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Adam Lambert at the Bing Lounge LIVE 99.5 (3-25-2012 in Portland, OR)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, March 25, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, March 25, 2012


Here, Adam covers Katy Perry




daydreamin said...

Adam you cant screw up! What a beautiful song. Cant wait to hear the album versions of all these songs in their entirety. I am so loving all of the acoustic versions.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

OOOOH! I'm the first one here. Love how Adam really gets into NCOE. Always a stellar performance. Trouble is, it's not really one of my faves out of all the new songs we've heard. Oh well. That's just me. I know that tons of you out there love it and that's great!. As for the Katy Perry song, that was kinda funny. Can't say much for the song, but then we only heard an ad-libbed snippet from Adam. Adam sure does give other singers a lot of props.


Anonymous said...

Adam sings NCOE beautifully. Its not one of my favorites either out of what we have heard. Cuckoo still my number 1 and Trespassing 2. I am happy just hearing Adam singing and performing. Can't wait to see him on T.V.. Off topic are they gonna live stream Sonisphere anyone know?

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure about NCOE either,but I do like it better than some versions on you tube now.If Adam's voice sounds like this,like the live version in the Bing Lounge,then it will prob grow on me.I really wanted to have a new single that Adam wrote or co-wrote, first,but oh,well,I was glad to hear the song anyway( esp live)

Anonymous said...

OK guys, sorry, some of you may not agree with me but this song should be Adam's next single because it has a global, transgenerational appeal and message. This song would get people to buy Adam's CD and THEN, the next singles could be Cuckoo and Trespassing because these new fans will have listened to the full album and will already know these songs. My opinion only (but I stick to it :)!!)

Anonymous said...

He is really a fantastic singer eh...

He knows how to deliver and express whats in it...

Still Trespassing is my no.1 hit and the rest are really good though...:))))

Good job Adam


Anonymous said...

Wow! Whoa! Phew! What was that Adam, Adam!! Yea beeaatifuuul! He was so happy as that was the first sing of Never Close Our Eyes! I see a huge hit there but only if he sings it like this, because it's really difficult to improve on that! Tommy Joe, good show! Whoa, my heart was racing, skipped a couple of beats! But one thing though, I need 8 hours of sleep! LOL! :)

fefa said...

MEGAH THUD!!! OMG!!!!!! did he actually apologized just in case?? thank god it was a first! if he would've practiced he would've have killed me! i swear i started shaking!!! I mean yeah my fav is cuckoo and then trespassing as well but OMG still this song is awesome!!!!!! those notes....that passion.....that that...AdAm!!! u guyz know what? im gonna watch it again now excuse me people......
4:34 minutes later
uufff!! OMG again!!! ahhh (loved his blue shirt by the way :D) wanna download the video now......give me another minute
...yay! its already 25%! :)
.yay! now i can see it everytime i waaant!!! yay! okay sorry glamily but im leaving .....need to get this shakiness off me! xD and watch this again LMFAO!

Sue S. said...

Oh.My.God! NCOE acoustic is great!!!!!! He is always better live than the studio recording! Recording was ok, but this has my heart racing!

Anonymous said...

WHOA!!! That was some performance of Never Close Our Eyes!! Lyrically, it's probably the best song radio-wise but I still prefer the other 3 songs to this one. Naked Love is my absolute fave. Melodically, it's the best imho - the lyrics don't bother me. If I don't like the melody, it doesn't matter how good the lyrics are, I won't like the song but that's just mpov. Adam has now sung 3 of his 4 new songs we've had the privilege to hear - I really hope he sings Naked Love too.

Kate Perry - Adam really loves Part of Me but I think it's just more of the same of her songs. Teenage Dream is the one I like the best.

Anonymous said...

Woops! Her name is KATY Perry!

Anonymous said...


NCOE performed with this arrangement is AMAZING! Why did they turn this one into a dance track? It should have been produced in the way they did "Can't Let You Go" -- big & EPIC. Now that I can actually make out the lyrics clearly, they're actually wonderful -- and I can actually HEAR Adam's voice, and it is just stellar, as someone else said.

I hope you guys above who says it's not one of your faves are referring to the dance version -- on that point I agree with you -- but if you take this song and strip it down like this, it really is quite amazing and is MUCH MORE what I thought would be Bruno Mars.

