More Pictures!
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Posted at : Wednesday, March 28, 2012
@haquelberry: Adam was lucky enough to meet me. He was so excited I let him take a picture with me

@inkdup7: Thanks to @adamlambert I wasn't the only guy with eyeliner in the building yesterday lol

Fernando & Greg In The Morning!

@jazzymixsf: Thx adamlambert 4 stopping by. He played tracks off the new album. WOW! Lovin the music!

@fernandov997: He smells good! Check out @adamlambert with @fernandoandgreg

Another new picture of Adam at The Lobby Bar in Seattle WA
@inkdup7: Thanks to @adamlambert I wasn't the only guy with eyeliner in the building yesterday lol
Fernando & Greg In The Morning!
@jazzymixsf: Thx adamlambert 4 stopping by. He played tracks off the new album. WOW! Lovin the music!
@fernandov997: He smells good! Check out @adamlambert with @fernandoandgreg
Another new picture of Adam at The Lobby Bar in Seattle WA
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One more oic - had not seen this before!/photo.php?fbid=10150645951704091&set=pu.252558399090&type=1&permPage=1
(sorry for the long link)
Why does he continue to hang out and take photos with these freaky people?!?! 2012 is not going to be Adam's year, nor any year after this. 1st single tanks, Queen concert tanks, and then all of this.
I think the last pic is just funny. xD
3:04..first of all the 1st single has not tanked..heard it twice on radio today..Queen gig was just a part of the concert that was cancelled..and Adam just likes to revisit the types of places he used to hang out in..more often than now...I am a straight older female and I think this pic is neat...and I love Adam..maybe he isn't as popular as other artists because of narrow minded people, but he is the most talented, nicest, best looking, etc., artist out there!!!!
3:31 hey I heard BTIKM on the radio today too. Now I want to hear it everyday. I love Adam's expression in this picture.
3.04 Buzz off with your nasty negativety and leave us in peace.
We will be with Adam thru thick and thin as always.
How can you say the single is a flop. also the album is not even out yet. JEESH
Jadam NZ
Super sad to hear about Sonisphere just wondering if it has anything to do with the fact that it has been a metal concert the last few years. Maybe folks weren't happy no metal this year.
I'm sure this year will be Adam's year. The album will be amazing. But I do agree with @3:04 that he shouldn't take photos with that kind of people anymore. There are too many people who don't like it and they can get the impression that all the love songs in his album are just for the gay world.
yeah, everybody is smiling for the camera, and obviously having a good time..and Adam is all "WTF have I gotten myself into"????
4:00..the song "Trespassing"..adresses the issue of just ignoring what people say and just do your thing..I think we all know that this is actually not a good impression to put out there when one is trying to promote themselves..but, you know what..I admire the hell out of Adam for not giving a s**t..I believe that he will continue to be himself and I also believe that he really doesn't care if he becomes a billionaire..he just wants longevity and enough money to have a nice life...
You MUST watch this video. Adam's voice is impeccable here:
Have ya'll heard that the queen concert is cancelled? Sonisphere is cancellec because they haven't sold enough tickets.
to all of you that love his music, but have to comments on what pics and who he takes pics with, etc. - you are not getting the Trespassing message if you think he should only promote in one certain way. it makes me crazy now marrow-minded folks are. not to mention the ongoing negativity of 3:04. sonisphere was also cancelled in Sweden - has nothing to do with Queen or Adam (it seems to be the economy and promoters' organization).
@Anon 4:31
yes, heard that. Check the last two threads..more info there about Sonisphere. The info from media indicates its not so much related to the festival itself but the generally bad economy in Europe and the UK..Many festivals have been cancelled this year..some very famous ones.. Really sad.....
I love Adam BECAUSE of his guts to do what he wants to do and be with who he wants to be with. He is a much more interesting person because he does things that are out of the mainstream and is true to himself. He is never boring, always fascinating, risk-taking. There are plenty of nice, middle-of-the-road traditional singers out there is someone can't accept Adam as he is. I'll take him any ol' way. He a quality person, and he's worth it.
Congrats Adam on all the great work you're doing to promote Trespassing!
Can't wait for the new CD and your live appearances on TV. You look and sound great as usual! Everyone loves you everywhere you go with your pure talent, quick wit, charm and personality. I'm so proud to be part of the Glamily!
Forever Fan,
Adam looks like Tom Hanks in BIG, one of the funniest/saddest movies of all time.
Hey 3:04 -- Who's paying you for this????
Hi this is 3:04 again. Just saying I personally don't care who he takes pics with and I will buy all of his music and videos, which I have been doing for 3 years. But I just know how this looks to the non devoted fans who don't support him unconditionally. Ya'll know it's true. Why do you think he "killed" the glitter?
