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RollingStone: Adam Lambert Storms the Dance Floor on New LP

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, November 28, 2011

Posted at : Monday, November 28, 2011

'Idol' alum parties with Katy Perry, calls in massive beats from Pharrell and Dr. Luke

Sitting at a driftwood dining table in his Hollywood Hills home, surrounded by psychedelic paintings of moon goddesses, Adam Lambert cues up a few tunes from his second LP, Trespassing. When his iPhone rings midsong, he apologizes and steps out to accept two huge feathered headdresses – the centerpiece of his costume for Katy Perry's Wild West-themed birthday fiesta later that night. "Perfect!" exclaims Lambert, who's already sporting skintight leopard trousers, a studded leather belt and mascara that matches his jet-black pompadour. "I've got to get my war paint on."

After becoming one of American Idol's biggest stars with his near-victory on the show's eighth season, Lambert struggled to find his voice. And his controversial same-sex kiss at the 2009 American Music Awards highlighted the challenges of being an openly gay pop star. When a grueling world tour wrapped last December, he spent a month "vegging and relaxing" at L.A.'s Sunset Marquis Hotel. "I was dramatically shut in," Lambert says. "At first I was trying to figure out how to please my fans – but then I started trusting my instincts. It's the same as what I learned on Idol. You have to fight for this shit."

This year, Lambert assembled hitmakers including Pharrell Williams, Dr. Luke and "Teenage Dream" co-writer Bonnie McKee to replace his 2009 debut's glam pop with a club-ready sound inspired by classic disco, Nineties electronica and Skrillex-y dubstep. He even got Chic's Nile Rodgers to play on "Shady," a sexy cut that Lambert describes as "Nine Inch Nails meets Saturday Night Fever." "There's party music, sex music, fucked-up-relationship S&M music," says the singer. "But every song explores something real."

Realest of all is "Outlaws of Love" – a smoldering serenade about gay marriage. "I'd never considered marriage before," says Lambert, who's dating Sauli Koskinen, a Finnish reality-TV personality. "But now that I am, I can't do it."

Lambert hit his creative stride at a session with Williams in June. "This kid has a voice like a siren – there's no guys singing in that Steve Winwood- Peter Cetera range," says Williams, who produced the LP's title track, a swaggering cut that evokes "Another One Bites the Dust." "Pharrell is postmodern, like Warhol," says Lambert. "If you riff on something and make it your own, it becomes pop art."

Two years after being launched into America's living rooms, Lambert still feels like an unlikely star. "No major label would've signed a gay 27-year-old white theater dude without Idol," he says. "Now it's about how I use the platform. Whoever you are, I hope you can find yourself in these songs. If that happens, I've won."



Anonymous said...

My new RS is in my mailbox now I hope it is the one with this article in it. Adam won me over way before this new album. lol

Anonymous said...

He can't or won't get married???

Urethra_Franklin said...

He cant. Why are so many people having a hard time understanding his quote? GAH!

Anonymous said...

Yea, but if he could get married, he wouldn't.

Anonymous said...

Waiting for Adam's new music I now know the meaning of exquisite agony...I've slipped over the cliff edge of anticipation and am free falling into the valley of delayed satisfaction.

This is not normal behavior for a woman my age. Is it? I seem to have skipped my second childhood and gone straight into the terrifying, territory of teendom.
I am showing symptoms of that shaking, shattering, shrieking syndrome known as Beiberitis. God forbid!

Hopefully becoming Lambertized is something my aged body and mind can recover from quickly when I clutch a new cd in my hands and retreat to my room for a week or so next Spring. I'll leave food out for my husband, he'll be okay on his own while I calm down. *o* Right?


Anonymous said...

PLEASE let's don't go through the "What did he mean by that" conversation again. What difference does it make? He's not going to marry any of us, so who cares? Give it up! Let it go!
Get a life of your own! Get over it! Get a grip!

Anonymous said...

Got my copy. .
OT . .I never received my autographed copy for the $100
donation to Water Charity.....did anyone receive theirs yet . .