Speaking of Bruno -- I'm sort of surprised Adam didn't mention him when either intro'ing or outro'ing that song (unless it got cut off at the end). I mean, when you got that kind of cred, you gotta flaunt it!

But, I gotta put out there to Adam that NCOE is amazing this way and they should NOT release the song as it is currently heard in the snippet but re-do it as a soaring ballad in the current Bruno Mars style. IMHO it would be huge.

Anonymous said...

I like this version of NCOE a LOT..W/O( sorry) Bruno's voice.Somebody on youtube said( Bruno would not be heard on the album version).On some of those "duets" of this song on you tube,You couldn't hear Adam's great vocals,like usual,but too much of Bruno's.I like him,but this song shouldn't be a duet.If BB ever does a duet,it should be w/a great female voice,I think,but not sure who,anymore.

Anonymous said...

I Love love this song, but I also love trespassing,OLL, I think us glamberts are going to love this whole cd. Already, after 5 songs I love all of them, not picking my favorite becus need to hear cd version. What other artist out there today can you honestly say I love all your songs?? i still get upset however, no adam play with BTIKM and every crap song gets played over and over ( if your in the playlist with these people doesn't matter who you are or what crap song it is they will play it Honestly I wish some of these d'j's or CEO's would take the time to read these blogs and listen to us- They have no idea , it's all about money! peace and love glamberts


Anonymous said...

I do not like NCOE as an electro dance song, but this acoustic version was beautiful! You could really hear the didn't get lost.

Nicely done, Adam - that sounded great (esp. for your first time)!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

get your motor running head up on over to Mtv MMM the next round Adam Lambert vs Panic at the Disco will be starting shortly. Looking for adventure.

Anonymous said...

Adam's voice and Tommy's guitar playing work beautifully in the Never Close Your Eyes performance. It's not my fav new song but it's growing on me and this performance of it is awesome.

Anonymous said...

ok next round at MTV mmm is on. Adam way way down when I first got there prob picked up some enemies along the way. lol I'll keep voting though.Get over there if you can.

Anonymous said...

His voice conjures a smile on my lips ;-)))

daydreamin said...

Some lucky girls who just sat next to Adam at Urban Farmer, an upscale restaurant in Portland and they had a conversation with him. I'm trying to find more details!

Here is a downloadable version of NCOE

Anonymous said...

WOW! NCOE is really, really good. His voice was incredible, I loved this acoustic perfomance. He gave 110% and enjoyed it.

Glitzylady said...

Checking in here briefly. I was at The Bing Lounge and every song was incredible. The live performance was even more amazing than you can see and hear from the you tube versions. I'm still trying to process it all. I was 4 th row center and had a perfect view.

About "Never Close Our Eyes": Stunning. No other way to describe it..I think it would not be exaggerating to say that we were having to collectively pic ourselves up off the floor after Adam sang his heart out on that one. Whether you love the song or not ( I personally think it could be so successful as a single, and I do love it) Adam is really in his element here.

Oh...and I got a nice hug : ))

HK fan said...

@anon 8.26pm
I agree with you!
I love this song, and the Bruno connection can only help on a single release.

Anonymous said...

NCOE acoustic sounds amazing!! I think it sounds better than Trespassing and Cuckoo at least in acoustic version. I agree that this should be the next single.

Anonymous said...

beautiful songs sung by a beautiful man ..I love this perfomance

Anonymous said...

Good morning!

Love Adam's first live performance of NCOE....what a voice!!

Hey....Adam could use some help over at the Sophie's challenge poll...he is trailing and losing ground as I type.


Anonymous said...

Where's the interview part? I wanted to re-see the part where he asked them which song they would prefer him to sing....and they chose WWFM over Trespassing and Cuckoo. Perhaps too short a time between the snippets and this performance for some of them to form an opinion but there are obviously a fair number of casual fans there.

I also wanted to see where Tommy put up his hand on the Trespassing vote. LOL. Maybe more fun to play?

Anonymous said...

Oh no...Tommy was almost yawning again on stage. Well that's what happens if you "never close your eyes". Lol!

Anonymous said...