Damn you Adam F. Lambert . . I try to watch American Idol and just can't do it . . . you have spoiled me . . . no one can compare.
BTW . . love the boys in the last picture.
I can't watch Idol, either. I tried, but I just can't. I will watch the week Adam is on, of course!
Heard that Adam is hinting at a Queen gig that could be replacing the Sonisphere show. Hope we hear soon.
I agree with two previous comments about not being able to watch American Idol after Adam set the bar so high during season 8. There is just no one like him in vocal talent, style and stage presence. Maybe it's because he was older than most of the kids in this season's group and also had the theater background. Adam was just so much of an individual that no one since then has come close to that voice. Even though there were some good performances tonight, will any one of them really become a successful recording artist? I guess time will tell and you do not have to win either to make it in the music business as Adam and others have proved. Can't wait until Adam appears on the show. I don't think a date has been announced yet.
Love Adam and love the hair ! the pic with the 2 guys is priceless.
I would think that most of the pictures seen on this site are not seen by the general public or are published anywhere else in reference to the group of guys Adam met at a gay bar. And those of us who are Adam fans understand and accept his lifestyle and going places where he feels comfortable and can have some fun. If you don't like his friends, then you don't have to follow his music. Go listen to some no talent, aut-tuned, pointless song from someone who thinks they can have a hit and maybe they do. But will that person have longevity, sustainability in the music business; I doubt it. Adam Lambert is a very talented individual and will always be involved creatively in some aspect of music, the theatrical stage or even fashion and style. He may not reach the mega stardom that we want for him, but he has so much to offer that he will be just fine.
I guess England, specifically London, is focusing on the Olympics this summer and putting all its money into organizing those events. With the economic situation throughout Europe and people without jobs, money for concert tickets is not a priority. I am sure that Adam is unhappy about the situation, but it wasn't his fault and maybe Queen can put together another concert somewhere here in America.
3:04 if Adam was standing there in his underpants that might prove a problem, but I think he is fully dressed.You are a snarky person and y'all know that's true. What fan would get on the internet and leave a pitiful comment like yours.Watch who you call freaky. Those kids have families and loved ones too. Put some energy and imagination into the person you are really following.
@3:04 ... quite frankly it doesn't really matter WHAT you think about ADAM's friends. ADAM has been living his own life for 30 years without your input & he will continue to do so LONG after you stop following him. You are not the kind of person I would associate with ... I would prefer any one of 'those kind of people' to your pompous AZZ!! Go somewhere else ... borrow a quarter & call someone who CARES!!
@4:00 ... and that goes DOUBLE for you, too!!!
Really hoping Adam and Queen will do something special beside Russia since sonisphere was cancelled. That's too bad,but I am sure the Olympics factored into it.A concert in the U.S. would be awesome.keeping fingers crossed for something!
I hope they reschedule a Queen concert somewhere in the UK. That show would draw so many.
And Anon 3:04, I doubt that most people that would buy Adam's album would give a hoot about a few photos of Adam at a gay bar. What's the difference between that and Madonna running around in her underwear, kissing girls. Grow the f--- UP! It's 2012 and no one cares. If you are homophobic, you are not going to support a gay artist no matter what. What year is it?
I watched Idol tonight and Elise did Whole lotta love! If I had not heard Adam sing this song I would of loved her performance but it was like a Reminder of Adam. The sound was like that of the idol tour, which felt like a copy of Adam. I think I will wait to see Adam on the show before watching it again.
Oh Yeah, ADAM having some fun.
3:04pm, those "freaky" people are HIS people! I understand what you are trying to say. But adapting his style and his music is very different than starting to deny who he is. Taking a few pictures with a group of people who are obviously having a costume party (even if sparsely clothed costume party :) is not comparable to the "glitter era".
The first picture...Adam has his photo taken with a doctor! It doesn't bother him that much who he is photographed with as long as he feels comfortable with them. So was he visiting a hospital, first picture. Adam should also visit old folks homes; he'll bring on a lot of smiles. They will appreciate him a lot. Try not to look at everything from the $$$ angle; yes no doubt it is very important! As the saying makes the world go round. :)
Cool pics. I love the expression on Adam's face in #3. <3
Just a comment about Idol this season: I think there are some really talented people this year...Seriously..None is Adam..but good nonetheless. My hubby and I watch it, and really enjoyed the performances tonight. And I like Elise, who did a great job with Whole Lotta Love. Again, Adam will always "own" that song for me...and no one can quite have the same ummm....effect ...on me singing that song..but she did well...
Really looking forward to seeing Adam on there!
