Sneak Peek at Adam Lambert's MTV's Talk@Playground Film
Filed Under (Fan Club News ) by Admin on Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Posted at : Tuesday, June 28, 2011
From Adamlambertfans:
"Last week, Adam took to a cool, downtown Los Angeles location to film a piece for MTV's Talk@Playground. This will air internationally, but in the meantime, you can check out some photos from the shoot right here.
The concept of the spots are to pair together a musical artist and a leading creative in the fashion world who have mutual respect for each other. They sit down to discuss what inspires them, their work and what drives their creativity.
Adam sat down with SKINGRAFT Founder, Johnny Cota, seen here in the photos.
Stay tuned for an air date and more information."

If you want to see what this looks like, the video below of Lady Gaga is an example of how Adam's Talk@MTV Playground will (most likely) look like:
"Last week, Adam took to a cool, downtown Los Angeles location to film a piece for MTV's Talk@Playground. This will air internationally, but in the meantime, you can check out some photos from the shoot right here.
The concept of the spots are to pair together a musical artist and a leading creative in the fashion world who have mutual respect for each other. They sit down to discuss what inspires them, their work and what drives their creativity.
Adam sat down with SKINGRAFT Founder, Johnny Cota, seen here in the photos.
Stay tuned for an air date and more information."
If you want to see what this looks like, the video below of Lady Gaga is an example of how Adam's Talk@MTV Playground will (most likely) look like:
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That 2nd picture takes my breath away! Adam is gorgeous! And Johnny C. aint bad on the eyes either. Two serious hotties!!!!!!! ... Adamluv
Thanks for the post. Adam looks stunning wearing Skingraft design. More leather than glitter makes Adam to look like a ROCKGOD.
Also, site created a page on facebook. Login to facebook and click on like to get latest news about our RockGod:
Four observations....
1. Adam looks scrumptious.
2. Adam, wear his jackets, but not his pants
3. Does she always sound that nasal?
4. Has she been upholstered into the chair?
Always nice to see our guy!.........JAK
I don't get why the Gay community like her so much. I'm straight and sometimes with the things she says it comes across as she is using the Gay community for her own advantage. She is milking the Gay community for her own benefit. I like to hear what our Gay/Lesbian fans think about her. I think she is straight and she isn't bio. Just maybe curious. We have seen female celeb. doing it. Like Madonna, Rihanna, Britney, Xtina, etc. She likes to be over the top performer, IMO, and she is using the Gay community to her own advantage.
Another picture of Adam in studio released by RCA:
I have long thought that Gaga uses the gay community for her own purposes. What she would know about being gay I cannot imagine. She should stick to what she does know, her catholic school upbringing, and dragging them through the mud.
anon 3:41
that's a really interesting picture of Adam in the studio.
Great photos, he looks so young in that second one.
we're obviously on the same wavelength JAK, my first thought was that Gaga was dressed as a chair!
p.s. also love the photo of him in the studio.....although it doesn't look the most comfortable way to sit, but he makes it look effortless.
I don't think GaGa uses the Gay community. She was bullied by her peers at school physically and mentally. I believe that she can relate to the bias towards the gay community and wants to help them and bring encouragment and support because she knows what it is like to be put down. Isn't it ironic in the "last two years" the gay movement has seen positive leaps and bounds... (Adam's Season 8 and Rolling Stone's confirmation of his sexual orientation. I think Adam's AMA kiss (almost two years ago)and subsequent conversation "helped" to bring awareness to the inequality of our society. It put it in front of everyone's face and people couldn't ignore it. I will always believe that Adam's courage to stand up and say this is who I am changed minds and encouraged acceptance and gave strength to those who needed it. He took the road less travelled by being the first openly gay man to "Start" his career out and proud. I only hope that GaGa when all is said and done does not overshadow the contribution that Adam Lambert made to progress our society in a positive light. I will always be a fan of Adam's.
Agree with all 4 of JAK's observations. Oh, those pants (Johnny) are not good..
Adam looks stunning as always, definitely swoon-worthy.
Yes, Gaga does not have a nice speaking voice. Is there any update on the news that she pocketed the money - 5 million - on the sale of wristbands that was advertised as relief for Japan?
these ear pearcings, what are they in English ? What´s the other name for them ?
I also believe that gaga uses the gay community and is anything but sincere. She'll do anything to be noticed.
BTW, have also read that her story about being bullied is all b***s*** and that she was actually part of the popular group.
I'm not sure why I'm seeing these anti-Gaga comments here. Its fine not to like her or her singing style, etc., but from what I know, she is an outspoken friend of and advocate for the gay community, as well as Marriage Equality, etc.. I can't believe that she is faking it. You're going to have to produce more evidence than that to convince me she does it only for the attention and notoriety.
