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Adam Lambert interview Part 1 - 107.9 The End, Sacramento 3.27.12

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Anonymous said...

PLEASE PLEASE VOTE! Adam's percentage for the fourth round against GD is dropping fast. This poll is very important. If Adam wins MTV will play his BTIKM mv for some time. Please vote here:

Vote until you get a message for a cooling-off period. I believe you can vote 50 or more times until you get a message.

Anonymous said...


glitzylady said...

Great interview with Greg and Fernando in San Francisco this morning: Funny!

And he said Happy Birthday to Sauli on the air! Awww..

Anonymous said...

anon 10:04
I've been voting several times a day but since early this morning Adam's numbers are dropping so fast right in front of my eyes while I'm voting! What can we do? Help please!

glitzylady said...

Now for some not so great news..There are very strong rumors that Sonisphere UK, the entire festival, the one with Queen and Adam, has been canceled: Not good. Not confirmed yet, but supposedly an official statement coming form the festival organizers tomorrow..The Official Queen website has a statement to go, not yet officially published. See the screen cap here:!/AdamLambertBE/status/185041397760536576/photo/1/large

Also from this reportedly reliable source:

And from Pressparty:

Waiting for confirmation or denial..If true, I'm so sad for Adam as he will be devastated I'm sure..And if true, hoping they bring it to the US...or at least are able to reschedule in the UK. I don't think Adam was aware of any of this yet when he did the interview I just posted..

: (( Hoping its just an ugly rumor, but is looking like it might be true..Fingers crossed...

Anonymous said...

Why would they cancell this? Hope it's not because of adam and queen together- can't be, can it??

Anonymous said...

Things happen for a reason, think positive fans. Speaking of sonisphere being cancelled.

Anonymous said...

The flasher remark, laughing out loud. Oh boy, is the flasher amongst us?
Funny I am picturing a really tall guy, with a really short thang!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

it is all over the net now that Sonisphere HAS been cancelled, due to poor ticket sales..this really bites a big one..I hope Adam gets to sing with Queen in Russia at least..I guess it is just a sign of the times that concerts don't sell as well as I'm totally bummed out...and I am feeling Adam's pain right now...

Anonymous said...

adam will be ok-uk people or thier economy having a hard time i understand.adam must have a tour her ein the usa or in brazil-brazil love adam lambert.japan or hongkong.

Anonymous said...

I also just read that the Sonisphere UK concert has been cancelled due to poor ticket sales. Hopefully Adam will still sing with Queen in Russia. I am sure he is quite disappointed because he was really looking forward to this. Maybe now this will give him more time with his own album and working on another video for the next single and also putting together the next tour schedule. Or Queen might decide to do something here in the states over the summer for one major concert.

Anonymous said...

Twitter is going abuzz to the sonisphere canc news. Asking Adam to do this and do that.

Oh shiz, he doesnt need this pressure on him with everything else going on in his life.
Like getting ready for His new album to be released.

Adam doesnt have the control of scheduling appearances, says he.
Hope fans let up on him.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:40 AM
As I said in my initial post at 10:44 AM, I don't think Adam was aware of this potential cancellation during the interview earlier today. I actually listened to the interview on the radio..and right after that this Sonisphere news/rumor came up. I followed it for quite awhile before posting it here. Not jumping to conclusions until I hear it from Queen or Adam or the Official Sonisphere site, but it doesn't sound good..

Supposedly there will be an official statement tomorrow, I suppose meaning UK maybe here in the US late tonight...Keeping my fingers crossed...

I don't joke about things like this! I'm devastated for Adam if it turns out to be true and is confirmed. Trust me. This Queen/Adam Lambert collaboration will be so important for him..and he is sooo excited..

On a positive note, if this proves to be true, I would guess they will find another venue and perhaps do a show in the UK, or perhaps move it to the US..or?? We MUST see Adam and Queen sing together!! Nothing has been said about the show in Russia..assuming it will go on..I will definitely remain positive and know that THE SHOW WILL GO ON somewhere..Someone mentioned The Royal Albert Hall: now that's a thought!

Will keep my ears and eyes open for updates!

glitzylady said...

@Anon 12:03 PM
The last thing Adam needs is tweets to him about Sonisphere.. He probably doesn't know anything yet himself..He's a busy man..And its Sauli's birthday today..He doesn't need negative crap ruining it..That's the downside of twitter... Some of us on Twitter have been asking people NOT to tweet him about it..but obviously too late. They were already happening a couple of hours ago...

