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Picture: Adam Lambert With A Fan at Airport (3-29-12)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, March 30, 2012

Posted at : Friday, March 30, 2012

@adamlambert thank you so much!! #adamlambertistheBEST


Anonymous said...

She looks adorable - so excited.

Anonymous said...

good laaaawwwdy he's beautiful. And so is she, adorbs and looks so excited, cute!

Anonymous said...

Why can't people see that Adam Lambert is 1,000,000 times better singer, better looking, better live performer and better personality than the other Adam on that other show?

I will never understand...

Anonymous said...

he is adorable, isn't he

choons said...

OT but I am confused about the new album - there will be a regular release and then there will be a deluxe edition, with extra songs. And I read somewhere that if you pre-ordered the regular release then you could upgrade to the deluxe. I guess my question is, will I be able to buy a deluxe edition without preordering, and will it be available at the same time as the regular release? And why have both, why not just the deluxe since we all want more Adam?
Also, will the deluxe be available on itunes?
Does anyone know? I'm feeling a bit out of it.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:56 AM,

I know how you feel my dear:(

In my opinion a lot of people knows Adam is the best but they can't accept that he is different and they don't want to waste their time for this amazing singer indeed.

They are blinded for being ignorant that's all and it's their loss anyways:((


Anonymous said...

Yes, the mind can certainly be blinded by ignorance; we see yet not see, we hear but not listen and that is detrimental to the mind; it slows it down considerably. :)

Anonymous said...

#18 on VH1 . . lets see if we can do better next week . . . . me, I think Adam out of spotlight too long . . too longggggggggg waiting for new CD . . . . I know it will be worth it but DAMN!!!

Anonymous said...

I think we need to accept the fact that everyone isn't going to go crazy over Adam. Everyones tastes differ. Some of todays biggest stars are talentless to me. Just a matter of taste. We just happen to have excellent taste. :)