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Adam Lambert Tweets About Skylar Grey's "Dance Without You"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, June 20, 2011

Posted at : Monday, June 20, 2011

Listen to Skylar Grey's "Dance Without You" (Audio) below:


Anonymous said...

Freshly horrible. What crap passes for music these days!!

URANUS said...

Nice song but not my type...

Anonymous said...

Blah intro. Drums drag. But after a while her voice and the arrangement makes it a bit more interesting. But still, "Dance w/o U" ends up giving the impression that it's trying too hard to search for something, anything, that's different. Vocalist is above cut for this sort of thing, but IMO the tempo needs a kicker or two. OK, so it's an improvement over hip-hop-snore-bore even tho it's not likely to stick in the brain.

Anonymous said...

Kind of hypnotizing rhythm. I prefer this over Gaga anytime and you know what? It´s stuck in my brain.:-D


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

this is the kind of music which will be on adam's second album

Anonymous said...

It sounds like she has a "lazy" voice, together with a machine made sexy tone. Not bad but somehow a bit let down . I like uplifting and soulful type songs.

Anonymous said...

Adam MUST'VE been trippin on something when he tweeted that!

Anonymous said...

Anon @12:36, please don't scare me like that!

Anonymous said...

Got my attention 'cause it is a little different. I do prefer it to the auto tune sound. Still nothing compares to Adam's gorgeous, real gimmicks.


JAK said...

I'm hoping that the new album is closer to Adele than Skylar. This actually hurt my ears!

Anonymous said...

Not my cup of tea!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

not bad. I will probably like it better the more I hear it. Adam started me enjoying music again and I like to read about the ones he finds interesting, sometimes I like, sometimes not but still enjoy.

Anonymous said...

I like her voice. Adele has very annoying piercing voice.

Anonymous said...

She wrote Coming Home. Great but this one is ugly.

Anonymous said...

"Anon 12:36 this is the kind of music which will be on adam's second album"


Anonymous said...

I didnt mind it,but I think Adam likes lots of different sounds in music, he wont do them all, we need to relax. He has said he has listened to what his fans want to hear. so lets see.
Funnily enough 2 years ago my grandson and I liked nearly 100% of the same music, now its about 10% so I thinks its an age thing. Maybe? Do we have all ages on this site, or are we all more mature age group, would love to know just out of curiousity,

Anonymous said...

I actually wish Adam wouldn't tweet how great some of this crap is. And yes, maybe it's an age difference as I'm in the more mature age group..

Anonymous said...

It's not always an age thing, it has to do with values too. At least Skylar Grey thanked Adam for the compliment. Not everyone would. Did you know, Adele turned down an invitation to perform at the Royal Wedding, because she had a date with her barbeque? I think the popularity has gone to her head. Adele gets drunk when she writes her music, five bottles of wine or something like that, and she has the nerve to call other female singers boring..

Anonymous said...

Sorry Adam this is not my taste in music. I love how Adam supports other artists though. I think it's Adam's creativity that perhaps lets him hear things in a different way. No I don't think he would do this on his next album.

Hk fan said...

@anon 3.46
Did you happen to watch the Graham Norton show with Adele to pick up that info about going to a bbq instead of the Royal wedding. She was actually joking, she wasn't asked to sing at the wedding, and jokingly said she wouldn't anyway as the bbq had been booked first!!! That was the first time I'd really seen her, and I was LOL watching the interview, she was so funny and seemed very grounded and down to earth,nothing how I imagined her to be with her very emotional, anxiety ridden music.

Anonymous said...

Where it says that Adele was not asked to sing at the Royal wedding? I can't find it.

Anonymous said...

I give this song a big "SUCKS", and that is being nice!!!!

Anonymous said...

so sorry adam, not my type of music but i respect your opinion, everybody their own. i hope your next album will be different from this type of music. i don't have any idea who this STYLAR GREY is but NO thanks.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 3:46...please do some background checking first. Adele has said in interviews that she actually has a hard time performing because she has such stage fright, and would prefer not to have to do live performances.

As Skler, she has a very pretty voice. Loved her performance on the Grammy's with P.Diddy and another singer (sorry, can't remember who).