NCOE's is beautiful! Adam has vocals that can melt hearts instantly! Love it!

Anonymous said...

Loving Tommy too right now.

Anonymous said...

Adore the lyrics of NCOE!

Anonymous said...

Tommy is so cool and laid back,,must be soothing person to be around...Love Adam and Tommy together ..heck love Adam and Kevin...Adam and Sauli,especially...

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady: are you kidding me? HUG-details lady?! Geez, do we really have to ask?!! LOL

tess4ADAM said...

LOVE this song ... ADAM should put out the acoustic version ... the lyrics are heart melting & ADAM makes it even more so with his inner beauty shining with every word.

NEED HELP at these polls ...

And don't forget VH1 Top 20 Countdown ... WE can do it for ADAM if we all come together as a Glamily & VOTE!! ~~thanx~~

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I REALLY LOVE NCOE. That cd is going to be amazing!!!!! Going now to vote in polls.......:)

Anonymous said...

OMG. I love all the songs I have heard over the last few days but NCOE has mega hit written all over it, of course so does Cuckoo and Chokehold, Trespassing, etc., OK the entire album. Adam what have you done to us? And he is so drop dead gorgeous!!!!! I'm dying here.

Anonymous said...

I just came her myself to mention VH1 Top 20. I know the admins of this site are busy, I get it, but BTIKM was #12 this weekend, pretty news worthy IMHO!! Needs a mention here!

I don't have time for all the polls, not even close, but VH1 Top 20 a worthy one. And I spend my time requesting once daily at my local radio stations (Boston, Kiss 108 has him at 24 for their weekend countdown, not too bad).

Don't think it's even near time to give up on BTIKM. Use more than jus the station forms to request. I email, reasonably, a dj directly from each station, and I've actually gotten resonses here and there over the last few months.

Anonymous said...

Also fans, regarding radio, I think it's helpful to go to the station websites and just "hit" (play :)) the BTIKM video. One can even open up a few windows seperately and play it mutliple times at once, or keep refreshing and playing BTIKM vid, all right on the station websites. They keep track of that kind of traffic and "hits" be assured!!!! That's easy to do, and worth the time IMHO.

Anonymous said...

I bet RCA will pick this song as Adam's next single..ok by me,LIKE I SAID before,IF it sounds like this acoustic version..I DO really love it,& agree with anom.@ 8:26pm,March 25..also,Everybody,let's get BTIKM back up in the vh-1 top 20;@ least in the top 10..IF you're interested,the next contender in the March Madness brackets( against Adam) will be James just irks me the way his fans still act..Adam even complimented his song on Conan some time ago. response, that I know of.I think the top 20 countdown is the most important thing to vote for right now,but still..if I have time to vote on other things,I will.

Anonymous said...

take his act to the Bingo Lodge and get those little grannies toes a tappin'.

Anonymous said...

I overheard someone say "yes" when Adam mentioned Bruno wrote this.
At the amazon interview last week.
So yes, this prob. would make a #1 hit.

Anonymous said...

This is fantastic in acoustic form, recording NCOE in dance form, yes yes it will soar to the TOP of the charts.
Go with this as next single Adam.
We wanna dance. Just like you do.

tess4ADAM said...

Forgot one other url for VH1 Top 20 Countdown ... this one is UNLIMITED VOTING so hit it as often as you can fellow Glamberts ..

PLEASE get over to MTV MMM ... I guess I VOTE too much ... they keep 'cooling' me down ... so I space my VOTING every 10 min.

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, so happy for you. Hope you introducted yourself to Adam as your name is used here too.
HE reads site news.
I know he would recognize you as one of the sensible fans. Writing sensible comments.

HK fan, agree with you. Bruno would help with sells. Not that Adam alone couldnt bring them in, but Bruno has tons of fans.
Fans that would be giving Adam a listen and jumping on board.

Anonymous said...

Just saw the whole Bing Lounge inerview and songs on Adamtopia. Fun interview stuff! Too bad the audience didn't request a song other than WWFM, but oh well.

Marketing-wise, I guess NCOE should be the next single because of the Bruno connection. It's a beautiful but "safe" song, radio-wise. It'd like to see Trespassing get it. Love Cuckoo, etc....
DRG (voting on VH1 and March Madness!)

