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ClevverMusic: Adam Lambert New Music Next Month

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, September 13, 2011

From ClevverMusic:

Hey guys, welcome back to ClevverMusic, I'm Bridget Daly in Hollywood. Well I have great news for you Glamberts! Adam Lambert is coming out with new music, and really soon! Adam has been busy working on his second album and tweeted out some deets yesterday that the first single is coming in October. He said, "I'm working hard this week and next to finish up all these amazing new tunes! Thank you all for staying patient... I'm excited too!
He added, "I'm 90% sure the first single will be out next month (ish) album coming early 2012! ... There is still lots of work to be done but I promise: you won't be disappointed!" Pretty exciting that we finally have a timeline, but we know lots of people will be disappointed since there were rumors the album was coming in November. But if you remember, he DID clear those up saying, "release date is not yet set... It has to be perfect for all of you, so I'm taking my time. :)" So at least we'll have a single to look forward to in just a few weeks! Let us know if you're looking forward to new Lambert music. And subscribe to CLevverMusic to stay posted on more info. See ya next time.


Anonymous said...

Of course, we as Adam's fans are all looking forward to his new single. And I know we will not be disappointed. He is the best vocal talent in the music business today so we know that first release will be something amazing. There is so much "garbage" out there that passes as music today so when someone like Adele and now Adam releases a single and then an album, it is so great to listen to someone who can actually sing without being auto-tuned and has meaningful, honest lyrics. I hope he gets the radio play he so deserves and that non fans jump on the Adam Lambert bandwagon acknowledging his superb talent.

Anonymous said...

Butt Jiggling, Action Packed, New Music Video with Isaac Carpenter (Adam's drummer) and Tommy Joe Ratliff, need I say more.. (-;

Anonymous said...

To but a smile on...Here is the vimeo link...

Anonymous said...

I like that girl and liked how she showed a variety of pictures of Adam.

Anonymous said...

The vimeo link didn't make me smile, it made me want to barf!

Anonymous said...

OT,miley Cyrus won the best hairstyle on Flecking Records & Adam was # 2..Adam's is always changing,isn't it? & I think the guys should have had their own category & the girls,another..Oh,well.

Anonymous said...

Sorry,Tommy & Isaac,that's not my kind of music,but I suppose some people like it.Maybe both Tommy & Isaac needed to get in some extra work now( or just wanted to do something)until they're needed again by Adam.I hope both will come back to him when the time's right,to promote his new single.etc.

Anonymous said...

They need to work and I imagine take all the jobs they can. Adam does not have a band that's on payroll all the time like Maroon 5 or others.
He's a single artist that hires musicians when needed. I doubt they have played on any of his recordings, at least I haven't heard that they have. Has anyone else? I don't think they played on FYE, weren't they put together after the recording came out? I like Isaac and Tommy but wouldn't choose them as band members for Adam. I'd wonder where the Citizen Vein drummer and other guitarist play now, I thought they were great with Adam and Monte.

Anonymous said...

Monte is really amazing. Hope he never leaves Adam.

Anonymous said...

I agree about Monte.He prob played on Adam's FYE album,esp since Adam had known him for many yrs.( unless RCA wouldn't allow it)He's the GREATEST,tho, he's been a professional guitarist for a long time,& he should play with Adam all the time)..on an album,on TV shows & on the road, touring,etc.The others are good,but Monte's the BEST,for sure.

Anonymous said...

It must be hard for Monte to leave his family for months when touring. Now that he has his own music CDs and promoting his own music... I guess it will all depend on how successful he becomes in the next months.

Adam I would think would like to keep the same musicians, after all the longer you work with people, they begin to know how you like to perform and when you want a song to continue on, or cut off, or change beat...much more comfortable to be on stage.. then with someone new.

Anonymous said...

I also liked the reporter as well as the variety of good pics of Adam. He could never disappoint and is worth the wait. Magnificence, superb, amazing voice.

Anonymous said...

