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Adam Lambert at Star 101.3 (full performance and interview 33 minutes)

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, March 29, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, March 29, 2012

Adam Lambert Star 101.3 full performance and interview 33 minutes from lambert lust on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

Adam, always such a pleasure to listen to, whether he is singing or talking.

Such a great performer and fantastic personality.

No like "pussy-cat" had me laughing out loud. Adam baby, you know a little " fresh fish" never hurt anyone, great Omega 3's, so please keep that in mind!!!

(he once said he went down on a girl who wasnt that clean") so I say fresh fish.

NCOE or Cuckoo will make a great next single. Hopefully they'll be # 2 and 3 which ever order.

Weirdos, Adam you are such a thrill always making fans so comfortable. Proud to be a weirdo with you.

Anonymous said...

Please vote March Madness. % is dropping. GD fans woke up. Let's show them!!!!

Anonymous said...

You got her(dj's mom) hormones going...

Adam says "yeaaah mom" he is so funny.
Tommy got a laugh out of that one.
Love being a weirdo Adam.

leilani Aloha said...

Adam adorable as always!!!

Anonymous said...

Tip when voting on MTV poll... If you have the time, do not let yourself get blocked into a cooling down period. Stop voting at 40 votes and you will not get blocked. Then you can vote every 10 - 15 minutes. It adds up to about 200 votes an hour instead of about 80 vote per 2 hour cooling off period. That's 4 to 5 times the votes!!

Anonymous said...

PLEASE HELP. Adam being beaten by Greenday on MTV MARCH MADNESS. Please vote and pass the word.

Anonymous said...

I checked Green Day's twitter and they are asking their fans to vote. Does Adam care if he win or lose an MTV poll? I'll vote a few times anyway.

Anonymous said...

At this moment (2:30pm PST) on MTV March Madness, Adam has 49% and Green Day 51%. Voting ends tonight!
Please help vote now!

Anonymous said...

MTV M Madness ...I've been voting & Adam is a little behind.will keep voting.J D's fans are prob voting for Green Day,too.Whoever gets to the last round,has a real tough opponent-Tokio Hotel;they've been clobbering everybody,so far.I've hardly heard any full songs from them,even on you tube.Don't put the M M ahead of the VH-1 top 20, both,please.Do you all hear Adam say that he'd sing the next single on Idol in May?( but it's unknown now which song)

Anonymous said...

MTV M Madness ...I've been voting & Adam is a little behind.will keep voting.J D's fans are prob voting for Green Day,too.Whoever gets to the last round,has a real tough opponent-Tokio Hotel;they've been clobbering everybody,so far.I've hardly heard any full songs from them,even on you tube.Don't put the M M ahead of the VH-1 top 20, both,please.Do you all hear Adam say that he'd sing the next single on Idol in May?( but it's unknown now which song)

Anonymous said...

Adam BB....shooooooockkkk me!!!!Shaaaaake me...I'm melting like a dark chocolate ice-cream....


Anonymous said...

I love watching and listening to these interviews. Adam is so charming, witty, and comfortable with the audience. And, of course, to hear him perform several songs just adds to making my day an even better one. Cuckoo seems to be my new favorite from the new album. How could you not like this guy? Just watch one of his radio promos, then hear him sing and that should convince anyone that Adam Lambert is one amaaaazing individual both personally and musically. Can't wait for his new single, the album,of course, and to see him on American Idol in May.

Anonymous said...

OT MM- that voting 35-40 and stopping before cool down, then in 15-20 min. works,so far.

Please vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its' a tie-back and forth.

Anonymous said...

Adam still behind MTV March Madness VOTE VOTE

Anonymous said...

I just voted for Adam on MTV MM. I'm at cooling-off period and I read the above comment just now. Once I'm allowed to vote I'll do the 40 votes and wait awhile and vote again so I don't get any time-out. Vote people vote:

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the VH1 Top 20 mv countdown:

Anonymous said...

I think Green Day is an awesome band but I absolutely adore Adam so keep voting and don't let yourself get blocked out. I am so tired of Adam being dismissed by the biz. He deserves this and surely Adam's fans are as fierce and fanatical as Green Day's fans. (They are on a mission right now so please vote.) LET"S GO!!!

Anonymous said...

MTV MM site acting weird . . . probably going to crash . . .

Anonymous said...

I think if you are in kooling off period you can turn off computer and vote again . . I'm having trouble voting . . I think we are going to crash the site . . . I'll keep voting . . .we have some serious voters there

Anonymous said...

Adam's dad just tweeted this to Adam. LOL! Watch the video:


@adamlambert Who knows, you may have dodged a bullet for now. The bar has been set pretty high:

Anonymous said...

What's the score? I can't vote now. I'll try the 40 votes once I'm allowed.

Anonymous said...

Been voting like crazy on March Madness on 2 different computers. Just got blocked off both. Now Adam has 49.46% and I didn't even bother to notice what GD has....too busy voting for Adam! The % went up several 10th's for the last 45 min.


