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ClevverMusic: Adam Lambert Apologizes for Drunken Arrest

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, January 19, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, January 19, 2012


kathybags said...

adam you were great on the ellen show!!!!!! iwas so pleased you had the guts to mention about the drinking it,will take everything you have .drinking will take your eyeballs and come back for your eyelashes!!!!!!!!you have worked too hard for that,you are a very special, special., person loved by the whole world.

Anonymous said...

awww 8;12 you said that so beautifully.

Anonymous said...

Who does he owe an apology to? He and Sauli have kissed and made up, can't that finish it?

Anonymous said...

Wish Ellen had brought up the fact he sang with Queen and forget about this incident. He sounded amazing on Ellen!

Anonymous said...

he wasn't arrested either.

Anonymous said...

Get the facts right! This kind of stuff is for the birds! ADAM doesn't need to apologise to anyone but obviously the record has to be addressed to keep people happy! ADAM is a darling and a beautiful talented man. I applaud his Ellen interview and if anyone can pick holes in god get a life...ADAM is magic!

Anonymous said...

I'm with the people who wish Adam's EMA performance with Queen had been highlighted but he obviously wanted to clear the air. he and Ellen handled it beautifully.

Honestly don't think it was the right venue, though. Ellen is so big, the interview will be quoted (starting with this article.) IMHO most of the audience didn't even know Adam had a boyfriend, much less than that they had had a fight. Now they are are thinking about it.

And off to work now, cause I have a life.....

Anonymous said...

Good point. Maybe addressing the issue englightend many who never even realized the situation. But I guess the media were the one's who kept playing and toying with it all. Let's face it, it was no biggy anyway. No need for any apology or explanation.