Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen Left Los Angeles
Filed Under (Sauli Koskinen ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Posted at : Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Apparently, Adam and Sauli were spotted at LAX this morning because Adam and Sauli were both leaving Los Angeles, and heading to another place for a short vacation.

From Zimbio:
"American Idol" star Adam Lambert and his boyfriend Sauli Koskinen arrive at LAX airport to catch a flight out of Los Angeles.
More picture HERE.
From Zimbio:
"American Idol" star Adam Lambert and his boyfriend Sauli Koskinen arrive at LAX airport to catch a flight out of Los Angeles.
More picture HERE.
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Loving those smiles. Looks like a couple of very happy people.
Wow!! Adam and Sauli look soooo happy!! You can't fake this kind of joy!! They are looking at each other - don't care about the paps!!
They just fit together -- I have the biggest SMILE on my face right now too!!
they are such a cute couple. So happy Adam has found his true love.
YouTube posted the 5 winners of MyYouTube contest. There is a red box for all the MyYouTube participating artists. When I clicked on that I saw everyone except Adam's profile. Does anybody know why Adam's profile isn't part of it?
I thought they were both gonna go on vacay 2gether... someone said South Pacific... ?
I doupt that Sauli was leaving - he just got in LA (because last Saturday he was still in Finland). I think they were leaving together - in some secret place :D.
They went together somewhere, not only Sauli. Vacation or something.
“Never assume the obvious is true.”
Someone needs to leak the place they're vacationing!
I see that Adam apparently did NOT heed my warning from an earlier thread. Sigh.
So since I am on a roll...
I just do not want to hear any complaints about freckle duplication, chipped nail-polish, pompadour meltdown or aggravating tsunamis when he returns from vacation or it will be a BIG
And...Do we know if reputable paparazzi left in tow?
Just kidding, pple. :-)
still not drunk-posting. Not yet.)
Are some people delusional - Adam is gay. If he sometimes wants to try a woman so be it, but it is not our business. I can't see that happening and if it does it most likely won't be me or any of you :D.
I'm happy for Adam and Sauli. They seem like a perfect match. I hope they all the best!!!
Ultimate cuteness!!
I feel awful for Adam with some of the hurtful, spiteful "fans" he has. I hope he doesn't read these blogs; some of them are depressing and some downright frightening in their judgements. I like the picture that goes with this thread, though. It's always uplifting to see happy, smiling people.
Unbeatable Happiness!!!
Anon 1:14, you forget one fundamental little thing that we female, young old and everything you mention are missing... And guess what? That's the only little big thing that Adam wants! Tee hee.
They do look cute together...awwwwwwwwwww.
Anon 12:43 Adam's channel is featured in the red box, you just gotta scroll through the options for a little bit.
1:14 You a horrible human being. Why are you posting that here on Adam's fansite? Adam likes men. There are gay men in this world. Screw you!
To all the people who say they are not troubled by Adam being gay, should go back and read some of their posts. You people are talking the talk, but not walking the walk. No one is particularly thrilled about your love life anon at 2:05, perhaps you are gross.
Anon 2:05 "It's kinda gross to think of the sex details"
:D I think it's kinda hot :D
Ignore the trolls. This site is flooded with them, or perhaps it is just one who has nothing better to do than spamming bs.
Eva - it seems like everything Adam is spotted with Sauli, the trolls come in drove.
I can't think of the reason why they come and bash Adam on a fansite. They must have a lot of time on their hands.
I noticed Sauli has changed his shirt from the stroll past the coffee shop, but not Adam haha
The smiles say it all! Love them both
In most pics these two are always looking at each other and smiling! Makes me smile too :-) Adam really looks happy and I must say, Sauli is a beautiful man. Hope they have a blast on vacay together!
they need to kiss for the cameras! the paps would love that!:-)
I love them together!!!
They need to hold their hands together, I can't imagine this. So happy for them.
It more looks like they are meeting someone. Where is the carry on luggage and other baggage?
Travelling very light.. maybe they just have a bathing suit in their pocket lol
Lovely picture, have a great time you guys
Glambrit IOW UK
A lot of speculation about vacation here. I don't see any backpacks. Adam always seems to travel with a backpack.
But seeing them smiling like that makes me feel happy inside. :) ...wherever they are going to, or coming from.
Maybe they are just walking around LAX for kicks. LOL
Administrator...can you remove @12:55 comment please?
you trolls why don't you all go and play in the traffic
didn't they cancel all flights out of LA due to mudslides?
anon 12:55 is right. why erase the truth?
just want to squish them they look so adorable together
The poet that Adam made about a year ago, he talked about finding the viking, something about northern light in an interview. I can't remember the whole thing, but it is very romantic.
Someone need to remind Sauli to take Adam to see the northern light when he visit Finland again. Is there any northern light in Finland 24/7 a year?
Adam, for purely selfish reasons, don't go on holiday, I've so enjoyed this last week where we've had so much new stuff each day....if you go away I will have no excuse to sit on the computer for 6 hours a day!!!
and agree with Becca, (love that word squish),they do look so cute.
But also agree odd, no backpacks or cases?