Anonymous said...

Just bought a copy from the newsstand. Read the article a few times and will read it many more times! YAY, Adam! I predict that someday he'll be on the cover again!

lorraine said...

I subscribed to RS right at the time when Adam was initially interviewed after Idol and have been getting it ever since. It's nice to see him featured in there again-and like all of you, I can't wait to see his new CD reviewed.One day soon,I hope Adam-and anyone else who may want to marry can do so-freely and without judgment. I'm proud that my home state {NY} finally recognizes this basic human right, and look forward to California ,where I now reside, to follow suit soon!

glitzylady said...

Oh geez! Sorry, but we just went through that discussion about the marriage comment..I knew this would just start the the whole thing all over again. : /

Bottom line; Adam cannot marry in the state of California because at the current time Same Sex Marriage is not allowed. He would have to move elsewhere, such as to New York or Massachusetts to marry Sauli or any other male. It did not mean (in my opinion) that he doesn't want to marry or that he doesn't want to marry Sauli at some point in the future.. Time will tell on that. No crystal ball here.

There was a big & occasionally grumpy discussion on the previously posted thread about this article a few days ago. I hope we don't have to repeat it word for word and blow for blow here. I would guess there was more to the conversation during the actual interview but this brief sound bite was inserted, and it wasn't completely clear to some what he meant.

Adam is an advocate for same sex marriage, and he said he finally has a reason to consider it. He also said recently that he is "too young" to actually do it yet. No reason to rush..but he would like to have the option of choosing, when, where, and whom he marries at some point in the future. That's how I interpret it anyway. I'm guessing we'll get some clarification from him in the future as his words have been interpreted in different ways.

Here's the previous Rolling Stone article thread: Go back there to see what was said, if you wish.

LP said...

In case some of you are not aware, but there is NO gay marriage in CA.
I am sure that Adam and Sauli have a plan in mind that will work for both of them, as they see this next year thru. I am totally sure that it is not news to either of them that , this next year will be all promos and world wide tour.

Anonymous said...


Don't worry, your husband will be O.K. that's why God created something called THE MICROWAVE!!Lol! It's GREAT that you or any woman feel that way at ANY age!! I think I have something wrong in my skin face already!! What can I say at work for having at least 2 days off?? I can't go there and leave Adam's new CD all alone at home....poor cd...poor me!!! Lol!!


Anonymous said...

I Bought my issue of rolling stones just to have it. I feel the same way as the person who posted first.

Anonymous said...

I bought the touring edition of the FYE album,& really have enjoyed the bonus tracks that are not on the American version.I especially love"Can't let you go"It's so beautiful..also like the others,too.I'll sure be glad to hear that first new single,then the album,"trespassing"..PLEASE put in some votes for Adam & Allison on the AIOTM contest.I know it's messed up,but the #4 guy is getting closer & closer to BB.The url is.... also vote for BB on flecking "of the year" awards.Google it to get the url.thanks!!

Anonymous said...

I think it's great that Adam's an advocate for equality and same-sex marriage. And I love it that there are now even straight celebrities who are joining in the battle against hate and discriminnation. One of my favorite actors, Brad Pitt, said in an interview with Ellen Degeneres:

"I’ve said that we would not be getting married until everyone in this county had the right to get married…We live in this great country that is about freedom. It is defined by our freedom and equality and yet we allow this discrimination to go on everyday and that’s not what we’re about.”


Anonymous said...

This is awkward,1:they supported him then after amas ignored him ,now supporting him.what's going on they don't sale that much ?

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli couldn't get married in NY either, because of the Immigration law and Federal law. If Sauli was a woman it would be OK.

Adam is madly in love with Sauli and it is very clear that he's now considering to marry Sauli. No one else.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting that, I've seen that interview, he said that before. Brad is one of thouse celeb,like Adam, that fights for everybody's rights and freedom.Always loved Brad..he's my other love...


Anonymous said...

Just bought that issue at CVS a minute ago. Love that he is in that magazine again. I hope one day we can just discuss the music and not his sexuality. Anyway, good article. That makes at least 3 mags in the last month ...Us, Star & RS.