Positive thoughts to the Universe for Adam today...

Anonymous said...

glitzylady, thats what I mentioned above too. Let up on Adam, fans who do this to him are being pretty rude. He doesnt need that negativity. Things are going so well for him.

Anonymous said...

How can they cancel Sonisphere already, three months before the show?? I can't believe it!! Take a look:

Anonymous said...
When I reitegre to page, I saw the presentation of Queen Adam seemed to me something unique and wonderful!! and that this incredible spectacle, iva to repeat, I hope it's just a rumor or may do so at another time or place. But how big is that this has already happened, being shown the vocal quality and interpretation of Adam Lambert, which is why he was chosen by Queen!! Long live the King!! Adam sings with great pride and tenderness in tribute to Freddy Mercury.!!
Glitzylady cordial greeting. Congratulations on your impressive and deserved proximity to the art of Adam!! Hopefully we have good news soon! HH.

Anonymous said...

Now, the sooner people STOP talking about Sonisphere and CONCENTRATE their energy on the upcoming release of the incredible TRESPASSING, the better. It's UK's total loss that they won't have the opportunity to see Adam in his element, that is L I V E!!! I must admit that I shed a tear when I first read the cancellation news, but quickly realized that it is perhaps the best thing for Adam's career right now. He will tour worldwide with his OWN material that HIS fans REALLY want to hear. No more stupid menace about 'bottling' issues from a few crazy UK rockers!!

Anonymous said...

OT, Southern California fans:

You still have a chance to win tickets to see Adam perform live on 104.3MYfm radio station's stage on Mon. 4/2/12 at 12PM in Los Angeles.

Fill out this form to win tickets:

Anonymous said...

12:41 -- YEAHH!!! Let them find another artist/band to throw their venom on. I WILL NEVER STOP LOVING ADAM LAMBERT, HIS VOICE, HIS SONGS, HIS PERSONALITY AND HIS GENUINESS!

glitzylady said...

One last thing, and I'll stop: This from Lyndsey Parker, who is a great Adam fan and is Yahoo!'Music's managing editor: Tweeted about 45 minutes ago: ...

Lyndsey Parker ‏ @lyndseyparker
My Queen contact has confirmed to me that Sonisphere has indeed been canceled. #sadness

Anonymous said...

If the Sonisphere show is cancelled, I'll bet Queen will find another way to perform with Adam in the UK. The Russia show should be still happening, so we'll have that. The economy is bad, and people cannot afford the cost of a huge, multi-act fesitval like this. Hope it's not true, but it sounds like it. At least we'll have Russia!
Vote for March Madness and VH1!

glitzylady said...

I just have to say one more thing: Sonisphere being cancelled is rather a big deal for many, not only for Adam and his fans, Queen and their fans, but the other bands who were planning to play there. There are also many many people who have booked trips to the UK expressly for this festival, to see Adam and Queen and are now scrambling to get things refunded etc.., so we DO need to talk about it a little bit..It doesn't take away from Adam's TRESPASSING release. And as fans I think we wish to support him not only by voting, buying, tweeting, etc., but by sending our positive thoughts and energy to him...When he finds out he will undoubtedly be disappointed..

No doubt they'll reschedule the concert at some point, maybe UK, maybe US (please..) , at least hoping so, but in the meantime, love to Adam!

Anonymous said...

12:41 Right on, Adams # 1 priorty is his own music. HIS baby.

Anonymous said...

That wasn't wise to have the concert in UK. UK, when world economy is good, it is a very expensive destination to travel to. I've been there many times and I know how expensive things are there. Best place for such a magnitude concert would have been either US or Canada. Hotels are better and much cheaper. Gasoline is cheaper. Food is cheaper. etc. With Europe's bad economy and Olympic in UK this summer, things are outrageously expensive.

Is the Russian concert still in place?

Anonymous said...

OMG OMG OMG!!! Check out Queen's facebook page. They are announcing US and Canada tour.

Anonymous said...

Adam's Tweet to Sauli:

Adam Lambert‏@adamlambert
@saulikoskinen1 happy birthday my love!!!

And it's trending #2 worldwide:!/saraplusadam/status/185005474817650688/photo/1

glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:27 PM
If you look closer, that Facebook page and announcement are for the Queen Extravaganza Tour, the Queen "Cover Band" that they put together. It does NOT include the band members themselves OR Adam Lambert..The band members for this tour are winners of the auditions set up by Queen to put together the band and find singers for the tour..They WILL be singing and playing Queen songs..