Anonymous said...

I heard it's not a complete song. But I love it. It has a new vibe to it. Very pleasant, creative and different. So fresh, indeed!

Anonymous said...


Sorry Adam!!!!!!!!! Not interesting indeed...

You have the magnetic voice Adam and you will be the only one for me in this generation!!!! Screw it through my heart Adam!!! Waiting, waiting and still waiting........

Anonymous said...

She has a beautiful voice. Just listen to "I love the way you lie". Plus, she looks like Bill K. in this picture.

Anonymous said...

Adam,you confuse me later with song choices and comments.
What is going, babe?! Are you sick?

Anonymous said...

Hurt my ears as well ......could not even wait for it to finish. UGH.

Anonymous said...

Interesting - worth a second listen -

Anonymous said...

I like it

glitzylady said...

Wellllll..I listened to it with headphones, which gives it much more depth than on just the laptop speakers. And at risk of having "virtual' stones thrown at me from those who hate it..I rather liked it. It has a very sexy and sensual rhythm/beat (Adam does like "sexy"), with an organic feel (the strong drums and rhythm), and her voice is really beautiful. I can see Adam and Sauli dancing to this in a club, or...hanging out at home..... um...well.....its good "mood music" if you get my drift....He likes Goldfrapp and this reminds me of her a bit....I'm ready to duck now...Going off to check out more of her music.

Anonymous said...

Clubbing stuff for sure, but not the spellbinding beauty of Adam.

Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that she performed on AI and so
it's important to promote fellow artists.

Anonymous said...

@I´m with you @glitzylady. It was different from the crap you hear on radio right now so I´m sure we wont hear it on radio. Gaga rules there with her trillion singles from the same album.


Anonymous said...

Here's a good one: Amy Winehouse tells Mark Ronson: You're dead to me. xD

JAK said...


I saw the Graham Norton show you were talking about, I loved it. Adele was very funny and I thought "there's a girl I would like"!.

Anonymous said...

Not a fan of any british soul singers, but if I had to choose between Adele and Duffy, I'd listen to Duffy. I like Warwick Avenue better than all of Adele's songs put together. I recommend that song and also Mercy.

Anonymous said...

Not my style! Couldnt last for more than 2 minutes.

Anonymous said...

Hey, what's Beyonce's new album 4 like? Beyonce said her new album is inspired by Adele. I wonder if it's only the name of the album or music too? If it's just the name, I like her humour.

Anonymous said...

I like it!
And I don't understand why this kind of music can't be in the next Adam's album...
ok, i know you love his pureness and clean voice. blah blah... But I love the originality and the mix of both could be awesome. (as in FYE album was).
Let's Adam do his job! I'm pretty sure we will enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

I like it too. Interesting, sexy and different. But its a song that has to be listened to more than once.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 1:06, What are you talking about. Adam's record would sink like a stone. Do you honestly think you're ever going to hear this song on the radio? Adam wants radio play, and this type of music doesn't cut it.

Hk fan said...

yes, she seems great. It was a good show, I would so love to see Adam on it, I reckon him and Graham would get on great....
and @ anon 6.52. love the song Warwick Avenue. I have a version on my ipod that my daughter recorded of it for me.

JAK said...

@ 6:52 AM....and Hkfan

Agree with you both, I've been listening to Duffy's Rockferry album since it came out, she's awesome. Mercy is my favorite song to bed dance to! Good exercise and since I know all the lyrics I sing along! My husband comes down the hall and quietly shuts my door!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I don't believe Adele cancelled her sold out US tour because her agent said she should lose weight. I think she wanted an excuse to cancel the tour. That will also make people sympathize her and buy more records. Adele is very clever, behaves immature, swears like a sailor and is treated like a child by her fans and the media. It could be the laryngitis, but smoking won't help the situation either.

Anonymous said...

All you kids calling this crap are citing manufactured "chart" music as being amazing. Adam's right, this is different, and fresh, and musically its far cleverer then most of the other "fresh" songs out there at the moment, which have predictable cadences, predictable chord sequences, predictable structures, predictable lyrics and currently all seems to be about sex!! You go Skylar!!