Anonymous said...

To answer the question about Charity Water, I finally received my photo about two weeks ago when I had given up on ever receiving it. So don't despair, it probably will arrive one of these days.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 3:51 PM
Thanks for mentioning the Immigration and US Federal Law dilemma. Adam and Sauli are truly "Outlaws of Love" in this country. Adam cannot "sponsor" Sauli as a spouse or potential spouse because they are both men and Federal Law does not recognize Same Sex Marriage. What a mess. : ( As someone said, it WILL be wonderful when the time comes someday that we can discuss Adam's music without these other things attached,BUT because Adam is a whole person, and not just a one dimensional "singer", his sexuality is going to come up in discussions related to him for the foreseeable future. It is part of who he is and we can't just ignore it. Because in this case he can't either, especially in the context of marriage. I feel so badly for him, to love someone and not be able to have the option of having that "legal" bond. Spiritual yes, but in the eyes of the US government it will be almost impossible. To be told NO. Very very unfair and wrong in my opinion.

So that's WHY he said he "can't" marry.

Anonymous said...

@ SG

You're welcome :)

@ glitzylady

I totally agree with everything you said. It's funny...many times I'm just sitting by the computer trying to figure out how to say something, but then I find that I won't have to because you've already said exactly what I wanted to say. ^_^


glitzylady said...

Off Topic: Re the Charity Water Pictures: The latest info from Charity Water itself: Coincidentally, a good friend of mine finally sent a message to Charity Water, after no response from anyone else..the two fan clubs, etc. and she got this response today:

From Charity Water:
"I'm really sorry for the delay! I know how frustrating it must be to wait for your photo. Unfortunately, Adam's management company, 19 entertainment was in charge of sending out the autographed photos. He recently left 19 entertainment to join a new management firm. We're in the process of coordinating with them to ensure that the rest of the photos get sent out."

As a matter of fact, I'm still waiting too...but have seen and heard that people are getting them again...So that's encouraging...Guess there's hope!

Anonymous said...

Just when things were looking good he had to announce that Tommy will stay. Now we know what to expect from the future. Big media and gay organizations will turn their backs again, and I don't blame them.

Anonymous said...

Again with this nonsense?? If it was that important to Adam he would go marry him in NY. He's never gonna marry Sauli anyway. Stop deluding yourselves cuz you're in for a world of disapointment.

Anonymous said...

I mean that Adam can do what he wants on stage and people choose if they go to see it or not. Adommy is his way of having fun on stage, but there's no reason why he should be rewarded of doing it. It has nothing to do with real gay issues and it's only relevant to him and Tommy and a group of fans.

Anonymous said...

Kissing Tommy was his way of thumbing his nose at the big deal that was made of the original kiss on the AMAs. It wasn't a sign of passion, it was a sign of defiance. He's over that, he's moved on. Adommy, which never existed in the first place, is now safely dead and buried. Let it rest in peace.

Anonymous said...

Love this interview, his honesty about how he felt he kind of crashed after GNT. Well he is back in the Groove for sure (Thank you Sauli) and I can't wait to hear these "Massive Beats" in combination with his Phenomenal Voice!!!!

JAk you are becoming quite the poet, "Exquisite Agony" and "Free Falling into the Valley of delayed Satisfaction"......

Lizard Eyes

Hater said...

5:25 I'm not as trustful as you are. At GNT Adam was protesting against the media and maybe the gay organizations. I think now he's a bit mad to the fans, who never didn't like it or who don't like it anymore, such as me. I didn't hate it during GNT, but him being stubborn has made me dislike it so much that I don't care about his tour anymore.

Anonymous said...


It so sad to read that u r not interested any longer......

As a big fan of this incredible talent Adam is, I will make sure that the next big tour, I'm at the front and see everything indeed:)

Can't wait!!!!


Anonymous said...

@ Lizard Eyes

I pretty much talk that way most of the time. I've endured a lifetime of eye rolling from family members because of my love affair with words. However my kids have all grown up with extensive vocabularies.

I've rarely met a word I didn't like.....well, except for squat!
That's an exception.

JAK :)

Anonymous said...

I hope that I get lucky again on this next tour and get pit seats again. I met a lot of nice people. I hope he headlines his own tour, would be interesting to see openers.

Anonymous said...

@ SG

I don't approve of fibbing, but if I did...when you get Adam's new cd, I would call my boss and say that I had severe Lambertitus and it is only contagious for the first 48 hours, but I will be in to work as soon as that time passes.

JAK ;)

Anonymous said...

5:37 So, just what is Adam being stubborn about again? Adommy is over, so it can't be that. Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

I thougt at once when i saw this quote that now that he is for the first time ("I'd never considered marriage BEFORE.." considering marriage, (now that I AM) he can't do it, because law is against it (outlaws of love tells about gay marriage. I wonder how this quote is so hard to understand? I don't say he is gonna marry in near future, but he is considering. Maybe not, maybe yes, time will tell.

2:45 PM and 4:39 PM
"Never say never." We'll see...
Only Adam knows how he feels and what he wants.

Anonymous said...

2:45PM, 4:39PM What if he proposes Sauli and asks his hand from his dad when they come to Finland for Christmas?

Sorry,folks. Could not resist. Some of these comments are so silly. What do we know about how and what they think and plan?

Anonymous said...

Simply can't understand the whole, will they, won't they, can they, can't they, endless discussion.

If they choose, they can live together happily ever after without
being married. Before this country gets around to the Federal government making same sex marriage equal and legal both Adam and Sauli may be close to my age.

Of course Adam could become a citizen of Finland! ^o^

@ Elli.....would that be difficult?


Anonymous said...

@ Elli

Is that law for same sex marriage in Finland still on track for approval in 2012?


Anonymous said...

I so agree! They can live together forever if they want and if it's meant to be so, without getting married. But I think Adam has to answer the marriage question many times when the album is out b/c of the Outlaws of Love and the speculation goes on.

Anonymous said...


Hmm..there might be slight difficulties..

"You can apply for Finnish citizenship if you are over 18, have had permanent residence in Finland for a sufficient amount of time and still do reside in Finland."

The proposal for gender-neutral marriage isn't doing so great in the Finnish parliament at the moment. We'll just have to wait and see. And hope. The thing that angers me is that if the law fails to come into existence, the politicians will have listened to the minority of the Finnish people. 49 per cent are FOR the gender-neutral marriage, 33 per cent oppose and 13 per cent are indifferent.

Ok, am off to work now. Pip-pip! (been reading Bridget Jones' Diary... for the 100th time ^_^)


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


I never fib for not going to work but Lambertitus, UFF!! it's a very serious thing!! I think I'll visit all my friends and see if they get it too! I already contagious my former boss and his wife, they are about your age.
I also agree with Lizard eyes,I love the way you speak, it's a pity you're so far away, practice english with you would be great!!Well, at least I can do it on writing, because thanks to your lovely stories you "push" me to write and I love that. THANK YOU!!


Anonymous said...

Oh that 'platform' is all yours Adam. With respects those artists
mentioned, legends as they are,
cannot hold a candle to Mr Lambert!

Anonymous said...

I think some of us, and I include myself, have become so invested in Adam's personal life that we end up hollering at people who don't fall in with our private scenarios for his success and happiness.

Taking the RS quote at face value, Adam is considering marriage on some level,maybe just the possibility of it at some time in his life. If he will marry, and who it might be with, none of us knows. (He probably doesn't know either.)

I am happy that he took the opportunity to make a larger point: that LGBTQ people should have the same rights as hetero people when it comes to falling in love enough to want to marry. Adam is not the only one affected by the complications of US Federal Immigration Law. Rufus Wainright expressed frustration a while back about the fact that he and his German partner can't settle in the US for that very reason.