Adam & his GNT family are all wonderful & that includes Longineau Parsons! I just think everyone has a magic about them & when they bring it all together, the perfect peanut butter & peach jelly(my fav) sandwich! Sorry, it's late , it's time for a snack!
I was wondering about LP's partake in the music videos, & the GNT live DVD/cd? He got paid right? Oh it would be so wonderful to see him again with Adam . Adam can have two drummers right? Sure he can!
Goodnight ! Mwah!! K

Anonymous said...

Great that Adam's single and album release are now public news. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam is a solo artist, but his audience has made a huge emotional connection with Monte, Tommy, Isaac and even Cam. It would be great if he stayed with these musicians, at least for the forseeable future. Monte's been a respected musician for years, but his association with Adam has given him a huge media boost. He's knownn by name to millions now. Tommy came out of obscurity and is now forging a career with and without Adam. Same with Isaac. Adam's golden touch (and voice) has propelled these people to a new level of celebrity. Sticking with Adam is to their advantage, and Adam knows that these musicians are part of the family that his fans love.

Anonymous said...

In some instances the audience has made too much of an emotional connection, yes, I mean Tommy!
I agree sticking with Adam is to the band members advantage, but is it to Adam's? He needs the best back up band he can find not just family the fans approve of, the fans aren't always right. Many fans still want bindis, glitter, glam, purple fringe and top hats. That was one side Adam explored and now there will be something new, thank heaven no more tongue tangling with Tommy. It got old and tacky.
The new Adam will be less defiant in his I can do what I want attitude. He's growing up and creating a lasting Adam image. People evolve.

Anonymous said...

Just watch the Queen medley done by this girl in American got Talent Final on Ytube, it was bad, this Aftermath contestant may be better, I don't know. They all need to invite Adam to show them what is talent! Yikes!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

7:32 Thanks for the points, and I do agree as well. Adam will evolve and maybe at some point, he won't have this band. I can also see him doing different types of music that require different musical back-up. Not forever glam! But for the time being, his fans love his musicians and they are part of the package, in a way. When they grow apart, for whatever reason, that will be ok, too. Whatever is best for ADAM!

Anonymous said...

When the "band" member of Adam have their own project/career, it will be difficult for them to come together in the long run. Adam needs backup band players anyway. I love the Quebec concert so much and I think it would be much much better if he has a full band when someone is not available.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam definitely needs Monte. When I hear that first note from WWFM on Monte's guitar, I know exactly what the song is even before it is announced on the radio. The two are friends and work well together. The Tommy stuff is old news now and that was part of the GNT performances. I think Adam has matured in his stage persona, his music and his general style so perhaps new band members will be needed. Who is he using when he records the new album? I know he will pick the best musicians again this time around. That's another decision he and his management will have to make.

Anonymous said...

So many great insights today about Adam and his band.
I agree that Monte is topnotch, exactly right, when you hear those opening chords of WWFM you know what else is to come...While the other band members might not be considered virtuoso's in their field, they completely had each's others back during GNT and did everything to let Adam shine. The way the tour developed and grew bigger and longer must have been exciting but physically exhausting at the same time. The whole GNT was so fabulous because of the dedication of all the people, including the incredible dancers and nobody's Ego got in the way. There is a lot to say for loyalty.

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

Monte has 4 kids growing up fast. Adam will tour all over the world in the future. Should he be so rely on just one key player when there are numerous musician out somewhere? Just saying.

Anonymous said...

The online music forum I read every day discusses the fact that Monte is "mediocre at best and tends to overplay Adam's vocals." That "whatever Tommy's day job is, he shouldn't give it up." And "Longineau Parsons is in a class by himself."

These people are all professional musicians and this forum has been online for years.

btw They can't wait for Adam's new album to drop as they think he is the best singer currently. They have discussed every song he's ever sung and I found links to songs I'd never heard before on that site. They've even gone so far as to rate which GNT performance of each song was best. They also are hoping his new management promotes him better than 19 did.

Anonymous said...

Putting only the best musicians together doesn't necessarily make for the best performance. There is such a thing as chemistry.

I am a complete layman in the field of music,I just listen with my heart.

