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A Fan Encounters Adam Lambert in London (New Picture)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A fan bumped into Adam in London and here's what she had to say about the encounter and a new picture!

The below post is written by Huikingsze (kasey):

So many of you Adam fans have tweeted me and so I think I should talk more about what happened this afternoon! :)

I went to the British Library today and after coming out of it, I decided to walk to the Camden Market. On the street right outside the St Pancras train station, I noticed a guy in black with sunglasses walking towards me. He’s talking on the phone. I don’t know why but a voice inside me sort of came up,” Oh this guy really looks like Adam Lambert!”

Then he passed by me and I HEARD THAT AMERICAN ACCENT. This’s very distinguishable when you’re in London isn’t it? So I turned to look at him and guess what? I saw some guyliners behind those sunglasses! At that point I was almost sure it really WAS Adam Lambert.

This froze me on the ground and I struggled for a while whether I should approach him and get things clear or not. In the end of course I did. Since Adam had already gone for some distance, I had to pick up my pace to catch up with him.

He just finished his phone call when I got back to him. So I got up my nerve and asked rather timidly, “Excuse me, are you... Adam?”


Oh my god! Never in my life would I expect to bump into one of my favourite singers on the street and therefore, I had no idea what I could say!

“OMG, it really is you... Ermerm, I went to your gig in Hong Kong last year!”

Shit, I was so stupid.

But Adam’s really nice and sweet. He just kept smiling and thanked me and then told me his bag was broken (he’s carrying a paper bag).

“Are you on holiday?”

“Yes... oh but no, I’m also working here. I’m working on some new songs now.”

I then asked if I could have a picture with him. He said “sure” and I took out my camera. Since there’s no one we knew around, Adam said, “Let’s see if we can do it on our own!” I pressed the button took the photo. We did it.

AND AFTER THIS HE REACHED OUT HIS RIGHT HAND. Awwww how nice was he! Isn’t it I should be the one who asked for shaking hands with him? We shook hand and he said “Have a nice day” to me.

“You too! Thanks so so much!”

Yes, thank you very much indeed. Actually I don’t live in London I’m just a visitor there-- it was damn lucky of me to have met a favourite musician of mine in a foreign place! Now my trip is just beyond perfect, I know ;)



Anonymous said...

Adam is just so gorgeous and so nice. Thanks for sharing his picture and your lovely experience.

Anonymous said...

lucky person you are

Anonymous said...

That was a sweet read...

Looks like glamberts all have a great experience meeting Adam. He's such a sweetheart.

The Dark Side said...

Nice to hear he is on a working holiday. I am sure this encounter will remain with you forever. Lucky gal!

Anonymous said...

So many lucky fans out there to have met Adam! I had 2 chances, but in both cases, safety & family came first, as it should be. Lucky fan she is to have met the man with the voice!! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

Is he wearing a retainer in THIS picture?
Sorry. I couldn't resist.


Anonymous said...

Always gracious - Always friendly and nice. What a great man! And what a lucky gal! Still wondering when he'll go to Finland - should be pretty soon.

tess4ADAM said...

I so envy your 'chance' encounter with ADAM ... for me ... this can never be ... but THANK YOU for sharing YOUR SOLO MEET & GREET with **ADAM** ... Love 'n Light


Anonymous said...

OMG! Can you imagine such a chance encounter with our RockGod just walking by himself on the street! How lucky can a fan be? He is such a sweetheart and so approachable it makes it easy (well if you don't faint first) to go up to him and say "hi". He's so wonderful. This fan has a real special memory to keep with her always. So Adam is still working hard on new music. I can't wait to see what he's come up with.

@Sister 3:57pm
Your comment "Is he wearing a retainer in this picture?" was so hilarious I almost choked. I was drinking something and now my poor computer screen is a mess! Gotta go clean it up LOL!


Anonymous said...

Perfect Day !!!!!

Anonymous said...

She is from Hong Kong. Currently lives in France and she is vacationing in London. She should consider herself a lucky fan. I live in L.A. and I still haven't ran into Adam.

Anonymous said...

funny indeed @Sister

Adams voice is everywhere in the world!!!!! You will recognize right away because, he is the only one has the unique and sexy voice in this generation of singers he!he! lucky you girl and well wishes.........

Anonymous said...

The way Adam struts when he's walking and his black outfits...damn....I would probably not approach him...just follow and take in all the beauty......

Anonymous said...

You're so lucky to meet our idol.

Anonymous said...

I'm probably moving to Alaska, where my chances of meeting Adam will be zilch. My chances of actually seeing him live will be zilch. I hate life.

Anonymous said...

Cheer up

At least Sarah Palin is moving to Arizona.

Anonymous said...

