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Adam Lambert Q&A and sings BTIKM at Mix 106.5 San Jose CA 3-29-12

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Thursday, March 29, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, March 29, 2012





Anonymous said...

Sorry OT - Please vote for Adam on MTV March Madness. There is less than 4 hours to go and he is neck and neck with Green Day! We can do this!!

Tip when voting on MTV poll... do not let yourself get blocked into a cooling down period. Stop voting at 40 votes and you will not get blocked. Then you can vote every 10 - 15 minutes. It adds up to about 200 votes an hour instead of about 80 votes per 2 hour cooling off period. That's 4 to 5 times the votes!! (plus you can see how the vote is coming along - you can't when you are blocked)

Anonymous said...

more volume, can't hear the interview :(

Urethra_Franklin said...

what was the shower question??

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm voting as much as possible. And, enjoyed this interview, of course. Adam is the BEST guest to interview. He should be on EVERY talk show. LOVE him to death.

Anonymous said...

Go, Glamberts! We are the best!

Anonymous said...

Shower question... If you and I got out of the shower at the same time, Who would need longer to get ready?

Anonymous said...

Vote,vote,vote Adam is ahead and climbing steadily,but still too close for comfort.

choons said...

Go here for a great article on Adam!

Anonymous said...

Oh no... Green Day is starting to rally! VOTE!VOTE! VOTE! There is only 45 minutes left!

Anonymous said...

VOTE- We are loosing % quickly.!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! That's a fantastic WWFM sing! The way Adam guides his voice out from the diaphragm, larynx, sometimes nasal cavity, at times the unmistakable forceful bewildering and intriguing. That elusiveness we call Adam's voice! :)

Anonymous said...

As much as I ADORE ADAM'S VOICE :-), it would've been really good to hear what the interviewer was saying and the audience's questions. How hard is it to use microphones in the 21st century!!!! :-(

Anonymous said...

OT. MTV March Madness Results are Adam 50%. And Geenday 50% ! It's a tie!

Poll is closed!


Anonymous said...

Guys, sorry! I was on poll daddy at the final moment and it showed results were both at 50%. On AO. They are saying Adam lost with 49.67%. so I'm confused & sorry to confuse you too.:(


Anonymous said...

All that voting & Adam still lost by such a tiny amt):Let's put MORE effort into the VH-1 top 20 voting now..Vh-1 is the channel that plays many more videos than MTV,but I tried also.I hope that BTIKM went up @ least to # 10 this week.Green Day may be beaten by Tokio Hotel next..we'll see.

tess4ADAM said...

I voted my butt off on that SOB poll ... they had help from fans of other bands ... said nasty things about ADAM on their lousy comment board but I kept voting far into the wee hours of the AM & for what? So they could make a last minute lunge over the finish line!! Good job Glamberts ... at least we went down fighting ALL the WAY!! Green Days fans could never have beat us without help from those other fans. I'd say we did ADAM proud ... wouldn't you??
Theirs is an EMPTY VICTORY .. IMO

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

I think we need to vote on NewNowNext for Superfan Site Award. These votes can bring Adam great award and this poll is for real!
This is the link

Don't forget, Adam will perform on NNN awards event!

glitzylady said...

The final vote percentage showed 49.67% on the official MTV MM voting site. I voted forever and it kept going moving on to something else...

Anonymous said...

"Vittu tätä paskaa!"

Sounds so cute coming from Adam... :)

daydreamin said...

Here are more questions from the San Jose M&G:

daydreamin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
funbunn40 said...

@ Urethra_Franklin, I think the shower Question was, If we both got out of the shower at the same time, who would take longer to get ready? I forgot Adam's answer, just remembered it was diplomatic. I caught something about moisterizer and mascara.

funbunn40 said...

@ Urethra_Franklin, I think the shower Question was, If we both got out of the shower at the same time, who would take longer to get ready? I forgot Adam's answer, just remembered it was diplomatic. I caught something about moisterizer and mascara.

funbunn40 said...

Oops Please forgive the dbl post. My big fat cat sat on the keyboard. He's so nosy when it comes to Adamland!

Anonymous said...

Vittu tätä paskaa - not the nicest of expressions when it translates to English ..... :-D

Anonymous said...

NOT happy that Adam lost. I voted for him hundreds of times (I didn't get the ban some were talking about) and all the effort was wasted. But yay Evanescense won! Can't stand the wily MCR fans, by the way..

Anonymous said...

I mean I wouldn't count a person an Adam fan, if they vote for someone in a poll and at the same time don't vote for Adam at all. What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Seriously, this fandom needs a spring cleaning..

Anonymous said...

Worldberts are really passionate with Adams talent........

We loose and we win at the end right?:)))

No matter what other fans think about Adam, he is here to entertain us.

They don't like him because he is different and love by millions of passionate caring fans indeed...

