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Adam Lambert Wearing His Retainer

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, May 31, 2011

This picture is from the 'meet and greet' after the show in Moscow, Russia.(28/05/2011). If you look closely, Adam is wearing his retainer.

Photo source: @klyukvaVsahare

Thanks to HannaBec for pointing it out!


Anonymous said...

what´s retainer ?

Anonymous said...

Gotta keep those beautiful teeth lookin' beautiful! I recall that Leila was a dental hygienist. No surprise that Adam's got great teeth and a smile to die for.

Anonymous said...

don´t know the meaning of the word "retainer".

I translated it and found a word servant to describe it. don´t see any servant around. ! :O

Anonymous said...

I know what a dental retainer is(keeps your teeth in place once you have the braces taken off so they don't move or space out) and I certainly can't tell from this picture whether or not he is wearing one. I remember wearing one at night when I went to sleep when I was a teenager after having braces removed.

Anonymous said...

Me neither, not seeing any braces in that pic.

Anonymous said...

retainer = one kind of braces for straightening teeth, or better, for keeping already straightened teeth from recessing back. There are different ones, some more visible than others, some you use daytime, some only at nights.

Anonymous said...

I agree.Nobody can tell if he's wearing a retainer or not here(not on his top teeth..maybe on his bottom ones-could be,but aren't they usually worn all night only?( & not when going out)

Anonymous said...

That's ridiculous...why on earth would he be wearing a retainer during the day?? Especially when he's out signing autographs?

Anonymous said...

I've just gotten my braces removed and am supposed to wear my retainer day & night for 3 months, then wear it at night only for 1 year and then every other night for another year.

Uranus said...

I see it! If you save the picture and view it bigger, you can see it very clearly.

Anonymous said...

I took out my braces a few years ago and I still have to wear it every night. I know people who wear the during the day too. Otherwise, the teeth will move.

Anonymous said...

If he's wearing a retainer, it's an Invisilign brand. They are clear. My son had one for daytime and one for nighttime. It basically keeps your teeth in proper alignment.

Anonymous said...

OT from the retainer. I love the way this shows how great his hair looks from the top. Lots of layers. I love the cut on Adam. Very hot!!!!

adamluv1000 said...

He wants to look pretty for us!!!

Anonymous said...

OT, just wanted to say this here, but watched the lil segment of Adam drinking the Russian vodka before IIHY, & when he let out that high pitched note(obviously a lil vodka goes a long way, hehe), that was so perfect, I loved it! I wish I could play that over & over.!! Like a gif with audio! Hint?!
I still don't get Adam's mystery , as I watched & listened to him sing,
I am smiling ear to ear all thru the performance! I think Adam is a real genuine love drug, who is lethal & illegal !!! Just love the voice !! Adam ur unbelievable!!
Time to zoom in on the pic to look for a retainer?! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

I was actually wondering where the braces went, glad he didn't have the top ones for the concert.
Altho he always looks great anyway..

Anonymous said...

Wow, you guys are really detectives! Just looked like saliva to me.
Poor guy, every centimeter gets noticed. And I do mean every centimeter.... haha

KIKII said...

lol I love how we know everything about him.

Anonymous said...

It's probably a "permanent" retainer -- very common these days for orthodonthia patients to have a metal band aka retainer installed (glued) onto their teeth to retain the benefits of the braces long-term. It's most common to have it glued inside the bottom teeth, but is also done along the top row as well at times.

I know many people who have permanent retainers. They don't think twice about them, except for the fact that they make eating corn on the cob a nightmare.

Anonymous said...

OT but wanted to share this link. This person's review of Adam and his voice is inspiring! She's a trained singer and is in awe of Adam's voice:

Anonymous said...

It is a permanent retainer only on his bottom teeth, I read this in an article a long time ago!

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe there are so many comments about something so unimportant in the scheme of things. Let's focus on the voice, the music, his next album and forget whether or not he has a retainer. For a minute there, I thought I was reading a dental blog! I have sometimes said to friends or family, get a life and this is one of those instances.

Anonymous said...

This is really funny, but scroll on if you want to stay on the retainer subject.


Anonymous said...

Are we really all having this conversation???? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, of course, we are!

My question is - Will this retainer thread go OVER 100 comments? LOL!

I hadn't stopped laughing from the purple balloons and red hearts fan fight controversy and now moving on to retainers.

@Anon 2:04 "dental blog" LOL!!!!!!!! That's great!

This site can be so crazy fun sometimes!


The Dark Side said...

Wow, you have better eyesight than I do. I see nothing resembling a retainer. Do see my very cool sunglasses.

Anonymous said...


LOL!!!!!! That is controversy I was referring to! Hysterical article!!!

I just have been laughing all day long!


Anonymous said...

