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Adam Lambert's ET Canada Interview Airs Tonight

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Monday, January 23, 2012

Posted at : Monday, January 23, 2012


Anonymous said...

Hi! and love to all you guys in Canada. I know the show will be terrific.

Adamluv said...

gay celebrity? Ugh!

Anonymous said...

Breaking News....Adam lambert is Gay!

Anonymous said...

Is it shocking ha????? Please????


tess4ADAM said...

My hubby says that ADAM has done more for GAY Equality than any other celeb ... he's heard more about it from ADAM than from all these other GAY artists out there ... they 'come out' with a flourish & that's the end of it. ADAM is WHO he is & we should embrace him as such & not rebuke those who say it in the media. ADAM's not ashamed so why is this 'denial' in so many posts? Tell it like it is ... LOUD & PROUD!! I LOVE ADAM JUST THE WAY HE IS!!

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

Adamluv said...

When the media starts writing the word "straight" in front of an artists name, then they can write "gay" in front of Adams. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

'gay' OMG not gay! Get a life media and spend time sharing Adams love of his single and forthcoming
international off the planet album.
Why is everyone STILL obsessed about Adams peference? Go figure!

Anonymous said...

OMG Adam is 'gay'? Ha! I know Adam is beautifully gay, and (get this), proud! It seems Adam needs to educate more people here!