Just ignore them and let us focus what is best for Adams career.:)))

The more they hate us, the more motivation we get....


Anonymous said...

Oops! That first swearing word in Finnish is really bad. He could have taught them something nicer. Like "ihana" = lovely. Sauli used it in his tweet the other day.

Anonymous said...

Canadian, I meant that other fans infiltrating this fandom is not always good, because they distract with their own mission. I just learned that Panic At The Disco and My Chemical Romance are also bands who do the stage gay. So the Adommy fans are allied with them now. Always learning..

Anonymous said...

I think the Adommy fans have issues with real gay people. It's easier for them to accept if someone is at least bi.

Anonymous said...

4:53 AM,

I understand how you feel and it's very frustrating sometimes... But hey we are not the only fans that are worried right???

The best thing that you can do is keep being motivated and kick their asses hard:)))) He!He!

They are jealous of us because we have the most talented singer in our side indeed!!!!!


Anonymous said...

@glitzylady, @daydreamin, @CT and @ANYBODY & EVERYBODY wondering where JAK is….

PLEASE go to this thread (link below) and read the last post in that thread, it’s from JAK --- HELP her and/or make ADMIN explain what has happened on this site??? … So that we can get JAK back on line! Plus perhaps many more people having the same trouble…

@JAK - hoping help is coming your way soon!

GGD Gal - sorry, I can't help, am not a wizard on these things (plus have to go now, will be back by nightfall, I hope)

Anonymous said...

Since "rock" has become the curse word in this fandom too lately, I have a unpopular opinion. I do like pop music alot, but have to say that Pop Star Adam is not fully credible image of him. Maybe it's just me, but I don't buy that he's liking pop music only..

Anonymous said...

@Anon March 30, 2012 6:41 AM: I do not know of course if you will be back to this thread... I do not know Adam Lambert personally AT ALL... but he said, too many times to even count, what an uber fan of POP music he is, that he likes to sing it, listen to it, dance to it, etc. None of us, or at least very very few of us here on this site, I would guess, know of Adam Lambert other than what he has spoken into the public domain, but into the public domain he has offered A LOT!!!! And one thing he has sain over and over is how much he is a fan of pop music. He is a man of many likes and interests, it seems from what he has put out there, and he likes many genres of music... but it appears very clearly to me that he is going for Pop music notariety, and I personally believe he is a very credible pop star in the making. JMO.

Anonymous said...

my use of word "notoriety" above BAD CHOICE, has negative connotation... should have said Pop Music Impact... or something similar. Seems very clear that Adam has stated a love for and interest in many many kinds of music, just seems like he's interested in making a positive impact in the Pop Music Scene at this point in time. Good for him. He certainly has the talent, vocal prowess, and musicianship for it (in fact, probably too much fo those good qualities for the current pop scene ;)).

Anonymous said...

6:53, I always thought FYE was a pop album so I don't think there's gonna be a big change. I think I've heard enough WLL, tbh, so if he's singing some rock live, I hope it's something else. Queen is a rock band, by the way, too. I'm also a disco music lover, so I'm eagerly waiting for the album.

Anonymous said...

I'm hanging out to hear Adam sing Naked Love at one (preferably more) of these radio promos. This song gives me major goosebumps on goosebumps. It would sooooooooo good if he releases it as a single at some stage. It's very radio friendly.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam has said time and again that he loves pop/dance music and I love it too. Rock has to be top-of-the-range for it to hook me in i.e. Queen and a few of Led Zepplin's songs.

Anonymous said...

Just a few responses here:
I'd LOVE to see Adam do a pure rock album someday. He'd kill it. He can sing anything wonderfully.
I know he says he loves pop, but I'll be will do a rock album someday.

As for the March Madness poll, I think that we Glamberts can be very proud that we did so incredibly well. We lost to Green Day by a tiny margin. We stood up to a lot of "anti" Adam voters. We did really well all on our own. We are an incredible fanbase that can stand with the best of them. I love that the poll people said that the Adam/GreenDay match-up got the most votes of any match-up EVER on that poll. I think that's really something to be proud of. We are loyal and fierce and will only get stronger! Don't forget to keep voting on VH1!

And thanks to all who post the wonderful videos and interviews each day. Each day, I fall in love all over again. You all are a wonderful family.


Anonymous said...

Just don't think Adam has made a huge sacrifice singing a few rock songs in the past. Anyway, I don't miss GNT anymore and i can totally live without ever hearing Adam sing WLL, TBC or Fever.

Anonymous said...

Just don't think Adam has made a huge sacrifice singing a few rock songs in the past. Anyway, I don't miss GNT anymore and i can totally live without ever hearing Adam sing WLL, TBC or Fever.

Anonymous said...