What a lucky chance, was meant to be.
Have you guys of the UK TV Show "The Graham Norton Show"? We get it here in NZ, I love it he is a comedian who happens to be gay, but that beside the point he has excellent guests on his show a lot of British Celebs of course, but lately has had Jennifer Hudson,and a few others I cant remember, this week it will be Lady GaGa, so I was thinking hmmm, maybe he will grab our Adam while he is over there. That would be great, and probably wishful thinking on my part. But you never know.
PS Just remember one of the other guests was Adele, who I imagined being a serious, ladylike little girl, but she was a real hoot, no airs and graces at all. She actually sang and so beautifully to.

Anonymous said...

Meant to be Have you heard of the Graham Norton Show?Sorry, Jadam.

Anonymous said...

Would be great if Adam went on that show in the UK since he needs more exposure there. What a lucky girl to run into Adam.You seemed to remain calm, don't know how I would react or even be able to speak. He was so sweet and approachable. Who else but our ADAN!

Anonymous said...

ADAM not ADAN sorry!

Anonymous said...

@ 4:38,

Don't say that my dear..... Life is precious u just have to enjoy and relax your mind.

If we can cheer u up here stay tune and your life would be easier. Just Rock Baby and havefun with your love ones....

Just listen to Adam songs and chill out.....

Anonymous said...


I Google and watch the Graham Norton Shows. He is hilarious and I just this week watched the show with Adele. She's a riot!

I would love to see Adam on that show, he's quick witted and I'm sure the audience would love him............Here's wishing!!!! JAK

Anonymous said...

The Glambrits need to start a campaign to get Adam on the Graham Norton Show! Loved the London meeting story. Lucky girl!

LP said...

I think he was already on the Graham Norton show. When he was promoting his first album, and was in the UK. It was hilarious. You can prolly dig it up on you tube. Isn't Adele English too. May be he is seeing her too, for some songs. He prolly has been asked to be on the TV show.He was quite a hit. That was when a young lady in the audience offered for him to sleep with her, and he said "not unless you have a surprise under that skirt"

coloforadam said...

mmmmmmmm - what a sweet encounter - a fantasy in which we have all indulged but this sharp eyed, spunky Glambert actually live it out!! Adam recording something in London - that is SO tantalizing!! The new album is going to be great!! His dedication to absolute creativity is thrilling and it will have thrilling results. I would order a thousand copies right now if it were available!! CAN"TWAIT

Anonymous said...

Just turned on my laptop and this fans encounter with Adam was such a sweet read! When fans are polite, so is Adam and so ccommodating when time and no crowds allow. I can only imagine the shock, just seeing him walking down the street with no entourage, just being his sweet, unassuming self. So glad he still has some freedom to be just Adam... funbunn40

Anonymous said...


I remember seeing Adam on a show in the UK but I couldn't remember the name. It really was hilarious and I especially remember that girl and Adam's comment about the "surprise under her skirt" He did tell her that she was cute though with his megawatt smile. Yeah, it was so funny!


Anonymous said...

LP and CT

Justin Lee Collins was host of the "surprise under the skirt" show. I saved it on my favorites list..........loved it!.......JAK

Anonymous said...

The other British Show Adam was on was The Johnathan Ross Show, he hasnt been on Graham Nortons Show.
JAK so glad you get to see Grahams Show on line, I love it to, we get a lot of great British Shows
here,as well as most of the US and Australian ones so we are lucky.
LP Yes Adele is British. Jadam.

Anonymous said...

Come on Glambrits, get Adam on Grahams Show, we are depending on you. Probably a bit short notice tho.

Anonymous said...

that pic turned out foxxxy! rawr!

Anonymous said...

the eyes! omg!

Anonymous said...

Great picture...he looks happy and so handsome without all the makeup. I guess he was walking and shopping in this area of London and no one really bothered him. It must have felt good not to be hounded by the paparazzi although I would have done a double take seeing someone that good looking walking past me. Hope he is having success working on this new album and I can't wait for the fall to have it released. Maybe he will release a single from it earlier as most of the performers seem to be doing now and then do the tv circuit to plug it. I love London; it is one of my favorite cities to visit.

Anonymous said...

Adam is such a sweetie. Nothing else to say. A true gem. Love the pic.

Anonymous said...

Amazing game, Adam has given you the surprise of your life. Congratulations on your lucky experience, thanks for sharing it with us!

Hk fan said...

I love Graham Norton, would love Adam to appear on that show.
@2LP. Yes, it was the justin lee collins show that adam was on, definitely worth going back to for another look. There are 2 versions on youtube, edited and unedited. And the Jonathan Ross show, where he did that little bit of WWFM acapella.
How amazing for that fan to just bump into Adam like that. Its a shame she cut her picture off, maybe I would recognise her...perhaps I was flailing next to her at the HK concert!!!
even if that happened to me, I don't know if I would have the balls to go up and speak to him, I'm actually pretty shy.

glitzylady said...