Here's what I think the problem is. I believe many of Adam's straight fans support him no matter what, but I do suspect for some it's their first peek into the gay social scene. Unless you're gay or hang with gay friends, some of the photos occasionally posted on this fansite are a little shocking at first! Just because it makes some fans a little uncomfortable is no reason to tell them to go away. Following Adam's activities during his personal, offstage time has been a real eye-opener into the GLBT community. Give these fans some time to get used to "seeing" it up close and personal. If that's too hard, then my advice to these more conservative fans would be to not look but keep listening to and buying Adam's music. That's what really matters.
Just got home from M&G with Adam!! Was in the front row!!
He answered my question about when he would be on Idol and if he knew what song he is going to sing and he said May and it would be whatever the new single is going to be! He was also asked by Sandy Stec, the DJ what was happening with Queen and Sonisphere and he said "I can't talk about it"!
Here is one of my friends video's of NCOE, BTIKM and Cuckoo. Her video's are a lot better than mine. I am still figuring out how to upload more than just the first 3 minutes of mine lol! Got a huge hug and pic!!
Adam wore that shirt (gray striped) last year when he and Sauli went out to celebrate Sauli birthday . . remember he spilled something on it.
love the pics
front row daydreamin . . so happy for you . . .
WLL is Adam's song..Idol is really stupid this year..Phillip Phillips gets my vote..Adam looking good in all his promos and sound beautiful
So happy for you daydreamin---I know you are having sweet dreams tonight.
I've stopped watching the promo videos of Adam and Tommy. Anyone else think the radio promo performances from Adam and Tommy are like they'd be having sex? Adam saying "speed up a bit", slow down a bit". I bet someone has made a fic of that too. Another embarrasing moment was when Adam was talking about reading fan fics of him and Tommy at St.Agathe concert. Adam sure knows how to spoil the experience of the majority of the fans who are not interested about him and Tommy. :/ REMEMBER TO VOTE FOR ADAM!! :) IF U HAVE TIME NOW GO VOTE, THERE'S NOT THAT MANY GREENDAY FANS ATM!! :) LET'S GET THE NUMBER UP!! :) THE POLL CLOSES SOON!!!! REMEMBER U CAN VOTE MANY TIMES!
I'd blame Kiss more than Queen for the poor ticket sales for Sonisphere festival. I never liked Kiss.
@3.04 there you go again Liz!
Am I the only one who cannot get to the list of recent posts? I clicked on "Home" and this was the first post that popped up.
I think this is the most recent post.
The mind is truly a powerful thing, people see what they want to see. This whole Tommy thing coming up in almost every post is rather annoying. I don't see the supposed sexual chemistry between them but then again I also didn't see the whole Kris/Adam chemistry that fans would swear existed but now the focus is on Adommy. I see two people who gel well and get along great...I suppose them kissing gave fans fantasies that they are loath to let go of.
People always go on and on about how Tommy is loyal to Adam and supports him but that is his EMPLOYER and MEAL TICKET at the end of the day and has given him the opportunity to have as close to a rock star lifestyle that he has always dreamed of and probably wouldn't have achieved without Adam esp considering that he is getting older. Now he has his own fans and I am made to believe the crays frequently send him money and gifts so maybe that's why he doesn't block or call out some of them like LLA on twitter. Anyway that's his business but I find it disconcerting when he gets more attention than Adam at events meant to promote A.
Adam will compromise his personal life only so far. He will continue to be visible in the gay community. I understand that this may have an impact on potential new fans, but I don't think Adam will completely shut out that part of his life. He just won't. We long-time fans are used to all this and we accept it. I know my eyes have been opened to a greater understanding of the gay community. It's been a valuable education for me.
I'm thinking that Adam and Queen may have a different concert in the works already. And MAY, for Adam on AI? That's great! The closer to the finale, the more high impact his appearance will have.
I'm going to vote on MM and VH1
Is anyone else having problems getting this site to load properly?? and where are all the new posts, there's been several videos since yesterday, plus the Sonisphere news, surely that warranted a thread.
Queen Online Statement re Sonisphere Cancellation:
29th March 2012
Sonisphere Statement
“It is with very heavy hearts and much regret that we announce the cancellation of Sonisphere Knebworth 2012.
Putting the festival together in what is proving to be a very challenging year was more difficult than we anticipated, and we have spent the last few months fighting hard to keep Sonisphere in the calendar.
Unfortunately circumstances have dictated that we would be unable to run the festival to a standard that both the artists and that Sonisphere’s audience would rightly expect.
We want to express our deepest regrets to the artists and to thank all the staff, suppliers and contractors who worked so hard with us to try and pull off what has proven to be an impossible task and we know how much they share in our disappointment. We also want to send a huge thanks to the Sonisphere fans who stuck by us and we are so sorry that we can’t fulfil what we set out to do.