Here you are: Adam in Norway. I will find my viking under the nordic light.
so hot out the box can we pick up the pace turn it up heat it up I need to be entertained make me wanna listen to music again. We are sure fire winners and nothig in these world can ever coudl compete. If I had you for your Entertainment. Soaked to the bone Pick up.
Yes, you can see Aurora Borealis in Finland in winter time. I think there are more northern lights when the sun is more active, during sunspot maximum. Now the sun has been less active for a couple of years.
@ Eva Thank you. You are the best.
@ 4:29pm Thank you too.
i love this pic of them!!!!
This picture makes me happy...seeing them happy. :)
howling has never been so sexy!
I could picture Adam sitting in the middle of raven beauties and them putting their hands all in his hair and all over his chest! I'm getting hot!
I posted earlier that they might be going together, may be Bali, where he was before for few days. NO papps, and complete privacy. Weather is rotten in LA right now and for the rest of the week.This may be like a honey moon for them. They look and act so right together. Adam said he had only been in love once, now he may realize that he was never in love before Sauli, that this relationship surpasses any other. I guess I am just a romantic.
Whoa LP - Next, you're going to have them adopting kids on their way back. LOL
Step away from the fan fic...I repeat, step away from the fan fic. :)
I think I am silly and romantic too. May take my hubby ,unfortunately with 2 noisy boys, to see the Northern Lights in Canada. This is the closest I can get. He!He! Only our Adam can think of a poet like this. Love them.
Loose, fresh, confident... beautiful smiles showing good energy coming out from a mixture of sweetness with fun. Good chemistry!
Oh, well, isn't sweet Adam THE Catalist?
Be nice to each other! May God bless you two! I do!
which will wear the wedding gown? just curious?
Tom Ford is sexiest gay man!
John Galliano is pretty damn sexy and fierce!
Rupaul is the man!
therz a pic of Soniquee straddling Adam on Google. Soniquee is a fierce queen b.
About the backpacks, I figured Taylor was a few yards behind carrying all of the luggage.. haha
just joking
But really, the person who took these pics, could they not watch which (if any) departure gate they went through, seriously, I should go down there and do the job properly haha
Love this couple btw
Thanks 24/7.
Sauli always looks happy and why wouldn't he be .... he's with Adam. :)
If you click source, there are 14 pictures, and in #9 you can sort of see a bellhop with luggage, maybe theirs, not sure
Sauli seems sweet and adorable, but not HOT and sexy and passionate like Adam, which is a good thing or anyplace they went would ignite in flames..
I think they look good as a couple and probably lots of heat behind closed doors.. none of my business though
Assumptions, assumptions, assumptions....
So now every time Sauli goes to the States for a visit and hangs out with Adam for a day he's automatically Adam's new boyfriend??? Sheesh.
And if they're both heading out for a vacation then it's most likely just a simple matter of store the luggage at the airport, go do some light shopping and taxi to the airport later to grab the luggage and go...
Hope they both have a great time wherever it is they're heading - which is away from the paps, away from the rumours, away from the constant assumptions - which would make me smile too and is probably what's making them laugh their asses off right now : )
They are both DARLING and have so much life force, are so different but both look like they adore life. Good for them!
Now let's leave them be, except of course, we can look! Hee hee!
Not assumptions, Sauli IS Adam's new boyfriend. Listen to part 2 of the interview with Perez.
OMG Adam looks so happy! He made me smile and cry on the same time!
How come I always have tears when I am very happy?!
Today is my son birthday and I cried, I saw Adam happy face and I cried!
It would be on of the best day of the year. But I was really stupid to see my doctor today. And this idiot told me I need to have surgery:(
But I don't care. I saw many happy faces today and feel happy anyway:)
I noticed that ZZ posted on another topic (Adam with red hair) that Adam has just won Best singer (beat Bruno), Best single and best tour (beat Gaga) in Australia! Go to the link, it's so great. btw, ZZ are you from Australia?
@Anon Feb.16 at 12:38PM - my jaw is aching right now because of the big smile on my face since about 3 hours ago when i saw the pics LOL. And i couldn't stop smiling because i can see that love is in the air. For all of us who have experienced being in love, it is quite easy to tell when you see a couple. They may not be lovers yet but you can sense that it isn't far from happening. Adam has a different glow on his face in many of his photos with Sauli that thrills me to no end teehee.
@LOL HK fan :)
@Fan4fun- love love love your post!
Adam and Sauli whatever your destination may be hope you'll have a wonderful time together because you both deserve to be happy.
Adam, have a great vacay, love & be loved, you will be missed very much!
To the Finn fans:
Do you know who will be performing on the Emma Gala? I looked it up and only saw finnish names. Is the list of performers complete? Wouldn´t it be nice if Adam turned up on your red carpet and even better if he performed on stage? He´s away with Sauli. Where will he turn up?
Such great photos .... thanks so much Zimbio for all the photos and 24/7 for posting them. Hope Adam and Sauli have a wonderful time together wherever they may be.
