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Q102's Maxwells House Interviews ADAM LAMBERT (1/19/12)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, January 19, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, January 19, 2012

Q102 Maxwells House ADAM LAMBERT Interview The Meaning of OOFTA by GaleChester

Q102Philly's DJ Maxwells House finally gets ADAM LAMBERT to explain what "OOFTA" means. Aired 1-19-12.

Thanks to @GaleChester!


Anonymous said...

Uff Da was my college roommate's favorite expression....she was from Maplewood, MN. A beauty from Norway. She used it as "oops" or frequently a bit stronger "s**t"!
A sort of all occasion word, it came in handy. I could have used it today!


Anonymous said...

Hope ur feeling a lot better. Love ur posts and ur real Love 4 Adam! Still thinking about moving 2 FLA! Take care of U.
Love 2 U,

The Dark Side said...

I like this OOFTA, and all the different fun meanings one can put on it. Sure it has a more personal meaning for Adam and Sauli, which is their own. Love Adam saying Hi Baby to Sauli who was beaming in the audience. Sure it was nice to get the Finland story out in the open and put to rest also. Song was fabulous btw.

Anonymous said...

@Darkside Agree with all you just said. @JAK Hope you are feeling better. We got BTIKM to play first tonight on the Q102 takeover hour at 8:00pm Eastern time. Still reveling in Adam's T.V. performances this week!!

daydreamin said...

Mystery solved!

Wanna see a beautiful new pic of Adam in a gorgeous brown sweater?

Anonymous said...

That DJ had me lmao with his interpretation of OOFTA.

Anonymous said...

To Y'all

When I heard about the tattoos I assumed they were a permanent reminder to Adam and Sauli that "oops" or something stronger, that the Finland fiasco at Christmas wouldn't happen again.

@ The Dark Side

I'm hoping the story being out in the open and put to rest is what will happen....and not discussed for months till a stake has to be driven thru it's heart, like the AMA's. The song, like Outlaws of Love is so moving and should touch the heart of everyone who has one.
I'd buy the album for those two songs alone!

@ Dana

If you like warm weather, Florida is the place for you...before you make up your mind come for a vacation in August! :) ...<3

@ daydreamin

That photo of Adam looks like it came out of a 1950 album. It's sepia tone, blinds, drapes, fan, furnishings and accessories! And the bulky patterned sweater might have been knitted by my Mother!
Just proves in any decade...Adam would have been outstanding!

@ Anon 6:39 PM

Adam's T.V. performances have def been the highlight of my week!

Nite Y'all <3 <3 >3


Anonymous said...

JAK! So glad to have you back! We've missed you. Yes, OOFTA is one of those all-purpose words. My neighbor uses it. And yes, that picture of Adam in the sweater is sooo sexy. The hair, the eyes. Wish I could snuggle up in it with him.

Cheril said...

I listened to Q102 tonight (from near Philadelphia) and heard the entire interview on radio AND for the first time I heard BTIKM on the radio in its entirety! Turned it up and loved it!

Ellen today and Q102 tonight - wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

I live in North Dakota and we have Norweigns here and I hear the word Uff Da quite often. First time I heard the work Uff Da was at a new job and it sounded really weird.

It is a comon word in the Midwest. Like in the movie Fargo. But we all don't act like that. I happen to be german.

Anonymous said...

24/7 please add this almost 18 minutes Q102's Maxwell full interview with Adam:

lorraine said...

I loved hearing Adam say "Hi Baby" today on Ellen,also. And Sauli's million dollar smile was one to die for! I also loved seeing Neil sitting right there in the audience beside him. Knowing Adam is surrounded by so much love and support, ASSURES ME HE HAS IT ALL-and that is more important than all things material.I hope he somehow realizes that he is loved by so many all over the world.

Anonymous said...

Since Adam on that long Q102 interview asked us to request, all Glamberts around the globe request this station to play BTIKM:

Sirius/XM Request on:

Channel 2 SiriusXM Hits Music Pop Top 40 Hits Link:

Channel 3 20 on 20 Link: