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Adam Lambert's New Twitter Avatar!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, February 7, 2011

Posted at : Monday, February 07, 2011

And is Adam's latest tweets:

"The media is literally inventing my social life as they see fit. Hahah. Keep on w your assumptions photogers and bloggers-- it's actually quite funny." - Adam Lambert

After this tweet, someone tweeted Adam:

@adamlambert "where did u learn how to spell? its photographers not photogers."

To which Adam replied....


Anonymous said...

i like how he keeps his avatar different and entertaining.

Anonymous said...

Fierce! good retort to the tweeter! So sweet, goodnatured and funny!

Anonymous said...

Love the avatar! Love Adam's quick wit! Love Adam!

Fan4fun and Icon said...

POETIC LICENSE(s) conceded!!! As many as you wish, sweet Adam, for spelling... and for living!!!

Anonymous said...

Don't get me wrong, I like this artwork but I'd like to see a smiley Adam avi cuz before was a stern looking one and now an angry one... don't like...js

Anonymous said...

Good drawing for a comic book....Devilish Adam vs Angelic Adam.

Model for drawing of Angelic Adam should be that sweet sweet smile at end of Dust in the Wind.


atomom said...

"photogers" as poetic license is an Adam tease or a gotcha for those who would call out on him for the mispell. Definition of poetic license:
"deviation from fact, form, or rule by an artist or writer for the sake of the effect gained. synonyn: freedom. Adam is not formally schooled beyond high school, but must have great retention if he learned this in high school. In any case, the effect and retort speak to the guy's playfulness/smarts. Love the man.

Rebecca said...

got love his sense of humor

The Dark Side said...

Adam may not have gone to Harvard, but he is one of the most articulate artists around today. He can talk without sounding like he left his IQ at home on about any subject you care to bring up. He can also be funny when it is called for.

Adamluv said...

IMO someone who finds it necessary to correct a persons spelling out there on twitter, facebook, blog comments, etc. has more serious problems than the person making the spelling error!!

Anonymous said...

I think the person that twitted Adam just wanted him to respond. It was obvious that Adam was trying to rhyme.

Anonymous said...

Love this--- photoggers' matched 'bloggers' before I even read the other twit's comment... what a twit.
Go ADAM! I love poeticlicense!! Keep exercising it Adam!