I'm absolutely RAPT that Adam won the 3 PopRepublic IT Awards (Oz) for which he was nominated. It's very easy to vote for the BEST OF THE BEST!!! :D
What ever make Adam happy I'll support because I'm one of his loyal fans and respect his choices. We can't buy happiness that's all.
Mom from Toronto, Canada
Thank you Australia for loving and appreciating our Adam's talent. Maybe Adam is heading to Europe with Sauli and going to meet producers like Max Martin, I think he is sweadish. He told Perez that after the Grammys he would start writing with big producers. So maybe a little romance and work too.
GREAT pic... they look happy =)
Whateever, wherever... hope they can enjoy and have a wonderful time... Enjoy yer vacay boys!
im happy for adam lambert he found his happiness.he deserve it.
I doubt that Adam would be performing at Emmas. I think the info would be out by now.
To Bing who thinks they might not be lovers yet - Adam hit on Sauli in a bar after his show and they went back to the hotel. Adam said he had a romantic time with him in Paris. I'm pretty sure they are lovers!! btw, my husband approached me at a bar and we're happily married for 25 years, it can work out!
@Anon Feb.17 at 8:16AM - well if that is the case then i'm more excited for them now. You know after watching several videos of Sauli a month ago, i may not understand what he is saying but he seems to be a smart guy. I kinda like his bearing and he is pretty charming himself. I'm beginning to like him. And in the new videos where he was shown with a certain Niko, he appears to be such a sweet guy.
Hey i'm really glad that you and your hubby are still together. Not many are blessed with a happy married life, you are indeed very lucky. Wishing you both many more years of bliss and good health :) Thanks so much for your post!
Adam was asked about soulmates in an interview and he said he believes in multiple soulmates. I guess he means many lovers. That is how I interpreted it.
anon at 9:13 - that's not what he meant. He just meant that even though he thought Cheeks was his soul mate, there must be more than one for him since Cheeks is gone and Adam still wants to have his true love/soul mate.
A soulmate can mean anything,imo, I've always thought of us true fans as Adam's soulmates because we connect with him in a way a lot of people don't. & I also believe in multiple soulmates, we're all here aren't we, we've made close friendships/soulmates because of Adam.
Can you blame them. Adam and Sauli won't get a moment of peace in LA - Paps are everywhere!!!
I agree a soulmate can be any sex. I've met 2 women in my life who became instant friends as if we'd known each other in a previous life and years and distance hasn't lessened that connection. I treasure it.
Only met one male soulmate and I was smart enough to marry him ..... 54 years ago next week!
Fate smiled on me!
multiple soulmates could mean lovers or nonlovers.
I think Danielle S is his soulmate. lovely lady and so darn talented. She needs a major record deal. such gorgeous people together. babies should be in the future.
Danielle S will be there when all others have gone. I agree on that one!
anon 2:01 screw who? definitely not u...
Do you know how long Danielle Stori is willing to wait?
Danielle Stori will be there whether he is her lover or not. She is committed to him and that shows. Such a classy lady! love her!
Freddie Mercury had Margaret Austin and Adam Lambert has Danielle Stori. Very loyal women!
Mary Austin and Freddie Mercury were soulmates. She stuck by him through his illness and many of his male lovers that came and went. She got his estate when he died. Adam Lambert has Danielle Stori he has stuck by him through lovers that have came and went and probably will be there until the end. I think she might have lived with Adam. She is very loyal and loves him.
Maybe Danielle will be the surrogate mom for Adam and his guy - quite a family it would be and lucky kid!
(It's just a passing thought from someone who has never actually MET these people haha)
Of course, her actual husband would have to agree...
whateverrrr... I don't know Danielle or her husband. I don' care but she is there for Adam regardless. Sauli is just another notch below the belt.
why are people so obsessed with Adam and his lover? Bigg freaking deal!
anon 3:51 hahahaha
danielle s isn't married, because she is saving herself for the Glam one. I think she is against marriage. shaking up is more like it!
shacking the hell up is more like it! I like that better!
maybe they are vacationing in a hut on a remote island. eating whatever they can find. who the hell knows anymore?
did you know Adam likes breasts? hehawhehawheeeehawwwwww he called the Details woman and told her she had them.
what do ya gett wen u xross a donkkkey with a jackkkass? a Hairy a**!!! hehawhehawhhheeehawwwwwheeeehawwww
@delilah5, happy birthday to your son! And to you, hope everything goes well! My thoughts will be with you!
OT...@ Delilah, Hope all is well with you. Let us know when you have surgery so we can beam you up and send you all of our healing energy and prayers. Danielle Stori is Adam's best friend and has been since high school.[like a girl's best girlfriend, not a love interest}She is his closest confidant and was the first one he called after the AMA awards. He doesn't live with her and to my knowlege, never has. She's close with Leila, Adam's mom, knowing her for years. It would be nice if she or Alison Porter could be a surrogate for Adam some day when he is ready for a family, but who knows, they're just really loyal , best friends. funbunn40
I´m thinking about you. Hope you are well, sweetheart.
I heard Adam was in Waikiki with a blonde girl. the paps were following them but got taken out into the tide and no one knows what happened to them.
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