@HK fan..
I think if I saw Adam walking down the street like that, I would do the same thing she did..because it would be a once in a lifetime opportunity..I would kick myself forever if I didn't at least say hello! I'm pretty shy too, although in this case I would have to overcome the feeling that I was intruding on his privacy. But a public street is fair game I think..

My husband recently was at an event that included one of HIS biggest Idols (in sports..marathoner) and he was being all reticent to meet the guy (he was sitting at the table next to us..). I said "Well, you know, if that was ADAM sitting there, I'd sure as hell be going over there to say hello" (this guy was a speaker at the event so he was fair game..) Just go over there, because you'll be kicking yourself forever if you don't!" So he mustered up his courage, did it, and was just thrilled, and so happy that he did.

I do think that if a celeb is having a private dinner with friends, etc..I would be much more reluctant to bother him/her tho...So if the opportunity ever comes up (probably not), I guess I'll see what I would REALLY do! Talk is cheap! In reality, I would probably be so stunned, I couldn't say anything at all! Or run into a lamp post or something equally embarrassing...I've "almost" met him..but not spoken to him yet....One of these days......

Anonymous said...

OMG I wish I could bump into Adam whilst I'm visiting London. I am a brit but happen to be living in Perth Australia at the moment - he never performed there. I can't believe he is in London whilst I am here and I am also staying near Kings Cross where he has been lurking.

The Graham Norton show is fab and he should go on this but might be best saved for when his next album is out!! I will personally put in phone calls to the show at this time.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for sharing your meeting Adam experience and big thanks for posting the gorgeous photo though it would've been lovely to see you in it. I'm you will always treasure that photo.

I would be struck dumb if I saw Adam walking before me in a street. Maybe we should all practise what we would want to say to him in the event that it ever happens!

Anonymous said...

^Ooops I meant to type .... I'm sure you will always treasure that photo.

Anonymous said...

I thought I saw him in a bagel shop once, but I don't stalk celebrities. it's not classy!

Anonymous said...

You never know what you might do....sometimes it's something completely out of character.

Decades ago my husband and I were having dinner at a beach restaurant when he said "check out the window table". I glanced over my shoulder and then did a double take and turned around completely. The three people at the table looked at me and I gave them a "thumbs up" sign.

They smiled and raised their glasses as if to toast me. I sat numb as my husband wiped out my shrimp platter. As the group of three left, Henry, Jane and Peter, Jane Fonda patted me on the back...............JAK

Anonymous said...

@5:13 Your comment was hysterical!

Anonymous said...

@JAK, so lucky to have met such a legendary family! I loved Jane's "Barberlla"?, cool flick from 60's was it? & of course enjoyed "On A Golden Pond" plz correct me on my movie titles, my mind has gone to Adam , Adam , Adam !!! Thank you for your stories JAK, I enjoy them very much!
I think if I actually did meet Adam on the street, of course I'd be excited but I'd be in tears of love& happiness!! Wouldn't know what to say, except I'd tell him uh... I love his ACIGC& WLL!!

Adamluv said...

@JAK - enjoyed your Fonda family encounter. Just finished reading Janes book My Life So Far and was very entertained. She has had a most interesting life. "Coming Home" is one of my favorite movies of all times. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I have one important question. What was in the paper bag ???

Anonymous said...


I haven't thought of that movie in years. It was a stunner and could easily have been written today.Sadly we have many servicemen and now women too "coming home" severely disabled.

Not much has changed since General Sherman said "War is Hell" in the 1860's!.........JAK

Anonymous said...

anon 5:13 bwahahahahaha! Loved your comment!!!


Anonymous said...

I too would be dumbstruck if I saw Adam. I would leave him alone if he were with friends like in a restaurant, but am pledging here and now, even if dk;fajiaeriao; jia came out of my mouth, so be it! It would at least maybe make Adam laugh...even if on my dime! And then I would walk away red faced and embaraced!

It looks to me like he was wearing his hoody...anyone?

I loved the Justin Collins show wear the beautiful woman taunting Adam was on.

@Jak-where do you run into these people? How fun!


Anonymous said...


This was years ago and the Fondas were "bonding"
on a fishing trip to west coast of Florida. As I recall Henry had just remarried and they all were in St.Petersburg,Fla.

Other than remembering I felt like a fool, I remembered Henry and Jane's BLUE eyes!...JAK

Anonymous said...

Such a sweetheart! I wish I have a "chance" to meet the hottest and sexiest man ever!

Anonymous said...

How nice sudden meeting on the street! And what a lovely pic!! Lucky girl!