Anonymous said...

7:24 Give it a rest.

Anonymous said...

NCOE's was absolutely awesome! I like the cd version snippet but this live performance with his big vocals and a little rasp are just perfection and my favorite type of vocals for Adam!!

Anonymous said...

Aren't Bruno's fans only interested in songs he sings, not songs he's written that are sung by other artists? Maybe it would be more productive if Adam and Bruno sing this song as a duet? It would receive more airplay then.

Anonymous said...

This performance of NCOE is awesome but I hope it's not the next single. I much prefer the 3 other new songs and I love BTIKM.

Anonymous said...

Super spectacular Adam and Tommy perfect together ONSTAGE Am realizing Adam knew what he was doing choosing Tommy as his lead guitarist . Adam's got a lot of happiness in his life right now professionally and also romantically with partner Sauli . And no one deserves it more Good for you ADAM

Anonymous said...

Is it age that plays into who loves ballads as opposed to dance songs?

Older fans love ballads and the youngster love to shake it at the clubs.

I say the dance version for a hit.

Anonymous said...

Never Close Our Eyes is a "sure fire winner"! Could be the one that wins him a grammy--especially because of the Bruno Mars oollaboration.

Alexandra said...
Adam in third round on Mtv !!!Please vote ! He needs your help.

Anonymous said...

8:56 My comment was going to be just like the one you wrote so thanks for writing it, you did a better job.

Alexandra said...

8: 26 I agree you. I'm in love with NCYE. And this song will bring new fans .

Anonymous said...

Love this acoustic version of NCOE. As for the snippets we heard it was my least favorite. But this should have been single #1 then cuckoo. NCOE wasn't done though when they put out BTIKM. I am requesting and voting everyday cause I want BTIKM to chart as high as possible. I hope Adam makes an acoustic album but this time sell it in stores too!

Anonymous said...

Absolutly love it Adam. You put so much effert into every song that you sing. How could you not be any better. We love you here in Fargo, North Dakota.

Anonymous said...

Vote for Adam on this MTV March Madness poll:

Vote until you get a message that you can't vote for awhile.

Anonymous said...

giving KP a few singing lessons along the way. She should take note. I'll excuse her for being so pretty.

Anonymous said...

Don't want it to look like Adam has to depend on a Bruno song to get a hit. Want it to be ADAM who gets a hit with his own songs. I just feel that way.
Dread the final March Madness when it will probably be Adam and jd. Esp. since lots of haters will be voting against Adam. Not good. jd fans will get everyone else to vote against Adam. Sucks.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else not able to access the Fan Club? Site is not coming up for me.

Anonymous said...

@brownie - so agreeing with your post!

@Adam Fix - Good to see posting again! Stay?

@daydreamin - Thank you so much for the download link and pic, too!

@Glitzylady - GONGRATS, so happy for You! Details, pliiiizzz!


glitzylady said...

I feel an epic post coming I from me : )) but driving home from Portland (at a rest area at the moment..) so later..still on an Adam high! Damn that man can SING!

Anonymous said...

Waiting anxiously for epic post from glitzylady!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ack! Adam is behind at MTV March Madness. I just voted until they gave me the cooling off period. Go vote!

Anonymous said...

OT - I have not been able to access the Fan Club site for five days. I sent them an email about it, but got no reply.

Anonymous said...

Been voting my max on March Madness. We're up against a lot more than just Panic at the Disco fans, but we all know how that goes.

Anonymous said...

Glitzy, so looking forward to your first hand account of everything, you lucky, lucky girl you.
I love NCOE to he sure sang the hell out of it. I would also love a song Adam has actually written to be the next single, but at the end of the day at this stage it has to be the song that will do best. But is this it? The others are wonderful to.
Jadam NZ

Anonymous said...

I love Adam so much...loving the new music..does anyone know why "Just Jared" is not commenting about Adam anymore on his site?? I am perplexed by this as I thought they were friends...

Anonymous said...

I love Adam so much...loving the new music..does anyone know why "Just Jared" is not commenting about Adam anymore on his site?? I am perplexed by this as I thought they were friends...

Anonymous said...

@3:42 Just Jared had an article and a snippet of Trespassing a few days ago.