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Adam Lambert: Happy Hanukkah!!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Anonymous said...

ok what is this picture about?

Anonymous said...

Throwing a kiss?

Anonymous said...

ok I'll make up a caption: Omg They just notified me that my single is number one in every country and the album went double platinum from presale orders.

Anonymous said...

I like that!

Anonymous said...

Awww, I hope Adam is having a happy holiday here in Finland. :)

funbunn40 said...

I think Adam is having a great time in Finland, getting to know Sauli's family that I'm sure are warm, friendly, loving people. Look how well Sauli turned out!

Anonymous said...

I think Finland cherish those guys and let them private time, and BTIKM is no 1 tunes : )

Anonymous said...

Hanukkah or the Festival of Lights is a Jewish holiday celebrated usually in late November or late December for 8 days. By sending "Happy Hanukkah" greetings, Adam is honouring his Jewish heritage.

Anonymous said...

Happy Hanukkah Adam and to all our Jewish Glamaly!
And, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays as well!

Monroe Soberski said...

Hanukkah or the Festival of Lights is a Jewish holiday celebrated usually in late November or late December for 8 days. By sending "Happy Hanukkah" greetings, Adam is honouring his Jewish heritage.