I have no idea whether Federal US Law can be amended to recognize the legitimacy of immigration claims based on SSM if the plaintiffs live in a state that has legalized it, but, for the sake of any SS couple in this situation, I hope so.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't want to get into the marriage topic, but I take every chance I get to talk about this, so I will get into this again (I already did in the previous thread Glitzylady linked to).

Adam, or anyone else who wants to marry a same-sex partner in the US could do that in New York state. The same-sex marriage law in NY does not require residency in New York state. They marry also bi-national same-sex couples in New York (and in some other states). Same-sex marriage is currently not allowed in the state of California where Adam lives.

NY legislation, or any other state laws regarding same-sex marriage do not have anything to do with immigration, which is a federal matter. Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is a federal law that prevents one spouse of a same-sex married bi-national couple from sponsoring a Green Card to the other spouse.

I am interested in this since I think that DOMA is very unfair by putting people in different position regarding a very important matter just because of their sexual orientation.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 6:14 AM and @Anon 9:10 AM
Yes, and this is exactly why this discussion of the Adam/Sauli situation in regards to their potential future relationship is a part of the "bigger picture", not just fan's various interpretations of their long-range plans, of which Adam and Sauli are the only ones who know both their feelings for each other currently, and what they may have in mind for the future. It is certainly none of anyone's business but theirs regarding any aspects of their personal relationship and we need to stay out of that. Adam would prefer we leave his personal life to him to take care of as well. But I do appreciate that he shares with us from time to time.

The bigger issue in this particular case and specific topic of discussion IS both SSM and DOMA, for A & S perhaps in the future, and for countless other lesser-known couples finding themselves in the same situation. Adam is speaking indirectly to those issues (in my opinion) in this article it would seem. There was a fair amount of confusion about what his words meant throughout the blogosphere and the internet since this Rolling Stone story came out, first unofficially a few days ago, and then now that it has hit the newsstands. I do feel it is a valid discussion topic here, both related to Adam and Sauli, and extended to the rest of the people who are also affected by both individual states' Same Sex Marriage Laws and by the Federal DOMA Laws. As a straight woman, I'm not personally affected by either of those, but by being made aware of the potential impossibility of Adam and Sauli, and others in similar situations to marry IF they so choose at some point in time, under current US Federal DOMA laws in this case, it gives me a chance to perhaps be some small part of the solution. I live in a state that is one step away from Marriage Equality and which may grant it in the next year or so. I am also aware of which states have legalized SSM, and which have not. But the DOMA laws were something I had not considered regarding Adam and Sauli until it was pointed out to me. So simply going to another state to marry is not an option for many couples apparently. And therein lies the opportunity for education and perhaps activism for some of us.

I am a fan of Adam not only because of his talent as a singer and entertainer, but because I have a feeling he will continue to lend his "Voice" and example to highlight the inequities that the GLBT community face in the US, and elsewhere. The ultimate question here is not whether they WILL marry (who knows...), but whether they CAN.

Anonymous said...

This is what one Adommy fan just said: "as a lifelong gay rights activist I'm more insulted by the media jumping on the token gay couple. What they feel means nothng". This is what all the Adommy fans think and Tommy and Adam don't mind them thinking that way. This is confusing the non Adommy fans and also gay community, who think Adam is in a real relationship with Sauli. Also, I don't get why fans complain they can't talk about Tommy. I talk about Tommy all the time.

Anonymous said...

FYI, in this fandom a gay right activist mean a Tommy fan who's done a Noh8 photoshoot.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, I am anon 9:10am. You said exactly what my thoughts are around the marriage topic. I don't want to get into anyone's personal business. But as fans we can educate ourselves (I just had to check this morning that bi-national couples indeed can marry in NY), and others, if we feel comfortable doing so, on matters that have to do with equality.

