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Adam Lambert's Interview on ET Canada (Uncut Version 1-23-12)

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Monday, January 23, 2012

Posted at : Monday, January 23, 2012

And here is the aired version:


glitzylady said...

Possibly the album cover for TRESPASSING: tweeted from VEVO: GORGEOUS!!!!!!!

glitzylady said...

Source of possible pic of album cover: Twitter

#GLAMnation is back, people! Thanks to @adamlambert for the hang today! Interview coming soon!
35 minutes ago

Even if it isn't the album cover, we all want posters of this picture!! Just WOW!

Anonymous said...

@glitzlady - that would make a truly awesome cover for the album. It is stupendous!!!!!!! Here's hoping! ... Adamluv

glitzylady said...

YAYYYYYYYY!!!!! Confirmed!!


Adam Lambert
7 minutes ago via WhoSay

Anonymous said...

I like the pic in the background more,but also like the avatar pic on Adam's twitter page.The interview was ok,but too much on the gay factor & not enough about the new album,esp after it had been cut to only 2 mins,or so..also to KEEP GOING into the Finland insident,am so tired of hearing it so many times..I sure hope nothing like that will happen again..Adam (& Sauli),DON'T celebrate TOO MUCH for your birthday,please,& have it the same day with Riff Cherry,his mom & dad,etc.No alchohol would be the very best way,IMO...but whatever,be"good",ok??& take lots of pix.

Anonymous said...

I was posting right before the album cover was announced( but loved it in the pic with it & Adam in the foreground)...LOVE,LOVE,LOVE IT!!!! am so glad that will be the cover.It will appeal to everybody,I think.

Anonymous said...

Adam interviews so well. I thought the guy was nice, but yes time to drop the Finland incident for sure. Let's all request BTIKM and support this new music and Adam. He so deserves to be the #1 pop star this year and for many years to come! Perfect and gorgeous album cover!

Anonymous said...

When the album comes out, the "incident" will become really old news. I liked the interview. Adam will be asked about being gay for the rest of his life. We all might as well get used to it. He'll handle it fine.

Anonymous said...

The uncut version of the interview is great and WOAH!!!! Sounds like Adam will be performing again with Queen. Adam indicated there's something going on there!!! There's always so much pressure on him no matter what he does or says and he seems to handle it really well but it must be really tough some times. WE LOVE & SUPPORT YOU ALL THE WAY BB!!!!

glitzylady said...

I loved the uncut version of this interview...We need a 3 hour interview...Love to listen to Adam talk about pretty much anything...And I love hearing him talk about Sauli. He is just so happy. So many good things happening for him now. Now to hear that album.......

Anonymous said...

Adam looking beautiful in this interview. Adam just floors these
interviewer's with his response to the so called 'gay' issue!!
I still cannot understand why they are so darn obessed with it all.
Jealously has to be on the cards when 'straight' (Ha!) men realise they fall greatly short of Adams qualities,infact ADAMs everything!
Equality for everyone!

Anonymous said...

Adam has changed the world. What a bloody wonderment he is.

Anonymous said...

Great interview! Luvd the uncut version. Adam is the most articulate celebrity. I could listen to him talk forever (sigh)!

Yeah, him going to Europe scares me just a little. But I think he got a serious "wake up call" in Finland, so hopefully, the trip will be all about the new album. Still, gotta have some fun, just in moderation! :)

AdamLuvr in Tx :)

Anonymous said...

Didn't care one bit about the one they showed on T.V. But I loved the uncut interview much better. He is so articulate and relax. Love him!

Anonymous said...

Very good interview!! Love and peace from Europe.

Anonymous said...

That was a great interview! Perfect questions and good listening skill when Adam was answering. My favorite since the start of promotion. Congrats ET Canada and Adam!

Anonymous said...

Time to drop the Finland mess and the gay label. This guy interviewing him defeats his own words. " dont you get tired of hearing questions about sexuality, yes dumb ass so why are you asking.
Adam has told them and told them, and still replies most graciously.
Move on to what he loves most, his MUSIC.

Anonymous said...

Dont be skerd for Adam. He's a big boy and big boy loves to party. He needs to learn how to control his actions if they get messy is all.

Anonymous said...

Adam will floor everyone someday with an announcement.
Hence: did you read the Bowie article he tweeted about?
Adam all the way.