Anonymous said...

Please also vote for Adam on VH1. Here is the link for unlimited voting:

Anonymous said...

I'm going to keep voting until midnight. The 40 vote thing works very well - you don't get blocked.

Anonymous said...

Added benefit of the 40 vote/no block strategy... you can see how the results are coming along. Right now we are gaining. I think all the Green Day fans are in a cooling off period right now. They will be back with a vengence when their 2 hours are up. Keep voting!!

Anonymous said...

OMG, the Bohemian Rap. YT vid Eber tweeted (and the tweet itself) was hilarious!

Gotta love that Eber!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Thank you for recording this with Adam and sharing it. But for all you future recorders, and I know its hard but you will be so grateful later, control your urge to sing along and miss out on that beautiful voice in front of you.

Anonymous said...

6:03 - I totally agree! I know it must be hard when you are caught up in the moment (How can you not get caught up around Adam?) but hearing Adam in an intimate setting is a once in a life time dream experience. I would have cried if I was hearing a fan sing instead of Adam's pure and beautiful voice.

Anonymous said...

@6:03 PM and 6:15 PM

I agree. FABULOUS promo except for the people singing when Adam was singing. That is really rude and inconsiderate to the other people who want to listen to Adam ONLY.

Also, I wish they'd move the microphone to whomever in the audience is asking a question because it's very difficult or nigh impossible to hear the questions when people are not speaking into a microphone.

Anonymous said...

Oh no... Green Day is starting to rally! VOTE!VOTE! VOTE! There is only 45 minutes left!

Anonymous said...

I support adam and vote on everything and anything for him,Jeez when is he ever gonna catch a break? Especially when it comes to airplay, then again never hear green day either. Don't like MTV so not really taking this seriously- radio stations are what's important in geting his music out there- not vidoes or MTV JMO. (tween stuff)then again they rule the music business today so who knows.

HK fan said...

I can't get this video to play after 10mins, is anyone else having trouble?
And this site is still not loading properly, the 'recent posts' on the right hand side are not appearing.
Has anyone heard from JAK lately??

daydreamin said...

I was with the group that filmed this video. Loved the pussy-cat comment! Adam is quite the joker!

I saw Adam again today 8 miles from my home :) He was so sweet and so was Tommy and Cheryl, his PR Girl:

Going to the car on their way to the airport and to San Diego:

I only went to this Star 101.3 Meet and Greet and I didn't get in to the 106.5 one but met up with a couple of other twitter pals and Adam came after the station winners were let in. We thought for sure he had already been there awhile! We were so fortunate! He was so sweet and offered to get us in to the venue but the manager kept saying that the record label wouldn't allow it even though other radio stations were doing it. We even heard him tell Cheryl, his Pr girl from Sony "Why are you being so mean?" Anyway, we got to take pictures with him and get autographs! What a dream!

daydreamin said...

Anon 2:34 that was ME asking that question about when he was going to sing on American Idol!! They did bring the microphone over to me once I started talking. I haven't even listened to this online yet. Too busy catching up.

Anonymous said...

What was the name of the cologne?

Something Tokyo?

funbunn40 said...

@anon 1:09AM The cologne is Tokyo Milk, a black bottle with a white upside down octopus is how he described it in another interview.

funbunn40 said...

@ Daydreamin, Don't know how you survived being up that close!! Did you get a whiff of his cologne? So happy for you!! I heard your great question and it was one that I really wanted to know. Wonder if he will be in the finale.Hope he sings Never Close Our Eyes. Have you come down to earth yet? Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures!So beautiful!!Think I'll have to move to Calif!

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady, @daydreamin, @CT and @ANYBODY & EVERYBODY wondering where JAK is….

PLEASE go to this thread (link below) and read the last post in that thread, it’s from JAK --- HELP her and/or make ADMIN explain what has happened on this site??? … So that we can get JAK back on line! Plus perhaps many more people having the same trouble…

@JAK - hoping help is coming your way soon!

GGD Gal - sorry, I can't help, am not a wizard on these things (plus have to go now, will be back by nightfall, I hope)

Anonymous said...

@ GGD gal....JAK here

A thousand thanks for sending out my HELP signal. @ HKfan gave me a way to get here. YAY! I have to sneak in the back door and do some backtracking, but anything that works is appreciated. Hope this situation is not permanent for me!
You are now on my permanent thank you list! <3

Anonymous said...

@JAK, thank you for saying such nice things. I’m just happy I happened to see your post (I’m always behind reading news & threads, lol). Just happy you got help - You are such a VITAL part of this site!!! I’ve been sad a long time cause so many familiar tags have disappeared…Fun times and Glamily Spirit is what I like and what I think a fandom is supposed to be. And FLAILING (lol), telling great stories, sharing experiences, learning new things…Everything you are so good at!!!

Wonder why ADMIN has not reacted to any of the posts and e-mails regarding these problems and/or changes people have been experiencing???

GGD Gal, hoping these problems go away (and having problems with my keyboard, grrrhhh)