As for her being bullied in school, she was a theater geek, etc., and may not have fit in with the mainstream, but from what I've read, had a "core group of friends" per friends and family, and did very well in school. She went to a Catholic High School so may have felt a little out of place there. High school is a difficult place for sure.. I suppose if she felt she was bullied, she was, even if it wasn't severe. That's for her to say.
Just for the record, I like her and her music, for the most part. She pushes the envelope but there's nothing wrong with that. I've also enjoyed her interviews with various people, including Ellen and others. She is respectful and well spoken. Again, I don't understand the Gaga bashing. And what is with the thing about her "pocketing the money meant for Japan relief"??? Just like the rumors I hear about Adam, I need to have someone reputable tell me its true before I'll believe it..She has money coming out of her....ears....and seems to be a very sincere and honest person to me, so I can't imagine that would be true. But then, what do I know??
And by the way, I respect the right for everyone to have an opinion about Lady Gaga. I might have missed a few pieces of information along the line somewhere about the feeling is that she is not being sincere in her support and friendship to the GLBT community. I follow Adam really closely : ) but Lady Gaga only casually. So feel free to disagree with me.. It's okay and could be enlightening for me.. : )
to 5:54 - I saw this also on the news channels online - Gaga was being sued because of it.
Adam seems to be one of the more sane pop celebrities out there..
This is the same studio picture from RCA as at Anon 3:41 PM posted but it loads faster..the other one seems to load slowly for some reason.
Really BIG close-up of Adam in the same picture:
I love both of these pictures..he looks sooo good: very intense, and so handsome. And in the close up I'm curious: what is the line just behind his ear..necklace, or probably a headphone wire??? Not that it matters....
Adamluv, i really like your comments on this site but I have to disagree with you about Gaga.
Gaga is really sincere in her support for gay rights. It's (partly) thanks to her that DADT passed and gay marriage in New York. She rallied a New York republican politican to vote YES. That guy voted YES most likely because of Gaga telling her fans to email him and calling him.
You can hate Gaga anyway you want but she is an ally of the gay community.
@Anon 6:44 PM
Well, if that's true..not nice... : (
For sure, Adam is an honest and caring man. I can't imagine him ever doing anything like that...he gives back now and I'm sure he always will. Another of the many reasons I am such a fan.
You follow Gaga more than I do for sure, so you definitely know more than I do too, so you must have some good reasons to say what you said about her. I spend most of my "stanning" time with Adam so probably have missed a lot. It makes me sad to think she would feign all of that support for the gay community, for her own motives, but I suppose anything is possible. The $5 mil. thing is disturbing for sure...Hmmm. Guess I need to pay more attention.
Is it me or is the nail polish off his thumb nail?
I don't know anything at all about Gaga, she has never interested me, but I do like some of her, I guess, early songs....Speechless,Bad Romance and Boys,Boys,Boys.
However, I would like to say that a suit has been filed against her....she hasn't been found guilty of anything...yet! Suits are filed every day and fizzle out...but that seldom makes the news. Innocent until proven guilty!.......JAK
GaGa has done alot for the gay community. I believe she started this before she was an icon. I don't think she is gay or bi myself. Love her music and her general personality. Everybody is suing everybody.I know Adam thinks the world of her.
yay how exciting, can't wait to watch this. I am very proud of our guy. Don't forget the VH1 program in August and the festival in Canada in July.
I think Johnny looks like he should be in a modern "Robin Hood" movie, where the forest merry men should be in leather. I do not like the pants, even when Adam wore them. I am sure they are comfy and all, just not my taste.
Adam looks good, as always.
Don't know much about Gaga, she is not my cup of tea, anymore. Liked her first few songs. Now she is boring, same sounds, same videos. Another Madonna wannabe.
I can't state my opinion of Lady Gaga because I don't follow her nor her songs. But one thing stood out...she gave Adam 'Fever' when he requested for a song from her and even personally helped him as pointed out by Adam. I mean Adam has indirectly hinted on other collaborations but no one else did what Lady Gaga did for Adam. And what a song! That strikes me as a sincere person who wants to help another in need. As the saying goes...A friend in need is a friend indeed.
-Lam my
My opinion of Lady G. is only MY opinion so I won't voice it here. As for the video ... I could only listen to her speak for a very short time .. sounds as tho' she has a cold or sinus problem ... second observation ... I really thought that she was a PART of that chair ... for the most part I couldn't understand a WORD she was saying so I didn't bother to watch it thru to the end. I'm POSITIVE ADAM's interview will be IMPECCABLY BETTER-ER ... Love 'n Light
Now this looks like a smart show , good move MTV . Looking forward to this, I'd like to know more about fashion, & I'll have something to talk about with Adam, if I ever get the chance( yea right)!Mwah!! K
hmmm, Mwah!!K I am stealing your idea if I meet him first ( twirling moustache).lol
@Glitzylady, Gaga did a show in Japan and was raising money for them by selling a bracelet, but charging $3.99 to ship it. By all accounts, the cost really was only about .50 cents, so they are saying she is pocketing the difference. Puleeze! What company is NOT pocketing a nice sum by overcharging shipping costs?!!!