I know, it was an exciting thought!

Queen announced that they MIGHT be participating in a couple of the gigs but weren't sure in what capacity..and again, no Adam...

Totally separate band..

glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:15 PM
Have heard nothing re the Queen and Adam concert in Russia. Nothing to suspect they won't do it anyway!!

And yes, I wondered about the close time proximity to the Olympics in London..Its already very expensive (been there..) and with that I'm sure prices are through the roof!! I checked flights etc..and decided I'd have to pass...grudgingly!

Anonymous said...

Oooops, above - forgot to tag


glitzylady said...

Another Sonisphere article..they're starting to appear:


"Sonisphere 2012 cancelled: three acts we were dying to see"
"The rock festival's line-up was too good to be true. But there were three acts in particular that were set to rock our world."

"Sonisphere 2012 has been cancelled and there's a gaping hole of sadness in our hearts.

This year's festival had it all. We had hard rock, classic rock and what looked set to be an exceptional performance from Queen with Adam Lambert. The line-up for Sonisphere looked incredible, but it wasn't meant to be.

According to recent reports, the festival has now been cancelled with official word expected from the organisers tomorrow. We got to thinking about the most exciting performers scheduled in for this year's event, so knock back a Maker's Mark with us to commiserate and let's pick the three acts we were dying to see at the rock festival.


There is no other act on the line-up that revved up this much excitement and controversy. Queen's decision to use Lambert as their frontman for their headline performance on Saturday was a bold choice, especially considering how many die-hard Freddie fans there are out there and people were split on their feelings about the collaboration.

In some senses, Lambert was the obvious choice. He's got the energy and performance style that fits with classic Queen. He's outrageous, he's camp and his soaring voice is built for Queen's epic rock songs. The headline set looked set to bring Queen back in a new way and for a whole new audience."

Read more:

glitzylady said...

And one more from the above source..

"Updated: Queen say Sonisphere 2012 is cancelled
No official confirmation has been given, but Queen's statement and a story on BBC News point to Sonisphere 2012 being cancelled."


Queen have confirmed that this year's Sonisphere festival has been cancelled.

The famous rock festival had been scheduled for July 6-8 at Knebworth. Queen - Brian May and Roger Taylor - had been due to perform with Adam Lambert on the Saturday night, playing through classic Queen songs with the former American Idol contestant.

Queen's statement read: "It is with very heavy hearts and much regret that we announce the cancellation of Sonisphere Knebworth 2012".

Immediate reaction from the public is one of sadness; there was a sense of excitement over Queen's headline performance and some controversy about their choice of frontman. This year's Sonisphere had promised an eclectic variety of performers mixed in with the usual hard rock acts.

Sonisphere's line-up had included controversial rocker Marilyn Manson; Cypress Hill and Faith No More had also been due to play the event.

No official confirmation has come from the organisers, but a statement is expected in the next few days. We'll keep you updated as the news comes in.


Queen have now taken the post down from their website. Looks like they may have been scolded by the organisers for leaking the news before they had the chance to.

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Oh! Dear!!!!!!

SGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG where are u??????? Did u hear the news????

Oh!!! No!!!!!

Don't worry guys it's understandable because of the world economy right now....


Anonymous said...

Need voters on MTV March Madness I've been booted for awhile . . kooling off . . we are neck in neck with Green Day . . I know Durbin peeps are voting against Adam because Green Day beat Durbin HELP

Anonymous said...


I'm sorry so much. I know the illusion that you had to go to Adam and Queen concert.
I feel very bad

A big hug

From Barcelona

Anonymous said...

How about a huge warm welcome by fans outside of radio stations when Adam has his hometown performances in San Diego on 3/30 and L.A. on 4/2.

What do you think? It will warm his heart after this sadden Sonisphere cancellation news.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe the festival was cancelled.This news broke my heart.
P.S. This is a great article about Adam

HK fan said...

in all the articles I've seen and the staement from the Sonisphere organisers themselves, no where does it say that poor ticket sales is the reason for the cancelation. The only place that mentions that is MJ;s bigblog, and she is far from an Adam Fan and seems to take delight in putting him down. And it is not just the UK sonisphere that is cancelled, but all of them across Europe, so it looks like the organisers were in trouble even before the bands were announced.
It looks like Queen and Adam might be trying to come up with something else. They could still play Knebworth on that night.....afterall the venue is available now!!
I was one of the ones going, but luckily I didn't have flights booked as I was going standby, but I know lots of people that had booked flights/hotels including our own SG.