I am so far behind on this site! Sorry if I step on anyone's toes if this has already been posted, but it's a great read (may explain our constant need for Adam):

daydreamin off again in real life...

Icon said...

I have a question: Is there a retainer specially designed for cats? A glam one? I guess after have bitten my mommy so hard last month my fangs might have got a bit out of place...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Hannabec, thanks so much for showing us that. WTF? C'mon. Surely you know this isn't newsworthy. Let's refrain from this sort of story.

Urethra_Franklin said...

I think aqll you dental experts who keep seeing braces and retainers need to get a new job. I dont see jack shit.

Hk fan said...

Saw that article yesterday, so good, definitely had me laughing out loud. It was in reply to an Examiner article by Jodi Jill about Adams fans threatening Korn fans in Moscow. I didn't read the article, read the headline which seemed all sorts of wrong and although I was curious to see what crap she had written I didn't click on it as I didn't want to give her the hits.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't this after his Moscow concert? How could he sing if he had his retainer on? My goodness aren't we detecting every little thing on Adam? Let's just focus on his music and watch all those wonderful videos and pictures of his epic concert in Moscow.

Anonymous said...

As rediculous as this is. I saved it and looked at enlarged. He has a metal retainer on back of his bottom gorgeous teeth. So what. Wasn't his mom a dentist? He learned to take care of his teeth and keep it gorgeous at all time. If that tunes his voice to sound great so be it. His voice is his instrument and he has to do what ever he can to tune it up. Like guitar players tune their instrument or piano players tune their pianos at all time. Let's move on a different subject. I found out that he might be working with Mutt Lange. He is a British producer/songwriter. Maybe his is working with him as we speak. Who know?

Anonymous said...

craziness of Adam is the answer that's why most us are mental ha!ha!ha! It's Adams fault indeed!!!!!

What the heck I can be sane and insane when it comes to Adam that's the truth he!he!he!

Dinah-mite said...


Hey Urie!!! How the hell are ya??? I am going to see Adam Effin Lambert in Quebec July 29th!! Can hardly STAND myself already!! #MajorFlailing..:-X

Anonymous said...

Glad to see Urethra back on here, say it like it is Sister!

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with discussing his retainer, there was no hesitation in discussing the GB? kwk

Anonymous said...

I do think he's wearing a retainer. The kind you wear behind your teeth, not in front (like what I wear).

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm 54. Saw they invented invisalign braces and and went for it. People always asked why? I'm doing it for myself it makes me happy. Keep'n it real Adam.

Anonymous said...

GM is tons more exciting than a retainer. Let the man have some secrets, for pete's sake. Who the f..k cares if he has a retainer on? Focus on his music, talent, personality...but leave out anything referencing what is personal to him. Geez, anyway, usually this site is good.

Anonymous said...

Adam's retainer match his sunglasses frame and necklace. LoL!!! Love his Russia Rock concert!!!

URANUS said...

This isn't a permanent retainer....I wear something similar to this. I can easily take it out.

glitzylady said...

Okay, so everyone has had a say...Guess I'll give it a try..what the heck! LOL!!! I work with teeth, and after careful inspection..enlarging the picture etc...I would agree he might have a retainer down there...I think I've heard it said elsewhere that he does indeed have one anyway ...Makes perfect sense, as he is in show biz and doesn't want those beautiful straight teeth to start to drift, as they are known to do in the years after braces are removed. When the lower teeth move, it can cause the upper front teeth to move slightly out of position as well, due to pressure from the lowers. If this IS a retainer (I would tend to say "Yes"..) then he's a smart (and beautiful) man!...And for those who think this is less than monumental conversation..well, yes it is, : ) but we don't ALWAYS have to be serious and profound. As is so often suggested: Skip the thread! Works for me sometimes..... : ) Besides, it's a bit of a slow Adam Day..

Anonymous said...

Daydreamin and grateful to the fans for the wonderful liaison, Adam Lambert, The Agony and the Ecstasy of Singing: Broken Open.ya excellent comments!

Anonymous said...

Thanks HH!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Uree, I knew you would step up and straighten this thread out! Does having metal in your mouth give you metal rock cred? funbunn40

glitzylady said...

So I guess what I'll do, if I ever get to meet Adam, is ask him once and for all: "Do you wear a retainer?" That should settle it......That's if I can remember anything at that point..including my own name...Highly doubtful I'll ever get the chance to ask that question, so maybe it shall ever remain a mystery, to be brought up again on another Slow Adam News Day..

Anonymous said...

Adam has a beautiful mouth

Anonymous said...

Cor blimey! You need x-ray vision and then some to say that Adam is DEFINITELY wearing a retainer.

Just wondering .... when kissing someone who is wearing a retainer, does one's tongue get tangled, tied, tired or all 3???

Anonymous said...

WHAT A MOUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD GOD HOW SEXY!