I also think that because she is so "out there" that she most likely was bullied, but who am I to say? Just makes sense.
The whole world is awaiting for Adam!
The second picture of is totally
awesome. It captures the true beauty of
Adam. OMG it puts other men to shame!
The 2nd photo .... S.W.O.O.N.!!!!!!!
With his height and build, I love the harem pants on Adam but not on Johnny.
Lady Gaga - I don't follow her but I like a few of her songs. I admire her - she seems to be extremely dedicated to her craft and works really hard. Adam is a fan of hers and I trust his judgment AND, as mentioned above, she gave him "Fever" and what a fantastic song it is! So you're not going to have any criticism of her from me.
The clip on Adam's left ear .... he's been wearing that for yonks.
I love Adam's 2nd picture. Agree that the other guy makes the pant look ugly. Adam just can pull off anything he wear, always beautiful.
I also like gaga's few songs, her recent live performances are very good. Not too many artists can do that live in POP and I think that's why we always compare her with Adam. Hope she's smart enough to have good attorney to manage her asset. You know how greedy and dirty are those music people. Rihanna found out she did not had much money left in her bank account couple years ago.
I think it is ironic that those who call themselves Adam fans...preach openness, tolerance, judging people by their actions and heart...that some of these same people are hating and bashing Gaga here on this blog. I believe Lady Gaga is in full support of sexual preference equality...She does a lot of work for the gay community and speaks often for all peoples rights...Ask yourself this...what would Adam say to you if he read your post bashing her and doubting her ....I believe he would tell you to quit spreading hate.
I certainly don't agree with everything Lady GAGA does: for example the meat dress. I thought that was in bad taste with everything we know about world hunger, etc. However, I do think she is sincere with the Gay community and I do think she is Gay/BI from the interviews I have read, but that really does not matter. She has been a Gay spokesperson and that really looks like a lot of work. Also, she seems to adore her family which I view as all good. I also like her honesty about being bullied at school and how this still effects her. I think this revelation could certainly help others. That being said, Adam Lambert has and still is being adversely effected by being Gay and Out in the music industry. I have no doubt that Adam would have won AI and all the fuss about the AMA's would not have happened, in my opinion, if the bigwigs were not biased against the Gay community, and Adam in particular. Okay - I'll get off my soapbox now.
Sligo lambert
wow adam so cute
Regardless of what our varied opinions of Lady Gaga are here, and everyone is entitled to them, good, bad, or indifferent, ..she does have a lot of influence in the Human Rights movement, particularly GLBTQ. This is an excerpt from U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's speech during the U. S. State Department's Annual Pride Celebration recently.
"And then there is the work that our Embassy team in Rome has been doing. Two weeks ago, they played an instrumental role in bringing Lady Gaga to Italy for a EuroPride concert. (Laughter.) Now, as many of you know, Lady Gaga is Italian American and a strong supporter of LGBT rights. And the organizers of the EuroPride event desperately wanted her to perform, and a letter to her from Ambassador Thorne was instrumental in sealing the deal. Over 1 million people attended the event, which included powerful words in support of equality and justice."
And for those still wondering: Lady Gaga is bi-sexual.
Read more:
Just wonder why Gaga is so workaholic and she is so young. I like some of her songs. But I would prefer to see Adam able to enjoy life and make music in his own pace.
I can kind of see where people think Gagas not being sincere about Gay issues. I don't know enough about her to say whether she is or isn't (I listen to her music though), but the few interviews I've seen, she always seems like she's acting, like she's playing a part so its hard to see the sincerity, and makes her appear false at times.
Sometimes if you are nervous about public speaking (like I am) I practice what I'm going to say over and over and then when the time comes I probably sound like I'm playing a part and I am! I'm playing the part of a confident, non scared to death speaker. I know Gaga is a performer and you would think she wouldn't be nervous because of that. Not so, I am a pianist and very at ease playing for a large crowd, but terrified when I have to talk!
Agree with all 4 of JAK's observations. Oh, those pants (Johnny) are not good.. Adam looks stunning as always, definitely swoon-worthy. Yes, Gaga does not have a nice speaking voice. Is there any update on the news that she pocketed the money - 5 million - on the sale of wristbands that was advertised as relief for Japan?
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