he brings it where ever he goes.
@4:15 PM
I would guess we all know this person is but one example, but one less hater is one less hater, homophobe, whatever the particular brand of hate they publicly spew. In my post above at 1:08 PM I acknowledged that, one of many out there who are perhaps being watched by Adam's security team because of threats and/or hate. This person just happened to the the very "lucky" one who Adam referred to in a tweet to a fan as an example of what I am guessing he sadly gets all the time. And I take offense to your description of the "lynching mentality of the Glamberts" because I think in this case it is absolutely warranted and just a very small action that can be taken to help expose and suspend from Twitter a truly vile spewer of hatred (did you read any of it???) . Adam was not this person's only target of abuse either. Twitter has certain rules that users are expected to follow and apparently decided this user was not following the rules of use. So not just "Glamberts" wanted that account closed. It is also very likely that person will be back in action under another name, with a new email account , but for now he or she is gone. And I am thankful.
@ 4:15
I don't think there is a lynching mentality at all. I think people wanted to take responsible action and that is to commended. I don't think they are pointing at one person, although this person's account did need to be suspended and their comments were the trigger. There are plenty of people who choose to hate over love. Action was simply taken to stop the hate of one person. I suspect that each of us who reads or sees a tweet from now on that is violent, hateful, harassing or threatening will inform the Twitter organization. In my comment to them I said that they will continue to hear from me about these types of tweets, from and to whoever, until they as an organization take responsible action to manage this problem. I hope all of you will continue to do the same. Do write this down:
It is only through action that there will be change. To do nothing is to be part of the problem. To do something is to be part of the solution. I prefer to be on the side of the soluntion. :)
So great that the account got suspended. This person doesn't need an account and hope that this person is figured out. I don't think it is a female. Adam needs to get full-time security and he needs to report people if they start making any type of threat or disrespectful comments.
LOVE overcomes ALL things. I believe this. I don't believe in name calling and threats being made on someone that a person may not even know. Innocent people are being targeted, because people assume they know them. That is ignorance. Ignorance is evil!
Ignornance is one of my biggest pet peeves. I think if we get past all the ignorance, maybe people can learn to live together and get along in this world. Time is short, so we better make it count where it matters most. well said anon 5:02
Ignorance is one of my biggest pet peeves. I think if we get past all the ignorance, maybe people can learn to live together and get along in this world. Time is short, so we better make it count where it matters the most. this is a retype due to spelling error. much love to all the fans that make this site possible. Love reading the comments and visiting the site.
@4:15 .... DUH!!!! You think? I don't appreciate your comment any more than the evil suspended Twit on Twitter.
@Glitzylady: Loved your perfectly stated comments.
As a clinical psychologist who has had clients that were being threatened by dangerous people, who used to work with violent offenders, and who has had to file a Duty to Warn and Involuntary Commital on a potentially dangerous individual; I do get concerned re: death threats to Adam, in particular.
If Adam (or his family) think he is seriously being threatened; they are the ones who need to call, because law enforcement will take them way more seriously than they will take his fans--especially re: Twitter/Internet. And, law enforcement is who they should call (vs. attempting to deal with internet site).
I have to wonder if Idol fame is a double edged sword for Adam. Was he bullied or threatened very much prior to becoming famous via Idol? The bullying is intense. It's possible he is suffering more now as an adult than he ever did before--especially if it catches up to him when he's having a bad day (when his protective Force Field is down).
One of the negative things that happened today as a result of Adam's bully taking center stage (Although, I believe I heard that Twitter did take down their site thanks to fans' efforts), was that it took the focus off tweets linking to his Water Charity. Hopefully people will get back into this before his birthday on Saturday, combatting hatred with love.
Kentucky Fan
I guess it hurts when you hear this kind of comments. But this country was built on bullies. And bigots. You cannot change them. Yeah, ignore them. Or learn karate and beat the f*&^ out of them. Or move to another country where people are much more accepting. Yeah, yeah, such places exist.
OH big flippin deal! I hate all kinds of people and things. I hate sushi and The Wheel of Fortune, jazz and trumpets, being stuck in traffic, long line ups and sassy midgets who give me the finger because I inadverdently cut them off in traffic, I hate escargot and apple cider, stupid sticky price tags that you can never remove, AC/DC, Dog the Bounty Hunter, overplayed christmas music during the holidays, skinny jeans, raking the lawn, Nickelback, and dark chocolate, just to name a few. So yeah, maybe I should write to Hersheys and let them know how much I HATE THAT BITTER BLACK SHIT!! And then maybe they'll get all worried and freaked out and spend all kinds of time, money and energy working on changing everything about their dark chocolate just to please me, someone who in the end will not care nor ever buy their dark chocolate anyway because, well, I just don't like that bitter black shit. So yeah, I think they'll do that, change everything just to please little ole me............NOT!!!!!!!
But Adam Lambert on the other hand, well, I FREAKEN LOVE THAT GAY ASS BITCH!! I love every single inch of him, from the tip of his cool ass snake skinned boots to the top of his glittery covered head. I love his smile, his lips, the sexy way he moves those hips, his eyes, his hair, and every outfit he decides to wear, his style, his grace, and his gorgeous can't get enough of beautiful face, and yes it's plain to see that when it comes to artists I've made my choice because above all things, oh my lordy how I love his voice! So yes, I absolutely loooooooooooooooove that gorgeous beautiful sexy gay ass bitch!! And I hope that little miss hater that sent him a nasty note has someone or something to love because if she doesn't and only fills her heart with hate, well then I guess she'll just always be full of it : )
xoxo from
@Annaberry 8:02 PM You are hilarious, fun, smart, one of the biggest fans of Adam on this blog. I wish I can make such a comment as you did! Agree with every word you wrote! Go for it, Annaberry!
We love you Adam,
I think like on Facebook we should be able to block who we want. Ofcourse we all have followed people; however if I see someone who isn't my cup of tea I just quit following them. Now why can't the reverse be true if someone not to you liking tweets you something disrepectful then you could block them from sending you anything. Why should anyone put up with that crap and have no control over it. If I do not want to be friends with someone on facebook I just delete them or do not accept them. Sounds simple right? I wish it was. No one should have to put up with the name calling from a coward at a key board with no face. I believe in freedom of speech but this has got to stop. Cyber bullying is one of the most severe ways to spread hate. I love that so many came to Adam's resque in the name of love. He really needed our love that day and in his own way he reached out to his fans. I hope he knows how much we care and finds comfort in that. I want his 29th birthday to be a happy one for sure!
Annaberry you are such an upper!
Aww, thanks Delilah5. Oh and before I forget. Just wanted to say to Ms. Grumpy Hate that, hey, you look beautiful in that bikini (if that picture is indeed really you....I'll assume it is : )
And not too worried about that negative tweet either because I know that sassy bitches like that are generally really hot in bed. I assume hot gay ass men are too...YUM!! Actually if Ms. Grumpy Hate threw on a little eyeliner and glitter I might actually be tempted.
..."tell a stranger that their beautiful, yeah, till all you feel is loooooove, loooove.....
bbcanyoufeelitcoming : )
Annaberry.....YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope Adam read that one. He would like your smarts!
Oh i'm hangin' our with Annaberry. More dark chocolate for me. Wanna watch a movie together Annaberry?
Love you!
Wow, two fans and a date all within one hour, heehee...yeah, maybe we can get together and watch an ole Steve Ray movie.....just come up to the lab and see what's on the slab...
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