I also fully agree that one reason I am a fan of Adam (and Sauli) is because they are brave enough to take a personal risk by showing up in events together and not hiding their relationship. It may be easier in music, but it's very hard for gay actors, for example, to live their true life. And it's not easy in many other professions either. For example, the president of the NBA team Golden State Warriors, Rick Welts, has been an NBA executive for years. He came out this spring when he was 58 years old. He lost a partner of 14 years a few years ago when this partner got enough of living "the shadow life" as it was called in a recent newspaper article. All of us straight women here can try and imagine what it would be to hide our own husbands/boyfriends professionally and even privately from people around us for decades. I can't imagine how hard that would be. And I'm not even getting into how many teenagers still get kicked out of their homes every year when they come out as LGBT to their parents...

Anonymous said...

Are there actually still people out there who really believe that Adam and Tommy have a romantic relationship? Amazing.

Anonymous said...

DRG 12:16 Adommy was probably meant to be a comedy act, but it didn't turn out very well. Hopefully, next time, if it happens, it will make us laugh more. :)

Anonymous said...

LOL he's not going to marry any of us. now thats the best quote I've heard all year. yes get over it people you have so say in this.

Anonymous said...

NY may recognize gay marriage but its not recognized federally. Many benefits are still not applicable.

Anonymous said...

He wouldnt have to move anywhere else to get married if he'd marry a woman. solved!

Anonymous said...

Today, I grinned, when I thought that Adam's new management and publicist have now realized that with Adam also come Tommy.

Anonymous said...

All Adam needs to do is Sing and live his life, not be an activist.
He can lead just by living not parading.

Anonymous said...

Tommy aint goin no where !!!

Anonymous said...

Adam must want to puke when or if he reads of fans naying or saying about his personal life. Its just that personal. Stay out of it.
You all should be ashamed of yourselves, most are delusional thoughts anyway, I laugh out loud how you talk of their love like anyone of you should have a say.
Adam needs more young fans, they dont have time to talk ridiculously like most do here on this site. They have lives.

Anonymous said...

Because of OOL he'll have many gay marriage questions? Thats just terrific.
So much for "its all about the music" he doesnt know what he's doing from one year to the next.
Poor guy, hope he gets it figured out.
Most fans want the music.

Anonymous said...

I doubt the gay community wants Adam to be an activist. Just to live his own life.

Anonymous said...

Adam shouldn't say anything about marriage. Didn't he learn that last time.

Anonymous said...

Guess it's not "just about the music," is it? With Adam, it's so much more, and I like it like that. The next CD may surprise us all with which songs actually become hits. Might be ones we least expect. I keep an open mind. I love what I've heard so far. Oh, and Adam's gay and always will be, so if some of you think he won't express that identity in some of his music, you'll probably be mistaken. When you buy your copy of the CD, you can just skip those songs, ok? Sorry I'm sounding crabby, but this thread is driving me nuts.

glitzylady said...

And the final and definitive answer to the Marriage Question in Rolling Stone is via Adam himself:

Okay, here we go: Adam speaks (and woke me up with my phone text alert : ) ) and clears up the confusion over the "Marriage" comments and resulting confusion in Rolling Stone: At 1 AM Pacific time...Sounds like his friends were saying "What the Heck??" Just like everyone else was...

I'm Not considering marriage ...Lol. Think what I MEANT was: 'even if I WAS to consider it, it wouldn't be an option (in so many states) '
25 minutes ago

Friends are asking me questions. 'huh?' haha. If I didn't ramble so much in interviews, my points would probably be clearer.
12 minutes ago

Anonymous said...


Good morning here!!
Thanks for your phone alert and posting this ..sorry for the wake up....LOl!I just read that on twitter and I thought, YES!! He said it clear enough, so everybody can undesrand it!! Thank you Adam!!
I hope someday, you could get married wherever you want!!
DRG I agree with you, this thread driving some of us nuts! So, now we're clear, can we move on , please!?


Anonymous said...

Oh Adam shut up your mouth about marriage because it's always seems to go wrong.

Anonymous said...

What a nice guy to insult his boyfriend "I'm not considering" at least he could have been tweet "we are not considering" because usually it takes two to that tango.

Anonymous said...

I have a better idea. Let's shut our mouths about marriage. Adam and Sauli are a couple. Right now, today, tonight and possibly lots of tomorrows, let's let them plan their future!