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Adam Lambert Concert COMING SOON to Chart Show TV! (UK Trailer)

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, January 6, 2012

Posted at : Friday, January 06, 2012

@Chartshowtv: "Who's excited for the UK exclusive @Chartshowtv showing of the @adamlambert Glam Nation tour! Here's a taster for you!"


Anonymous said...

are they just going to show the dvd or is he giving a show? either way glad it's in the UK

Anonymous said...

I think they're going to broadcast the DVD GNT show on TV in the UK. Great marketing, good timing!

Anonymous said...

brilliant idea.

Anonymous said...

I wish US would show GNT like on VH1

Anonymous said...

Yay UK! After last few years this is sooooo needed. Adam will become massive in the UK with spot on promotions!

Bing said...

Agree this is an excellent marketing strategy! Hope it generates a lot of interest in our Diamond Boy!

@Fan4fun and Icon wishing you all the best for 2012. Saludos cordiales!

Love thru Adam,

funbunn40 said...

Fans in the UK are growing and the core ones are so loyal! This is a great marketing tool! There seems to be more interest since his Queen performance! Adam needed some rock endorsement and who better than Queen?

fanatapan said...

the one time something is actually on tv in the UK, its on a channel i cant watch! WHY???!! :(

Anonymous said...

going by the hair . .this looks like the dvd . . .

Anonymous said...

WoooHooo .... that's fantastic for the Brits!! :-D

Anonymous said...

Happy for the Brits. Too bad it's so last year in what Adam is doing now.

Anonymous said...

That's really good!! If you are well known in the UK it's much easy to be known in ALL EUROPE!!Let's hope lots of people are going to watch GNT on TV and become brad new Glamberts!!!Never to late "to meet" our BB!!!


Anonymous said...

@Bing - Jan6, 10:46 PM
Found your shout out (Jan5) and post (Jan4) - THANK YOU and ditto to the first part of your post!!! So many reasons to be thanking this GORGEOUS and TALENTED young man and the site that has brought us together! And regarding the second part of your post: So sad and yet so true all over the world and - like you said - just varies in magnitude…Sometimes it’s so depressing…

Sorry my answering to your post took this long. Now it’s my turn to say I’ve been swept away by RL…So today I have been trying to catch up and concentrate on the positive… :) So many new, exciting things unfolding soon, the BTIKM vid and various LIVE performances… Can’t wait!

GGD Gal, 2 tired 2 work but 2 broke not 2... LOL