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree and have said so often on this blog site that Adam Lambert is the best vocal talent in the music industry today. Unfortunately the music field is saturated with less than mediocre "singers" who are often more style than substance. Then add auto tuning and there it is. Someone with talent such as Adele and Adam are few and far between. I was pleasantly surprised that Adele's album did so well since the ones buying itunes or albums seem to be tweens and teenagers overall. Let's hope that Adam's new mangagement promotes his first single and then the album better than the previous team. He needs to appeal to as wide a range of people as he can get. We know the devoted fans will buy and request that first single for radio play. Now he needs the non-fans, the ones sitting on the fence wondering what happened to him to give Adam the success he so deserves.

Anonymous said...

2:19 You made me feel really optomistic about Adam's next CD. He has the respect of real music people. As for the "band," I think they'll stick together for the time being. The future will take them all in different directions, most likely. Adam will grow and change.

Anonymous said...

Monte was asked a few months ago if he will continue on with Adam and he said yes,"anytime,anyplace." I think Monte is a great musician and not at all mediocre. His voice, tho' pleasant isn't exceptional enough to be another Daughtery, etc. I do see him staying with Adam in the long run. They have a great history together and I think he will have a more lucerative career and more exposure staying with Adam. I believe he and LP and Tommy did record on the FYE album. Monte and LP seemed to have a sixth sense about Adam when performing, especially when Adam would change things up. They were always in sync. I've always loved The Sleepwalker interlude and Monte's guitar solos. I really miss LP, as he is exceptionally talented and really feels the music. He was born to play and it's instinctive as much as learned. Isaac seems adequate, but I don't feel the soul and passion of LP. Adam may play with a full out orchestra at times in the future for recordings or live performances. Ricky Minor on Idol was great and Michael Orland's arrangement of "If I can't have You and Ring of Fire" were outstanding. Adam will have to expand the bigger he gets, but hope he will always record with Monte and LP when he's available. Tommy was perfect for the GNT, but Bass isn't lead guitar and may not be that critical. The Adommy stuff is old news now and think Adam is so over the fans that couldn't accept the kissing was just entertainment and nothing more. It got downright creepy and scary at times. Adam has moved on, gained experience and grown. The GNT was fun, well put together,and so brilliantly creative, but I think towards the end became overdone, becoming more important than the actual vocal and stage performances, which is so exceptionally fantastic. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

None of Adam's band recorded on FYE album.
Orianthi played Sleepwalker interlude.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the correction 3:38PM. Now I remember Orianthi on the album. I was way off! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't be surprised, come the next tour, he has the same musicians, if they are free, and perhaps a few more. Then again, now a days, and with the last tour, there was a lot of backup recorded music supporting the musicians on stage. By using recorded backup music, you don't need to pay for the musicians on stage or transporting the extras. So he doesn't really need to 'add' or change musicians, he just needs a good recorded music and mixer, technician, to work the boards and support the existing musicians. Adam likes people on stage with him, it is lonely to be on a stage all by yourself, his background is theatre, he is use to having other people on stage for support. I can see more dancers in the future..

Anonymous said...

I agree that Adam likes to have others with him on stage and he will most likely have them again on his tour. I really liked his dancers and they all framed him beautifully, enhancing his performance where warranted. I don't think he needs the army of dancers that Gaga and Beyonce have. I think it's overkill and he's strong enough of a performer to easily fill the stage with his powerful presence. I don't think he needs excessive window dressing. I love Adam's more intimate connection to his audience and feel it should be about focusing on his incredible talent,magnificent voice and his personal stage physicality. He really is what I want to hear and watch. In a way I prefer the intimacy of the smaller venues, but know it will be the larger stadiums as his fame escalates. Like Elvis, Adam will probably leave the building and be gone before the fans leave their seats. The GNT was so special in so many ways. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Adam needs to settle into a genre. Rockstars can sing rock or ballads, but they don't have dancers! Pop entertainers have dancers and put on a show, they are usually avoided by rock audiences. I prefer just Adam and a band, no dance routines, just Adam dancing as the spirit moves him. Moscow and Quebec style.