Adam Lambert's Magic Forest
Filed Under (twitter ) by Admin on Saturday, July 30, 2011
Posted at : Saturday, July 30, 2011
Adam tweeted a picture of a 'Magic Forest'. Is there a hidden meaning behind this tweet? Is "Magic Forest" a new song title?

Adam Lambert on WhoSay
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Could be were the St. Agatha Fairy flew off to.
I see lots of faces and birdhouses or maybe fairy houses
Is SAuli in there?
what are those wishbone things?
I see arms in bottom front, reaching up to the universe.
Possibility.. The light or the third eye symbol.. the gate that leads within to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness.Just a thought.
Looks like a body innard
new painting by the artist who inspired his key tattoo. It looks very erotic like Georgia O'Keefe's flowers .
should say that is just my guess . really not sure who painted this.
This is where my consciousness goes when they knock me out with anesthetic for surgery...Cool!
Looks like the land of the Faes, where Sooki went on True Blood. And where the twink from last night went too!!
Hmmmmm. New song title? Album title? Fantasy Land? Special Zen Garden where Adam goes when he creates? Ah. So many possibilities.
Adam the POWER ALMIGHTY!!!!!
Adam the FORCE OF NATURE!!!!
Adam who was born from the PLANET OF FIERCE!!!
The creation and revolution that you can explore beyond your imagination.....
ha ha ha .....In other words nobody has any idea,Adam is just playing with our minds again.
Bad Adam LOL
There is a reason behind this I believe- he's still in canada, came off an epic concert and tweets this. I think it's a bone for maybe his album cover or the theme of his next tour IMO. I don't think he has the time like I do to sit and go through pictures- I think this means something and he's throwing it out there. Anyway, I love it and the picture- maybe it's the background picture of his album with him sitting in the middle looking all godlike lol
Read this article about Adam and David Cook
About this painting. I think this is one of the pictures for Adam new album. And "Magic Forest" is name of the song
In our excitement about the Quebec concert, let's not forget to vote for ADAM for sexiest!
I think this is a painting he saw in Quebec today. Ninjas gotta find the creator.
Keep voting for Adam for sexiest man!
Maybe this is supposed to be in the magic forest! This picture is from Adamquotedaily.
These are some of his brothers from the Planet Fierce no doubt. Never a dull moment!
Yes,Glamberts,PLEASE vote for the sexiest man on mix 94.1fm radio..Some of Cook's fans'comments "almost get to me"!!I just think of that poll as a fun thing to do,but some voters just KNOW that Cook will win..LET'S show them that Glamberts don't just give up. The url is: (Thanks.VOTE!!! Only til Monday afternoon)
There is a book and a movie called "The Magic Forest"
Re this picture: I think somebody has been smoking some of the funny stuff haha
I was reading an article in a Canadian paper that some Aboriginal cultures look upon being gay as the most special thing. They believe the person actually has 2 spirits (a male and a female) so are more spiritual and blessed.
that's where he hides his harem.
I think Adam acts male and female. it's hard to explain. He acts male in company of women and female in company of men. The body language says alot about a person. Observe when he is in the company of one or both.
maybe it is inspiration for his stage makeup for the next tour.
@anon 6:31PM This is hilarious!!!!
How come they can write any article in Canadian paper about Aboriginal Cultures but Austrlian newspapers or magazines never published any article about the most important think in AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINAL culture?
Sorry, I think you don't have any idea who are Aborigens and where they live!LOL
Oh, I forgot that nobody can compete with Adam's fans intelligency, even if they don't have any idea what are they talking about!!!
I hope Adam knows who are Aborigens and where they live:):):)
Also, I am not sure that they have enough brain ability to understand the difference between the gay and straight relashionship!!!
Adam acts more male when he is around Sauli, opening car doors etc. He has said he is the dominant one in this relationship. I also think he acted in a very gay manner, (I think just put on) when he was around that stupid Cheeks. If he had stayed with Cheeks, he wouldn't be where he is today, a super star.Cheeks introduced him to all the worst things for any career, raves, burning man and drugs. People say that Cheeks has a good career, not sure what it is, but he will never match up to Adam, if Adam only hummed all his songs and not sing.
@ PH where you from???? I'm a Canadian though.....
@anon 2:01PM What do you mean "erotic Georgia O'Keefe's flowers"? I agree the she was the talented painter, but all of this painting were framed. I'am talking about artist soul but not about just museum frames. She has sort of limit in her imagination.
This painting I could compare with Van Gogh crasiness whithout any limits of imagination!
But as far this painting is much more smooth tna "Sunflowers" I think the artist who paint this picture has something new and non compariable and any other artists.
I hope Adam will use this painting for his new album.
Love you Adam, forever and ever
I am not getting an Aborigine vibe from this picture and I have read some about the Aboriginal culture in Australia, at least enough to know they are not elevated to the level they should be. That said, this looks kind of like that artist friend of Adam's where he got the inspiration for his tattoo. But then again, could be wrong, often am. Adam is playing with us, but he is forgiven after Outlaws of love and a deep insight into his new music.
Could this be part of his new album cover,something magical/special about the music inside? Everyone sees something different into it. That's what art is all about, the viewer's perspective, what you bring to the painting, your experiences, thoughts,feelings,etc. Whatever it is, Adam will keep us speculating and guessing until he decides to tell us the meaning behind it.