Ticket holders will automatically receive a full refund direct from their ticket agents"
Team Sonisphere
Statement from QUEEN
"We are disappointed to hear of the cancellation of the Sonisphere Festivals as we were very much looking forward to performing with Adam Lambert and particularly as the venue was Knebworth, our last stand with Freddie. We apologise for the disappointment to all those who were looking forward to seeing us. We are working to see if we can redress the situation at some other venue."
Roger Taylor and Brian May
I've watched just about every video, performance, etc. with Adam and Tommy together, and I have never noticed that Tommy gets more attention than Adam. Tommy gets attention, yes, but never more than Adam, as far as I can see.
All you people having a hard time dealing with the crazy pictures Adam is seen in, have no fear.
He mingles with everyone.
He loves people, people love him.
Listen to the San Francisco interview. Guys & girls the right mood, you've got him.
Dont worry, Be happy!
Adam is the #1 Tommybert. Tommy has been longest in Adam's band, although he's not the most talented guitarist and his fan base is not relevant for Adam's success in any way. I don't mind them being friends at all, but I want something else for a live experience than the same old stuff that feeds the crazies and causes confusion in and outside of fandom. I thought Adam was smarter, but lately I've been thinking he's just stubborn and he's willing to switch his own fans to Tommy and his fans.
I'm not saying there should be a revolution in this fandom, but it's not nice when you realize that Tommyberts are the dominating minority in this fandom and you are in the majority that don't mean a shit.
Here to rally the troops. March Madness needs some hits. Adam is ahead now, but % going down as I was voting. You can vote every 2 hours if you are inclined. GO ADAM!!!!!!! Vote for Adam Lambert! He must win!
March 29, 2012 9:55 AM: I think that the Tommybert group got a good blow this past weekend when LLA made her (incorrect) Hitler reference in Twitter. That opened some eyes. I let that whole stupidity to bother me (got a little over invested), and then decided to stop. A small group lives in their own delusions. Let them do it and the rest of us should just ignore, ignore, ignore. It's Adam's decision what he does regarding Tommy. If it somehow hurts his career, it's again his decision / problem.
Tommyberts who are delusional are a little group but they are making a lot of troubles and confusion. Not a good thing to Adam.
10:15, I agree, but I don't want Adam's career to go downwards. The Adommy stage gay is a stupid act and I'd rather see him grow out of it and get more radio play and tv appearances instead.
Reminder MTV poll for 4th round will close tonight at midnight US eastern time.
PLEASE PLEASE VOTE! Adam's percentage for the fourth round against GD is dropping fast. This poll is very important. If Adam wins MTV will play his BTIKM mv for some time. Please vote here:
Vote until you get a message for a cooling-off period. I believe you can vote 50 or more times until you get a message.
Tommyberts are not in any shape or form about Adam's music. All they care about is the interaction between Adam and Tommy. They don't request Adam's single, they don't participate in voting polls, I don't think they will pass on Adam's music to their friends and some of them they can't even buy Adam's album cause they live in countries that listening to music is forbidden (no iTunes for them to purchase Adam's album, they download his music for free). For some odd reason they are trying to dominate Adam's fanbase and continue with their delusional Adommy thing. Adam's management should do something about this group. They are hurting Adam's career. I saw LLA tweet having Hitler's quote. It was disgusting.
I have noticed too, that Tommy crays don't vote for Adam. They prefer MCR, Gaga, Tokio Hotel and so on. Some were even pissed that Adam won against Panic at the Disco in the previous round. I did vote yesterday on that MM poll a lot when Adam was at 48%. Let's make a deal and vote Evanescence and Adam. Proper music for the win.
Look at those cute boys in their panties, makes one want to play.
does every thread have to drift to the Tommybert bs?
1:01, this is not bs talk. This is how things are in this fandom.
I don't have Twitter. Who is LLA???? and what did they say?
And yes, I'm also having trouble with this site loading. I can't get the recent posts to load like they used to.
1:55 Actually it is bs talk and it rarely comes up outside of Twitter.
This site is an exception. The Tommy nutters come here because it's one of the few online sites where you can post anonymously and not have to answer for your comments.(Not to be confused with his normal fans; he has a lot of thse, including me.)
I don't have twitter so let me get this straight. Tommyberts are Tommy fans who enjoyed his stage antics with Adam during the Glam Nation Tour and believe it was real. They don't believe they are just friends and dream there could be something more, that Sauli (that gorgeous man!) is just a fake boyfriend or an obstacle to the future of Adommy. And now they are trying to take over the fandom! WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE SMOKING??????? AH HA HA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.........Cuckoo!
It's a sad fact....idiots are multiplying....sanity is on it's way out!
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