Who else found it rude when Adam was asked how Sauli's english is then follows up to say 'is it??' and that she has only heard him speaking in Finnish!!! I mean what business is it of yours to say or ask that?? I don't know that rubbed me off the wrong way....I think anyone who speaks only one language should shut up about anyone's ability to master a language foreign to them. I speak 3 languages fluently and would not fault anyone for having a difficulty learning a new or foreign language!!! And in any case if he spoke broken english so what??

Anonymous said...

It's bothering some folks that Adam and Sauli didn't start their relationship with a deep conversation. Or maybe they did, who knows.

Anonymous said...

"Vittu tätä paskaa - not the nicest of expressions when it translates to English ..... :-D"

Definitely not - but it IS a very common expression esp. among young people when they are not happy about something they see or hear (tv programmes, music, school subjects, or life in general)

Anonymous said...

@8:24 I find it amazing that with geographical difficulties, language and cultural barriers their connection was so strong that after only one night in Helsinki they went on to have this serious long term relationship. That must be some out of this world meant to be kind of thing..because instead of tearing them apart it seemed to bring them closer together. Wow!!!

Sauli has lived overseas before and in Finland you have to learn English but I suppose if you don't practice it everyday then you don't remain as good or as fluent. Adam says they spend a lot of time together at home, jogging, cooking, going for walks etc and I doubt they do that in silence as physical attraction can only get you so far in a relationship. Doubt Sauli is as deep or intellectual as Adam is but who knows, Sauli tends to show very little of himself to the outside world. Apart from tutka and his blog where he sticks to general stuff, we rarely hear him talkin about himself, his family, his view on religion, politics etc so only those close to him know the real him. And yes to the one who asked, I find it rude that he was asked about his english.

Anonymous said...

7:51- Thanks for info regading the MOST VOTES EVER. I voted like there was no tomorrow, and it was difficult, as I was timed out with every vote, after 11:21.
Does anyone have an idea how the % dropped so quickly,while I was timing out on every vote? Weren't the GD fans timed out also? Were there zillions of them?
Congrats to Glamberts!!

Anonymous said...

You know, I'm glad that Adam learned that phrase in Finnish. Finns curse a lot, I've always cursed a lot too, although I never heard cursing in my home. It's something that is part of our national character.

Anonymous said...

You must have heard US being called "the melting pot". In practice it means Anglo conformity.

Anonymous said...

I would NEVER assume that Sauli is shallow or non-intellectual. What an insult it is to assume such a thing. He has written blogs that address lots of topics, not just raccoons in the yard or skate-boarding dogs, (although those are fun topics, too!). He is a good observer and has made some pretty insightful comments on American life. He has a good sense of humor, which is difficult to express in a different language. I can't imagiHe Adam being drawn to someone who is not smart, insightful and quick-witted. Adam is smart and certainly would be drawn to someone who is an intellectual equal. I'm guessing, of course, but I'll bet their cultural differences are interesting to both of them. It's always fun to teach someone else about the way your own culture does or says something. I have alway seen this match as a good one, and I give them the benefit of the doubt. All relationships are complicated. Adam really knows him; we don't. When Adam was asked what he admired most about Sauli, he said, "his heart." Maybe that says it all.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about my goofed up sentence, but I think you get my meaning. Thought I had proof-read!

Anonymous said...

I din`t even try to read these comment`s
We just love this: Better Than I Know Myself

Anonymous said...

Fans shouldnt be asking questions about Sauli, Adam didnt even respond to the silly, we've only heard Sauli speak Finnish.
Adam goes on to say anyone else,
like give me another question paleeze.

Anonymous said...

Geesh getting past all the negative junk above, to answer in regards to the shower question, Adam told her she would probably be ready 1st because he has more to do. All she'd have to do is, "belt it, scent it and moisturize it"

as to the deep conversation, they may not have had that the 1st night, but you can bet they had other deepness.
Adam cursing in Finnish, so be it
Relax , not the end of the world.
He is a charming man.

glitzylady said...

Ummm...I loved Adam sharing the Finnish cursing phrase..I'm going to keep it, memorize it, and use it when needed, and no one around me will be the wiser (except a couple of Finnish-speaking friends...and I seriously don't think they'll be offended, more like amazed!)..I've been known to use the English version a **few** times myself, so this is better!

vittu tätä paskaa ; ))

HK fan said...

@GGD gal
I'm having the same problems as JAK. The recent posts link hasn't been showing up for about a week now when I come onto this site, I've mentioned it about 3 times but so far admin hasn't done anything about it.
It does make navigating the site a lot harder, but as you can see I can still post.
JAK if you see this, when the site first opens click on the first headline, it will bring up the thread and comments as normal. then just click older post at the bottom to get to previous threads.
You can write a comment as normal, then click on adam lambert 24/7 news (in blue) at the top, which will take you back to the first page again. Then scroll down until you get back to the thread you were on. Does that make sense???