@ The Dark Side
Love you , darling! I didn't get this Aborigine vibe from this picture also. I coudn't inderstand the connection beween Aboringes cultures and this painting:)LOLOLOL
My point is that Adam is wild and crazy as the artist who paint this picture/ So far I thought that only Lee:) is crazy, amazing, and limitless as Adam.
But, hope Adam found somebody who can understand his soul.
I think this is the path to the coveted "G spot" lol or the impending birth of a new tribe of people from the Planet Fierce that has no prejudice,envy or evil in their soul. A new Eden with nothing but loving people...a rebirth of humanity..Looks like a Hans Haveron piece, the same artist of the skeleton key. I like his art. It gives you something to contemplate and is fancier version of the Rorschach test.( kidding!) It's intersesting and thought provoking, much like Adam. It really suits his complexity. funbunn40
The longer I look at this picture, the more I see, but I get excited at rock formations, clouds and have always seen things out of seemingly nothing. I once saw the figure of a small boy in a photo of some tobacco leaves that belonged to his mother. He also saw it after I showed him the lines and he said it spooked him and I must be able to see ghosts! haha Nursing and the art world trains your mind to be very observant,really looking at things. I may take it too far, but it entertains the family! lol funbunn40
This may get me a room at the closest asylum, but here it goes: At he very top I see a Masonic symbol with a lady at the base, sitting on a swing( no meaning from these images, just forms that I can make out in my minds eye. She's a small, dark haired figure with big white hips and white legs fused together.She has big black sleeves. The center big triangular shape looks like a big uterus to me with fallopian tubes on the outer edges. there's more, but in small detail and you might call Kentucky Fan to have me committed! Too bad I can't trace the lines. There's a lot to this picture. Keep looking at the center under the big faces. You may see big king turbans! I'd better stop!lol funbunn40
I dont think this will be the album art,, I mean, why would he put on a spoiler on twitter before the albums released?? For the same reason I dont think outlaws of love will be his first single although I love that song..
@7:12 pm
I would like to respond to your comment that "Adam acts more male"...
Adam IS male.
Gay men are male, just as lesbian women are female. Sexuality is a spectrum and a fluid one at that. To be gay is not a behavior, just as to be straight is not a behavior. Gay refers to an man or woman whose sexual orientation is attraction to persons of the same sex, whereas straight refers to attraction to persons of the opposite sex. In terms of behavior, there is a fluidity of behavior in all people, regardless of whether they are straight or a member of the LGBTQ community. Stereotyping is an overgeneralization, more often than not inaccurate. So, to say that Adam acts " more male" is not possible, as he is male. None of us fall into one category or the other in terms of behavioral stereotypes. We, as unique individuals, flow fluidly throughout the spectrum.
Is Magic Forest related to magic weed?? ;
I think the three heads above the circle of light are possibly protecting a gateway through to another dimension, perhaps a place where all people are treated equally. Just a guess :) However, I'd say there has to be some hidden meaning within this painting.
This is the second time he has tweeted a picture that has hidden faces in it. Remember the one that looked like a desert? My guess is that he has a friend who is playing around with this kind of art. Or the two pictures he's shown us will be internal art on his album and the actual album cover will be similar.
After staring at it, there is a small triangle on top and below it are three faces, two of which are of persons who are defined (in personality or identity) while the middle face appears to be that of a conflicted person or someone who acts as intermediary between the two others. Below is the image of a creature which may or may not be a demon or someone who knows what is going on or could shape the outcome. My interpretation is that it is about relationship, what is seen by others, and what is internal to the parties involved.
You said it Sister!
ADAM'S Christmas tree...ooops he Jewish....
bottom that an anus...maybe
need to zoom to 200 to see
@ funbunn40
I am dialing Kentucky Fan immediately....but don't worry, we will all stay in touch no matter how long you are "away"!...^o^
I'm just hoping it's not going to be Adams's new tattoo!..............JAK
PH ....
You don't know what you're talking about .... AGAIN!!! There is constant news about Australian Aborigines in Australian newspapers. For heaven's sake, do your research before you sprout about stuff about which you have NO knowledge.
And the same applies to you @The Dark Side.
Goodness me, this painting bears no resemblance to Aboriginal art at all.
That aside, this is very interesting and thought-provoking art.
What ya smoking girl!?!?! LOL! And can I have some?
@JAK Were you able to get a hold of Kentuck Fan for an emergent consultation? :)
OK. Here's my take. You get to the Magic Forest through meditation where you can commune with nature and the nature spirits. I see a person's head and shoulders at the bottom, with arms raised toward the heavens. The head is distorted as would be the energy of the body during expansion. The seventh chakra at the top of the head is wide open, connecting to God, Spirit, Universe (insert name of your choice). Once the expansion of meditation is reached (hence the face and forest intermingled) then the ability to connect and communicate with the upper realm, the spirit realm, is possible. The nature spirits are above the 7th chakra (glowing light) where the connection is made. If you look closely the little nature spirits have grass and flowers growing out of their heads...hence my interpretation of nature spirits. The triangles point to the heavens, representing a connector to the upper realms. And so Magical Forest is being able to connect with nature and nature spirits through connection with the Universe. who wants some of what I am having? LOL!
@Sister 11:52 AM
I do. : )
LOL!!!! Beware: Once you try it you can never go back! ha!
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