Anonymous said...

March 30, 2012 8:43 AM "Sauli tends to show very little of himself to the outside world. Apart from tutka and his blog where he sticks to general stuff, we rarely hear him talkin about himself, his family, his view on religion, politics etc so only those close to him know the real him."

You are right. Well he has said that after being in BB he wants to protect his privacy and he is doing it in his own way.

Anonymous said...

@ GGD gal and @ HK fan

JAK here......I love you!!!!!!!!
I was frantic thinking I would be locked out forever, thanks GGD gal for sending out my SOS and thanks HK fan for giving me the key to getting here again. I couldn't imagine what was going on. It's kind of a nuisance to get here, but better than not getting here at all. I hope this is a temporary situation. I think I'm addicted to 24/7......

Anonymous said...

Don't know if this will help anyone, but I was having trouble with this site a while back. It wasn't quite the same thing, I couldn't see anything most of the time. I tried all kinds of spyware nothing, finally I earsed the browsing history. That fixed it so far, not sure why was only having trouble with this site.Goodluck!!

Anonymous said...

sorry meant to say erased...

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady tell you a story about cursing words in other languages. My oldest son is born here in States and as he says his first language is English. He is in Graduate school right now. He hardly speaks in my native tongue. Once he said a really really bad word in my native language not knowing the meaning of it at all. We were driving some where and we were almost going to get into an accident. Because he said that bad word with a normal tone and it sounded horrible. We gave him hell not to say it again and he was begging for mercy that he didn't know the meaning of it and he learned from a kid who was raised in my native country.

I don't know that Finnish curse word how much of offending reaction can have when it is said in front of Finnish people by some one who doesn't speak Finnish.

Anonymous said...

Anon March 31 7:35 AM A friendly pat on the back "That nice, you speak Finnish perkele".

H said...

love you too :)
Glad to see you back and posting again. This place is not the same without you!!
I too will be glad to see this site back to normal, it takes longer to navigate now.

HK fan said...

oops, that last one was me!

Anonymous said...

@8:32AM the way I see cursing words in any language is, you don't eat s**t with your spoon. Do you? You don't do your bodily business in your living room. Do you? Then, why say it? There is an appropriate place for things. Don't you think?

glitzylady said...


I guess I've been reprimanded...

Sheesh...I'm a big girl and generally use good manners..apparently one cannot joke about anything here today! Now I know how Adam might have felt being reprimanded on twitter by a few spoilsports (sorry) for saying it in the first place. Please. Life is too short to worry about something as trivial as that..

Anonymous said...

JAK here.........about swearing....

I was raised in a family where I never heard a swear word...strange but true...however even as a teen I felt the "need" for an expletive to mutter or shout when extremely frustrated or slammed my fingers in locker door at school. (I think that locker hated "bit" me often).

My dad spoke several languages and had taught my brother and I simple phrases in several...I really liked the dramatic sound of German!
Soooooooo.....I chose the German word for the number 20 as my curse word. It sounded great and was quite impressive to bystanders. It is pronounced ZVANSIG!!!!

I found that quite useful and satisfactory until I was in my 30's and had a car that stalled frequently in the middle of intersections...ZVANSIG no longer was strong enough, so I entered the dark world of real swear words.
I found great relief in shouting a hearty "S**T" when several cars were honking at me as I tried to coax my car into starting.

So, for anyone in need of an innocent curse word I offer ZVANSIG!

HK fan said...

I don't swear a lot, but sometimes you just have to!!!!

glitzylady said...

@HK fan
LOL!! Yes you do..although apparently not everyone does...All I can say to that is YAY!!!

ALTHOUGH....Studies have shown that occasional swearing can be beneficial to your health..This article from Boston University discusses just that concept...And also discusses swearing in a non-native language Example: using Finnish swear words by me...or Adam : )) In case anyone is interested...or not. How about we use this one! OOFTA!! That one works too (Norwegian).

funbunn40 said...

Like Jak, I also never heard swearing in my home. My Dad used to say that people used foul language when they didn't have the proper vocabulary to express themselves. Have to admit there are times when a good swear word is the only way to ease the moment. Oh sh** was my fave word of choice when stubbing my toe, dropping something breakable, etc. I have a few others that have slipped out from time to time when alone and p* I admire anyone that can speak more than one language. Adam and Sauli don't seem to have any problems communicating. I think they are well matched intellectually, both extroverts I think when playing with each other and close, trusted friends. They really do seem to have a lot in common and have so much positive energy. I think they have a lot going for them for a long term relationship. They both seem very happy and are such a good looking couple. I'm glad they've found each other.

Anonymous said...

i just cracked when he said "vittu tätä paskaa!" xD sooo adorable :)btw im from finland so it was so fun (: